
    技术2022-05-12  0

    ;浮点型指令编程--计算平方和的平方根程序;find the square root of the sum of the squares of two floating point numbers;Author:lionel.shen;Date:revised 10/2009

    .386.MODEL FLATExitProcess PROTO NEAR32 stdcall,dwExitCode:DWORD

    .STACK 4096

    .DATAvalue1 REAL4  0.5value2 REAL4  1.2sqrt   REAL4  ?

    .CODE_start:  finit            ;initialize floating point unit  fld      value1  ;value1 in ST    实现从存储器复制value1值给ST  fld      st      ;value1 in ST and ST(1)  把value从ST复制给ST,并把第一个堆栈的值下移到ST(1)  fmul             ;value1*value1 in ST  在ST中计算value1*value1的值,同时ST(1)的值“清空“  fld      value2  ;value1 in ST(value1*value1 in ST(1))  fld      st      ;value2 in ST and ST(1)  fmul             ;value2*value2 in ST  fadd             ;sum of squares in ST  fsqrt            ;square root of sum of squares in ST  fstp     sqrt    ;store result,clearing stack      INVOKE ExitProcess,0  PUBLIC _startEND

