修改ESX 最大2TB限制

    技术2022-05-11  21

    If you are using simple raid types (0,1,5,6) then you can create multiple virtual disks on each raid group.

    1) Press R during the boot process to enter the PERC configuration utility.

    2) Create a new virtual disk. After you have selected your RAID level (must be 0, 1, 5, or 6), and your physical disks; enter 2097152 or smaller for the VD Size in MB. When you proceed to the VD name, the utility will automatically subtract 1 from the VD size.

    3) Finish creating the new virtual disk.

    4) From the main screen, expand "space allocation" and select "Free Space".

    5) Press to create a new virtual disk, and enter a disk size less than or equal to 2097152 for the 2nd virtual disk.

    6) You may repeat steps 4 and 5 to create up to 16 virtual disks for each Disk Group.

    The other option, which someone else posted, is to create multiple raid groups. This also works.

    在DELL 服务器上设置:

