
    技术2022-05-12  30

    <html><head><body><h1>Mirror update</h1><?php  //set variables -change these to suit application $host='';$user='ftpuser';$password='123456';$remotefile='/pub/tsg/ttssh.zip';$localfile='/tmp/ttssh14.zip';//connect to host$conn=ftp_connect($host);if(!$conn){ echo 'Error: Could not connect to ftp server <br/>'; exit;}echo "Connected to $host.<br/>";@ $result=ftp_login($conn,$user,$password);  if(!$result)  {   echo "Error: Count not logon as $user<br/>";   ftp_quit($conn);   exit;  }  echo "login as $user<br/>";  //check file times to see if an update is required  echo 'Checking file time....';  if(file_exists($localfile))  {   $localtime=filetime($localfile);   echo 'Local file last updated';   echo date('G:i j-M-Y',$localtime);   echo '<br/>';  }  else      $localtime=0;       $remotetime=ftp_mdtm($conn,$remotefile);// 获取远程文件的修改时间函数     if (!($remotetime>=0))     {      echo 'Can/'t access remote file time.<br/>';      $remotetime=$localtime+1; //make sure of an update           }     else      {      echo 'Remote file last updated';      echo date('G:i j-M-Y',$remotetime);      echo '<br/>';     }     if(!($remotetime>$localtime))     {      echo 'Local copy is up to date.<br />';        exit;     }     //download file     echo 'Getting file from server....<br />';     $fp=fopen($localfile,'w');     if(!$success=ftp_fget($conn,$fp,$remotefile));     {      echo 'Error:Could not download file';      ftp_quit($conn);      exit;     }     fclose($fp);     echo "File download successfully";     //close connection to host     ftp_quit($conn);

    //fget()函数的用法:     //ftp_get($conn,$localfile,$remotefile);?>


