
    技术2022-05-11  26

    #include <time.h>#include <windows.h>#include <iostream>#define TOM(byteValue) (byteValue/1024/1024)using namespace std;int main(){ time_t nowTime; unsigned short FreeMem = 0; MEMORYSTATUS MemStat; while(1) {  MemStat.dwLength = sizeof();  GlobalMemoryStatus(&MemStat);  FreeMem = TOM(MemStat.dwAvailPhys);  time(&nowTime);  cout << ctime(&nowTime);  cout << "Current Free Mem:  " << FreeMem << "M" << endl;  if (FreeMem < 500)   cout << "execute your program here" << endl;  Sleep(2000);/*  cout << MemStat.dwMemoryLoad << endl;  cout << "percent of memory in use:" << TOM(MemStat.dwMemoryLoad) << endl;  cout << "bytes of physical memory:" << TOM(MemStat.dwTotalPhys) << endl;  cout << "free physical memory bytes:" << TOM(MemStat.dwAvailPhys) << endl;  cout << "bytes of paging file:" << MemStat.dwTotalPageFile << endl;  cout << "free bytes of paging file:" << MemStat.dwAvailPageFile << endl;  cout << "user bytes of address space:" << MemStat.dwTotalVirtual << endl;  cout << "free user bytes:" << MemStat.dwAvailVirtual << endl;*/ }

     return 0;}

