
    技术2022-05-11  285



    /** * @class FastString * * @brief This class provides a wrapper facade for C strings. * * This class uses an included engine to allocate memory,  * that stored one line string buffer in chars arrary and bigger * string in malloc buffer. * NOTE: if an instance of this class is constructed from or * assigned an empty string (with first element of '/0'), then it * is not allocated new space.  Instead, its internal * representation is set equal to a global empty string. * CAUTION: in cases when FastString is constructed from a * provided buffer with the release parameter set to 0, * FastString is not guaranteed to be '/0' terminated. * * @author Naven */

    template <typename CHAR, size_t BUFSIZE = 256> class FastString_Base{protected:    CHAR m_psBufLine[BUFSIZE];    CHAR *m_psBuf;    CHAR *m_psRep;    size_t m_nLen;    size_t m_nBufLen;

    private:    void init();     void allocate(const size_t size, int reallocate = 0);

    public:    FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>();    FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>(const FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE> &s);    FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>(const CHAR *str);    FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>(const CHAR *str, const size_t len);    FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>(const size_t len, const CHAR c);    ~FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>();

        void set(const CHAR *str, size_t len);     FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE> substring(const size_t offset, size_t length = -1) const;    void substring(FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE> &s, const size_t offset, size_t length = -1) const;    FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>& append(const CHAR *str, size_t len);     int startsWith(const CHAR *prefix, size_t len = 0, size_t offset = 0, int ignorecase = 0) const;     int equals(const CHAR *str, size_t len = 0, int ignorecase = 0) const;     FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>& toLowerCase();     FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>& toUpperCase();     FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>& replace(const FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE> &name, const FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE> &value, const int ignorecase = 0);     FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>& replaces(FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE> *pNames, FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE> *pValues, int count, const int ignorecase = 0);     CHAR *detach();    CHAR *clone();    void resize(size_t len, CHAR c);     void resize(size_t len);     void release();     void clear();

        size_t length() const;     size_t size() const;     size_t capacity() const;     const CHAR *c_str() const;    CHAR *rep() const;    //CHAR operator [] (size_t i) const;    CHAR charAt(const size_t i) const;    operator CHAR * () const;     operator const CHAR * () const;     operator void * () const;     operator const void * () const;     FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>& replaceIgnoreCase(const FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE> &name, const FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE> &value);     FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>& replacesIgnoreCase(FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE> *pNames, FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE> *pValues, int count);     FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE> substr(const size_t offset, size_t length = -1) const;    FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE> &operator = (const FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE> &s);    FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE> &operator = (const CHAR *str);    FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>& append(const FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE> &s);     FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>& append(const CHAR *str);     FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>& append(const CHAR c);     FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>& append(const int n);     FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>& append(const unsigned int n);     FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>& append(const float f);     int endsWith(const CHAR *suffix, size_t len = 0) const;     int endsWithIgnoreCase(const CHAR *suffix, size_t len = 0) const;     int startsWithIgnoreCase(const CHAR *prefix, size_t len = 0, size_t offset = 0) const;     int equalsIgnoreCase(const CHAR *str, size_t len = 0) const;     int equals(const FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE> &s) const;     int equalsIgnoreCase(const FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE> &s) const;     int getline(int pos, FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE> &s, const CHAR *sep = NULL);     int empty() const;

        FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>& trimRight(size_t offset);     FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>& trimLeft(size_t offset);     FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>& removeChar(const CHAR c);     FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>& removeChars(const CHAR *chrs);     FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>& replaceChars(const CHAR *chrs, const CHAR chr);     FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>& rtrimChars(const CHAR *chrs);     FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>& ltrimChars(const CHAR *chrs);     FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>& trimChars(const CHAR *chrs);     FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>& trimRight();     FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>& trimLeft();     FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>& rtrim();     FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>& ltrim();     FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE>& trim();     size_t extractValueByName(                    const CHAR *substr,                     const CHAR *div1, const CHAR *div2,                     FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE> &value,                     const CHAR *vdiv,                     const int count = 1);    size_t extractIntegerByName(                    const CHAR *substr,                     long *value,                     const long defval = 0);     size_t extractValueByName(                    const CHAR *substr,                     FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE> &value,                     const int count = 1);     size_t extractValueByIndex(                    FastString_Base<CHAR, BUFSIZE> &value,                     const CHAR tag,                     const int index);     int indexOf(    CHAR target[], size_t targetCount,                    size_t fromIndex,                     const int ignorecase = 0);     int indexOf(    CHAR target[],                    size_t fromIndex = 0);     int indexOfIgnoreCase(                    CHAR target[], size_t targetCount,                    size_t fromIndex);     int indexOfIgnoreCase(                    CHAR target[],                     size_t fromIndex = 0);     int lastIndexOf(CHAR target[], size_t targetCount,                    size_t fromIndex,                     const int ignorecase = 0);     int lastIndexOf(CHAR target[],                     size_t fromIndex = 0);     int lastIndexOfIgnoreCase(                    CHAR target[], size_t targetCount,                    size_t fromIndex);     int lastIndexOfIgnoreCase(                    CHAR target[],                     size_t fromIndex = 0);

    public:    static CHAR* removechars(CHAR *s, const CHAR *chrs);     static CHAR* replacechars(CHAR *s, const CHAR *chrs, const CHAR chr);     static CHAR* rtrimchars(CHAR *s, const CHAR *chrs);     static CHAR* ltrimchars(CHAR *s, const CHAR *chrs);     static CHAR* trimchars(CHAR *s, const CHAR *chrs);     static CHAR* rtrim(CHAR *s);     static CHAR* ltrim(CHAR *s);     static CHAR* trim(CHAR *s);     static CHAR* nextline(CHAR *sbuf, const int size,                     CHAR **pptr, CHAR **ppchr, CHAR *chr);     static size_t extractValueByName(                    const CHAR *str, const CHAR *substr,                     const CHAR *div1, const CHAR *div2,                     CHAR *buf, const size_t size,                     const CHAR *vdiv,                     const int count = 1);    static size_t extractIntegerByName(                    const CHAR *str, const CHAR *substr,                     long *value,                     const long defval = 0);     static size_t extractValueByName(                    const CHAR *str, const CHAR *substr,                     CHAR *value, const size_t size,                     const int count=1);     static size_t extractValueByIndex(                    const CHAR *pstr, const size_t len,                     CHAR *value, const size_t valsize,                     const CHAR tag,                     const int index);     static int findIndexOf(                    CHAR source[], size_t sourceCount,                     CHAR target[], size_t targetCount,                    size_t fromIndex = 0,                     const int ignorecase = 0);     static int findIndexOf(                    CHAR source[], CHAR target[],                    size_t fromIndex = 0);     static int findIndexOfIgnoreCase(                    CHAR source[], size_t sourceCount,                     CHAR target[], size_t targetCount,                    size_t fromIndex = 0);     static int findIndexOfIgnoreCase(                    CHAR source[], CHAR target[],                     size_t fromIndex = 0);     static int findLastIndexOf(                    CHAR source[], size_t sourceCount,                     CHAR target[], size_t targetCount,                    size_t fromIndex = 0,                     const int ignorecase = 0);     static int findLastIndexOf(                    CHAR source[], CHAR target[],                     size_t fromIndex = 0);     static int findLastIndexOfIgnoreCase(                    CHAR source[], size_t sourceCount,                     CHAR target[], size_t targetCount,                    size_t fromIndex = 0);     static int findLastIndexOfIgnoreCase(                    CHAR source[], CHAR target[],                     size_t fromIndex = 0); };

    typedef class FastString_Base<char, 256>        FastString; typedef class FastString_Base<char, 65>         ShortString;

    typedef class FastArray_Base<FastString>        FastStringArray; typedef class FastArray_Base<ShortString>       ShortStringArray;

    typedef class FastArray_Iterator<FastString>    FastStringArrayIterator; typedef class FastArray_Iterator<ShortString>   ShortStringArrayIterator;
