
    技术2022-05-12  35

    unit SGridFunction; {******************************************* 模块名称:StringGrid操作函数模块 编写者:Tony 开始日期:2006年12月05日 版本号:v1.0.7 ********************************************} interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,SConnect, Dialogs, Global, Grids, DBGrids, DB, DBClient, WinSkinData, StdCtrls, Buttons, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, ComObj, Clipbrd, ADODB; //成功提示框 //AMsg: 成功提示信息 procedure SuccessMsgbox(AMsg: String); //错误提示框 //AMsg: 错误提示信息 procedure ErrorMsgbox(AMsg: String); //询问提示框 //strMsg:询问信息 function AskMsgbox(AMsg: String): Boolean; //信息提示框 //AMsg: 提示信息 procedure InfoMsgbox(AMsg: String); //导出数据到Excel //ASGrid:需要导出的StringGrid //ExcelModalPath: 报表模版全路径,为空则新建工作簿 //ExcelFileName: Excel文件的默认文件名 //AGridStartCol, AGridStartRow: StringGrid的起始列和行,从0开始 //AExcelStartCol, AExcelStartRow: Excel的起始列和行,从1开始 procedure ExportToExcel(ASGrid: TStringGrid; ExcelModalPath, ExcelFileName: String; AGridStartCol, AGridStartRow, AExcelStartCol, AExcelStartRow: Integer); //取得某一列数据的最大长度 //ASgrid: 目标StringGrid //ACol: 目标列,从0开始 //AStartRow: 起始行,从0开始 function GetColMaxDataLength(ASGrid: TStringGrid; ACol, AStartRow: Integer): Integer; //根据数据长度自动设置指定列的列宽 //ASgrid: 目标StringGrid //ACol: 目标列,从0开始 procedure SetOneColWidth(ASGrid: TStringGrid; ACol: Integer); //根据数据长度自动设置全部列的列宽 //ASgrid: 目标StringGrid procedure SetAllColWidth(ASGrid: TStringGrid); //显示ClientDataSet中的数据 //ASgrid: 目标StringGrid //ACDSet: 包含数据的ClientDataSet //AGridStartCol, AGridStartRow: StringGrid的起始列和行,从0开始 procedure ShowClientDataSetData(ASGrid: TStringGrid; ACDSet: TClientDataSet; AGridStartCol, AGridStartRow: Integer); //显示ADOQuery中的数据 //ASgrid: 目标StringGrid //AQuery: 包含数据的ADOQuery //AGridStartCol, AGridStartRow: StringGrid的起始列和行,从0开始 procedure ShowQueryData(ASGrid: TStringGrid; AQuery: TADOQuery; AGridStartCol, AGridStartRow: Integer); //判断是否含有数据 //true: 包含数据 //false: 不包含数据 //ASgrid: 目标StringGrid //AStartCol, AStartRow: 起始列和行,从0开始 function HaveData(ASGrid: TStringGrid; AStartCol, AStartRow: Integer): Boolean; //取得9位以内整数位数 //>=1: 该整型数的长度 //0: 空值 //-1: 长度超过9位 //ANumber: 需要判断位数的整型数 function GetIntegerNumberLength(ANumber: Integer): Integer; //为指定的序号列赋值 //序号编号从1开始 //ASGrid: 目标StringGrid //ACol: 目标列,从0开始 //AStartRow: 起始行,从0开始 procedure SetNumberFields(ASGrid: TStringGrid; ACol, AStartRow: Integer); //设置指定的列的对齐方式为右对齐 //实现方式为在数据左边补空格,所以取数据时应注意去掉空格 //ASGrid: 目标StringGrid //ACol: 目标列,从0开始 //AStartRow: 起始行,从0开始 procedure SetColAlignRight(ASGrid: TStringGrid; ACol, AStartRow: Integer); //设置指定行的左边距 //ASGrid: 目标StringGrid //ARow: 目标行,从0开始 procedure SetRowLeftSpace(ASGrid: TStringGrid; ARow, SpaceLength: Integer); //设置指定行的最小右边距 //ASGrid: 目标StringGrid //ARow: 目标行,从0开始 procedure SetRowMinRightSpace(ASGrid: TStringGrid; ARow, SpaceLength: Integer); //设置指定行的最小边距 //ASGrid: 目标StringGrid //ARow: 目标行,从0开始 procedure SetRowMinSpaceWidth(ASGrid: TStringGrid; ARow, SpaceLength: Integer); //获得当前X坐标所在的列 //ASGrid: 目标StringGrid //AX: 坐标的X值 function GetColByCX(ASGrid: TStringGrid; AX: Integer): Integer; //获得当前Y坐标所在的行 //ASGrid: 目标StringGrid //AY: 坐标的Y值 function GetRowByCY(ASGrid: TStringGrid; AY: Integer): Integer; //获得当前坐标所处的单元格的行列值 //ASGrid: 目标StringGrid //AX, AY: 坐标的X,Y值 //ACol, ARow: 单元格的列,行索引,从0开始 procedure GetCellByCoordinate(ASGrid: TStringGrid; AX, AY: Integer; out ACol, ARow: Integer); //填充空的单元格为指定值 //ASGrid: 目标StringGrid //AStartCol, AStartRow: 开始列和行,从0开始 //AEndCol, AEndRow: 结束列和行 //AValue: 填充值 procedure SetSpaceCells(ASGrid: TStringGrid; AStartCol, AStartRow, AEndCol, AEndRow: Integer; AValue:String); implementation //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// //成功提示框 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// procedure SuccessMsgbox(AMsg: String); begin Application.MessageBox(Pchar(AMsg), '完成', MB_ICONINFORMATION + MB_OK); end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// //错误提示框 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// procedure ErrorMsgbox(AMsg: String); begin Application.MessageBox(Pchar(AMsg), '错误', MB_ICONSTOP + MB_OK); end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// //询问提示框 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function AskMsgbox(AMsg: String): Boolean; begin if Application.MessageBox(Pchar(AMsg), '确认', MB_ICONQUESTION + MB_YESNO) = IDYES then begin result := true; end else begin result := false; end; end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// //消息提示框 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// procedure InfoMsgbox(AMsg: String); begin Application.MessageBox(Pchar(AMsg), '提示', MB_ICONINFORMATION + MB_OK); end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// //导出数据到Excel //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// procedure ExportToExcel(ASGrid: TStringGrid; ExcelModalPath, ExcelFileName: String; AGridStartCol, AGridStartRow, AExcelStartCol, AExcelStartRow: Integer); var ExcelApp: Variant; ColIndex, RowIndex: Integer; OneRowData: String; //单行数据 DataList: TStringList; //所有数据 SaveDlg: TSaveDialog; //保存对话框 SaveExcelFilePath: String; //Excel文件的保存路径 begin try //没有数据时直接退出 if not HaveData(ASGrid, AGridStartCol, AGridStartRow) then begin InfoMsgBox('没有数据需要导出。'); exit; end; //选择保存路径 try SaveDlg := TSaveDialog.Create(ASGrid); //创建保存窗口对象 SaveDlg.InitialDir := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName); //文件保存在当前目录 SaveDlg.Filter := 'Excel Files(*.xls)| *.xls'; //文件类型过滤 SaveDlg.FileName := ExcelFileName + VarToStr(date); //定义默认文件名 if SaveDlg.Execute then begin SaveExcelFilePath := SaveDlg.FileName; //保存文件路径 end else begin exit; //放弃导出 end; finally SaveDlg.Free; //释放对象 end; //创建Excel对象 try ExcelApp := CreateOleObject( 'Excel.Application' ); //创建新Excel对象 except ErrorMsgBox('请确认您的机器已经安装 Microsoft Excel 。'); Exit; end; try //打开Excel工作簿 try //打开报表模版 if (excelModalPath <> null) and (excelModalPath <> '') then begin ExcelApp.WorkBooks.Open(ExcelModalPath); end //添加新工作簿 else begin ExcelApp.WorkBooks.Add; //设置列宽 for ColIndex := 0 to ASGrid.ColCount - AGridStartCol - 1 do begin //此处不能使用ASGrid.ColWidths[AGridStartCol + ColIndex]; ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Columns[AExcelStartCol + ColIndex].ColumnWidth := GetColMaxDataLength(ASGrid, AGridStartCol + ColIndex, AGridStartRow); end; //数字 NumberFormatLocal = "0.00_ " //日期 NumberFormatLocal = "yyyy-m-d" //时间 NumberFormatLocal = "[$-F400]h:mm:ss AM/PM" //文本 NumberFormatLocal = "@" ExcelApp.Cells.NumberFormatLocal := '@'; //设置单元格为文本格式 end; ExcelApp.WorkSheets[1].Activate; //设置第1个工作表为活动工作表 ExcelApp.Cells.Item[AExcelStartRow, AExcelStartCol].Select; //设定Excel起始单元格 except ErrorMsgBox('无法打开报表模版:' + #13 + ExcelModalPath); //#13为回车换行 exit; end; try //通过剪切板导出数据 try //初始化DataList DataList := TStringList.Create; DataList.Clear; //将数据保存到DataList with ASGrid do begin //行 for RowIndex := AGridStartRow to RowCount - 1 do begin OneRowData := ''; //列 for ColIndex := AGridStartCol to ColCount - 1 do begin OneRowData := OneRowData + Trim(Cells[ColIndex, RowIndex]) + #9; //#9为制表符 end; DataList.Add(OneRowData); //将该行数据添加到DataList end; end; ClipBoard.AsText := DataList.Text; //将DataList中的数据拷贝到剪切板 ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Paste; //将剪切板中的数据拷贝到Excel finally DataList.Free; //释放DataList ClipBoard.Clear; //清空剪切板 end; //保存Excel文件 ExcelApp.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs(SaveExcelFilePath); //另存为到指定目录 SuccessMsgBox('成功将文件保存到:' + #13 + SaveExcelFilePath); //保存成功 finally ExcelApp.DisplayAlerts := false; //不弹出保存提示对话框 ExcelApp.WorkBooks.Close; //关闭工作簿 end; finally ExcelApp.Quit; //关闭Excel进程 ExcelApp:= Unassigned; //释放ExcelApp end; except On e: Exception do begin ErrorMsgbox(e.Message); end; end; end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// //取得某一列数据的最大长度 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function GetColMaxDataLength(ASGrid: TStringGrid; ACol, AStartRow: Integer): Integer; var ColIndex, RowIndex: Integer; MaxColLength: Integer; //列数据的最大长度 begin MaxColLength := 0; with ASGrid do begin //取得列数据的最大长度 for RowIndex := AStartRow to RowCount - 1 do begin if length(Cells[ACol, RowIndex]) > MaxColLength then begin MaxColLength:= length(Cells[ACol, RowIndex]); end; end; end; result := MaxColLength; end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// //根据数据长度自动设置指定列的列宽 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// procedure SetOneColWidth(ASGrid: TStringGrid; ACol: Integer); var OneCharPixel: Integer; //一个字符所占的像素数 RightSpaceWidth: Integer; //右边距空隙 begin RightSpaceWidth := 3; //设置为3达到和左边距一致的效果 OneCharPixel := 6; //6对应9号字[*此处最好写成一个根据字号获得像素值的函数*] ASGrid.ColWidths[ACol] := GetColMaxDataLength(ASGrid, ACol, 0) * OneCharPixel + RightSpaceWidth; end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// //根据数据长度自动设置全部列的列宽 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// procedure SetAllColWidth(ASGrid: TStringGrid); var ColIndex: Integer; //需要设置的列 begin for ColIndex := 0 to ASGrid.ColCount - 1 do begin SetOneColWidth(ASGrid, ColIndex); end; end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// //显示ClientDataSet中的数据 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// procedure ShowClientDataSetData(ASGrid: TStringGrid; ACDSet: TClientDataSet; AGridStartCol, AGridStartRow: Integer); var ColIndex: Integer; RowIndex: Integer; begin try with ASGrid do begin //没有记录时,清空StringGrid并返回 if ACDSet.RecordCount <= 0 then begin RowCount := 2; for ColIndex := 0 to ColCount - 1 do begin Cells[ColIndex, 1] := ''; end; exit; end; RowCount := AGridStartRow + ACDSet.RecordCount; //StringGrid行数 ColCount := AGridStartCol + ACDSet.FieldCount; //StringGrid列数 RowIndex := AGridStartRow; //当前行为起始行 while not ACDSet.Eof do begin //显示数据 for ColIndex := AGridStartCol to ColCount - 1 do begin Cells[ColIndex, RowIndex] := ACDSet.Fields.Fields[ColIndex - AGridStartCol].AsString end; //转到下一行 RowIndex := RowIndex + 1; ACDSet.Next; end; end; except On e: Exception do begin ErrorMsgBox(e.Message); end; end; end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// //显示ADOQuery中的数据 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// procedure ShowQueryData(ASGrid: TStringGrid; AQuery: TADOQuery; AGridStartCol, AGridStartRow: Integer); var ColIndex: Integer; RowIndex: Integer; begin try with ASGrid do begin //没有记录时,清空StringGrid并返回 if AQuery.RecordCount <= 0 then begin RowCount := 2; for ColIndex := 0 to ColCount - 1 do begin Cells[ColIndex, 1] := ''; end; exit; end; RowCount := AGridStartRow + AQuery.RecordCount; //StringGrid行数 ColCount := AGridStartCol + AQuery.FieldCount; //StringGrid列数 RowIndex := AGridStartRow; //当前行为起始行 while not AQuery.Eof do begin //显示数据 for ColIndex := AGridStartCol to ColCount - 1 do begin Cells[ColIndex, RowIndex] := AQuery.Fields.Fields[ColIndex - AGridStartCol].AsString end; //转到下一行 RowIndex := RowIndex + 1; AQuery.Next; end; end; except On e: Exception do begin ErrorMsgBox(e.Message); end; end; end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// //判断是否含有数据 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function HaveData(ASGrid: TStringGrid; AStartCol, AStartRow: Integer): Boolean; var ColIndex, RowIndex: Integer; begin with ASgrid do begin for ColIndex := AStartCol to ColCount - 1 do begin for RowIndex := AStartRow to RowCount - 1 do begin //包含数据,返回true if Cells[ColIndex, RowIndex] <> '' then begin result := true; exit; end; end; end; end; //没有数据,返回false result := false; end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// //取得9位以内整数位数 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function GetIntegerNumberLength(ANumber: Integer): Integer; var IsNegativeNumber: Boolean; //参数的正负,负数为true LoopIndex: Integer; //循环变量 ComporeNumber: Integer; //用于比较的数 NumberLength: Integer; //返回值,长度大于10返回-1 begin if ANumber = null then begin result := 0; //空值返回0 exit; end; //判断参数的正负 if ANumber < 0 then begin ANumber := 0 - ANumber; //转换成正数用于计算长度 IsNegativeNumber := true; //是负数 end else begin if ANumber = 0 then begin result := 1; //是0,直接返回1 exit; end; IsNegativeNumber := false; //是正数 end; //开始比较 ComporeNumber:= 10; for LoopIndex:= 1 to 9 do begin //长度符合要求 if (ComporeNumber div ANumber) > 0 then begin //得到长度 if ComporeNumber = ANumber then NumberLength := LoopIndex + 1 else NumberLength := LoopIndex; //如果是负数,则长度加1,即包含负号 if IsNegativeNumber then result:= NumberLength + 1 else result := NumberLength; exit; end; //增大1位继续比较 ComporeNumber := ComporeNumber * 10; continue; end; result := -1; //长度大于9,返回-1 end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// //为指定的序号列赋值 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// procedure SetNumberFields(ASGrid: TStringGrid; ACol, AStartRow: Integer); var RowIndex: Integer; //当前序号 begin with ASGrid do begin for RowIndex := 1 to RowCount - AStartRow do begin //添加序号 Cells[ACol, AStartRow + RowIndex - 1] := VarToStr(RowIndex); end; end; end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// //设置指定的列的对齐方式为右对齐 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// procedure SetColAlignRight(ASGrid: TStringGrid; ACol, AStartRow: Integer); var RowIndex: Integer; MaxDataLength: Integer; //该列最大的数据长度 begin MaxDataLength := GetColMaxDataLength(ASGrid, ACol, 0); //取得该列最大的数据长度 with ASGrid do begin for RowIndex := AStartRow to RowCount - 1 do begin while length(Cells[ACol, RowIndex]) < MaxDataLength do begin Cells[ACol, RowIndex] := ' ' + Cells[ACol, RowIndex]; //在前面补空格 end; end; end; end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// //设置指定行的左边距 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// procedure SetRowLeftSpace(ASGrid: TStringGrid; ARow, SpaceLength: Integer); var ColIndex, LoopIndex: Integer; begin with ASGrid do begin for ColIndex := 0 to ColCount - 1 do begin Cells[ColIndex, ARow] := TrimLeft(Cells[ColIndex, ARow]); //去掉左边空格 for LoopIndex := 1 to SpaceLength do begin Cells[ColIndex, ARow] := ' ' + Cells[ColIndex, ARow]; //在左边补空格 end; end; end; end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// //设置指定行的最小右边距 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// procedure SetRowMinRightSpace(ASGrid: TStringGrid; ARow, SpaceLength: Integer); var ColIndex, LoopIndex: Integer; begin with ASGrid do begin for ColIndex := 0 to ColCount - 1 do begin Cells[ColIndex, ARow] := TrimRight(Cells[ColIndex, ARow]); //去掉右边空格 for LoopIndex := 1 to SpaceLength do begin Cells[ColIndex, ARow] := Cells[ColIndex, ARow] + ' '; //在右边补空格 end; end; end; end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// //设置指定行的最小边距 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// procedure SetRowMinSpaceWidth(ASGrid: TStringGrid; ARow, SpaceLength: Integer); var ColIndex, LoopIndex: Integer; begin with ASGrid do begin for ColIndex := 0 to ColCount - 1 do begin Cells[ColIndex, ARow] := Trim(Cells[ColIndex, ARow]); //去掉两边空格 for LoopIndex := 1 to SpaceLength do begin Cells[ColIndex, ARow] := ' ' + Cells[ColIndex, ARow] + ' '; //在两边补空格 end; end; end; end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// //获得当前X坐标所在的列 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function GetColByCX(ASGrid: TStringGrid; AX: Integer): Integer; var ColIndex: Integer; CurCellRect: TRect; //当前列的矩形区域 begin with ASGrid do begin for ColIndex := 0 to ColCount - 2 do begin CurCellRect := CellRect(ColIndex, 0); //当前列被隐藏,继续判断下一列 if CurCellRect.Left = CurCellRect.Right then continue; //X坐标在当前列的范围内 if (AX >= CurCellRect.Left) and (AX < CurCellRect.Right) then begin result := ColIndex; exit; end; end; result := ColCount - 1; //返回最后一列的索引 end; end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// //获得当前Y坐标所在的行 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function GetRowByCY(ASGrid: TStringGrid; AY: Integer): Integer; var RowIndex: Integer; CurCellRect: TRect; //当前行的矩形区域 begin with ASGrid do begin for RowIndex := 0 to RowCount - 2 do begin CurCellRect := CellRect(0, RowIndex); //当前行被隐藏,继续判断下一行 if CurCellRect.Top = CurCellRect.Bottom then continue; //Y坐标在当前行的范围内 if (AY > CurCellRect.Top) and (AY < CurCellRect.Bottom) then begin result := RowIndex; exit; end; end; result := RowCount - 1; //返回最后一行的索引 end; end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// //获得当前坐标所处的单元格的行列值 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// procedure GetCellByCoordinate(ASGrid: TStringGrid; AX, AY: Integer; out ACol, ARow: Integer); begin ACol := GetColByCX(ASGrid, AX); //取得列索引 ARow := GetRowByCY(ASGrid, AY); //取得行索引 end; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// //填充空的单元格为指定值 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// procedure SetSpaceCells(ASGrid: TStringGrid; AStartCol, AStartRow, AEndCol, AEndRow: Integer; AValue:String); var ColIndex, RowIndex: Integer; begin with ASGrid do begin for ColIndex := AStartCol to AEndCol do begin for RowIndex := AStartRow to AEndRow do begin //单元格为空(不含空格)时填充 if Trim(Cells[ColIndex, RowIndex]) = '' then begin Cells[ColIndex, RowIndex] := AValue; end; end; end; end; end; end.


