
    技术2022-05-11  120




    步骤:到download.cnet.com,找Submit a file,点击进入,可以看到四个选项:1.Submit a brand-new program2.Submit an updated program3.Modify minor details4.Request removal选第一项,就会看见一张表格,填入软件的相关资料(红色的部分一定要填,黑色的尽量填),再按"Submit Title"就行了.*如果找不到提交页,就直接写网址:http://upload.cnet.com/uploads/submissions/0-5904195.html?tag=txt




    步骤(较复杂):首先,到submit.tucows.com,选好类别,目录,填写一张表单,按提交按钮.奶牛站会自动给你来信,叫你耐心等待一段时间.如果不符合他们的要求,会受到这样的信:Dear Software Author:

    Thank you for submitting your software for evaluation. We appreciate the time you have taken to let us know about your program. Unfortunately, after reviewing your application, we have decided that it does not meet our current needs.

    At this time we do not provide detailed review information about the submissions. For further information regarding our review process, please refer to http://www.tucows.com/ratings.html

    Please do not let this discourage you from submitting other applications. We encourage you to continue considering Tucows for your future software distribution interests.

    Thanks for your interest in Tucows,

    The Tucows Review Staff

    ***** Internal Use Only ***** Do Not Delete *****nh*************************************************不要灰心,再提交一次!(烦死他们:-))

    如果他们的Review Staff认为你的软件可以达到他们的要求,你会收到这样一封信:********** Internal Use Only ********** Do Not Delete **********LW********** Deleting this box could delay your listing **********



    NOTICE: This form "MUST" be completely filled out and RETURNED to TUCOWSbefore your software will be published. After 4 weeks All material aboutyour software will be "REMOVED" from our database if this form is notreturned and any new inquires of your software will be treated as"New Submissions".  Thank You - TUCOWS



    Please fill in the information in [brackets] and thequestions at the bottom and return as soon as possible.................................................................





    TUCOWS.COM4100 Pier North DriveSuite AFlint, MI  48504

    RE:  Inclusion of your Shareware on TUCOWS Internet Site andCD-ROM

    Dear Shareware Author:

    TUCOWS has the reputation of being one of the best sites on theNet for Internet-related software.  Our site has received over 40awards and citations, including from PC Magazine, PC Computing,MSN, Yahoo, Excite, I-way, UK-Online, Netguide Australia and othermajor computer and webpublications.

    Founded in 1994 by Scott Swedorski, as a free service to 'Newbies"currently TUCOWS has  over 400 affiliate sites,on every continent, in over 50 countries world wide, receivingapproximately three hundred million page serves per month.  Millions ofpeople visit Tucows every month to find the latest and best Internetsoftware,performance rated, and free of viruses. TUCOWS has earned a globalreputationfor its reliability, high quality offerings and fair reviews.

    After considering hundreds of titles, our research team hasjudged the Shareware version of your product, XXXXXXXXXXXXXX,to be appropriate for inclusion on the TUCOWS site.

    In addition, we have recently begun publishing a cross-section ofthe Shareware offered on our site on CD-ROM.  Many usersappreciate the convenience and speed of accessing the TUCOWSselections on CD-ROM, rather than over a slower onlineconnection.  Furthermore, Internet users in may parts of theworld pay expensive time-based user fees for their Internetconnections.  The CD-ROM provides these users with an alternativeso that they can browse TUCOWS and try your Shareware at theirleisure.  Our CD-ROM is distributed through many channels,including direct subscriptions and retail outlets.

    We are currently using the version of your Shareware mentionedabove, that we located via the Internet.  We are writing torequest your confirmation that you authorize TUCOWS to includeyour Shareware on our site and on our CD-ROM.  We offer youworldwide exposure for your Shareware to the millions ofcomputer users, potentially increasing your sales, atno charge to you.

    In order to provide that confirmation, and to allow us tocontinue to distribute your Shareware, we ask that you review andagree to the License Agreement that follows this letter.  You mayindicate your acceptance by typing your name and otherinformation into the following form and returning the form to usby email or post.

    Please also provide us with the additional information requestedat the end of the agreement on whether we have the latest versionof your Shareware, and where we can download updated versions.

    On the other hand, if you do not want us to distribute yourShareware, please so notify us so we can make other arrangementfor distribution on the TUCOWS Internet site and on the TUCOWSCD-ROM.




    1.  I hereby grant TUCOWS - The Ultimate Collection Of WinsockSoftware - a non-exclusive worldwide license to distribute myShareware, known as  XXXXXXXXXXXX  (the"Shareware"), including posting it on the TUCOWS Web and FTPsites and publishing it on the TUCOWS CD-ROM.

    2.  I further agree that TUCOWS, or its affiliates, may itselfpublish the TUCOWS CD-ROM (including my Shareware), or mayinstead license the publication of the CD-ROM to a third party,or otherwise sell, assign, or transfer its rights to thepublication of the CD-ROM, all without further consent from me.

    3.  I represent and warrant to TUCOWS that:

      a.  I have all right, title, and interest in and to theShareware and that I have the right to grant the license providedfor in this agreement.

      b.  The Shareware does not infringe any copyright, patent,trademark, trade secret, or other proprietary right of any otherperson.

    4.  I further agree that TUCOWS shall have full discretion andsole control in the production, packaging, marketing, andpromotion of its Internet site and its CD-ROM.  I agree thatTUCOWS may refer to the Shareware on its packaging and in itspromotional materials.

    5.  I understand that TUCOWS has no obligation to continue toinclude the Shareware on its Internet sites or its CD-ROM, andmay discontinue publishing and distributing the Shareware at anytime without notice to me.


    Date executed:


    Company:Phone:Fax:Email:Postal Address:


    To assist us in maintaining your Shareware distribution, pleaseanswer the following questions:

    - Operating System/Systems:- Application name:- Application FTP location:- Home page:- Author Email address:- Release Date:- License type (Shareware/Freeware/Demo)?:- Product Retail Cost:- Registration Code:

    Does TUCOWS have the most up-to-date version of your Demo, Freeware, or Shareware?

    Does your software expire on a specific date?If it expires can you make an 30 day expire program for us?

    Would you be willing to provide TUCOWS with a registered version of yoursoftware/service to evaluate/review?

    Where can the most recent version be downloaded?



    The TUCOWS Review Staffsuggest@tucows.comhttp://www.tucows.com

    需要填写的部分我是这么填的:[DATE]July 7th,2001

    [AUTHOR-E MAIL]goldstonesoft@21cn.com

    [XXXXXXXX]Super Color Picker 1.0  Free VersionDate executed:July 7th,2001


    Company:GoldStone Software, Inc.Phone://写电话Fax:n/aEmail:goldstonesoft@21cn.comPostal Address://写地址


    To assist us in maintaining your Shareware distribution, pleaseanswer the following questions:

    - Operating System/Systems:Windows 95/98/NT/2000/ME- Application name:Super Color Picker 1.0  Free Version- Application FTP location:http://goldstone.51.net/down/scp.zip- Home page:http://goldstone.51.net- Author Email address:goldstonesoft@21cn.com- Release Date:July 5th,2001- License type (Shareware/Freeware/Demo)?:Freeware- Product Retail Cost:$19.95- Registration Code:n/a

    Does TUCOWS have the most up-to-date version of your Demo, Freeware, or Shareware?Yes.

    Does your software expire on a specific date?If it expires can you make an 30 day expire program for us?No, it is a Freeware.

    Would you be willing to provide TUCOWS with a registered version of yoursoftware/service to evaluate/review?No.

    Where can the most recent version be downloaded?http://goldstone.51.net/down/scp.zip

    *注意:要把信中的XXXXXXXXXX全部替换为软件的名字(如:Super Color Picker 1.0  Free Version).

    再过三四天,你如果收到这样的信,就说明你的软件已经被收录在奶牛站上了:Dear Software Author:

    Your program is listed under HTML Color Pickers. It will be featured onour What's New Page(http://www.tucows.com/win95.html) for Tuesday, July 10. Please watch thispage over thenext few days for a link to your program's preview page.To link directly to your review, use the following URL:http://www.tucows.com/preview/201020.html

    Please remember to inform us when you update the software and the referencing Web page. You can do this through http://submit.tucows.com. Also, keep in mind that that program updates should be submitted as UPDATES and not NEW ADDS. Updates submitted as new adds cause confusion and may be delayed or deleted entirely.

    Thanks for your interest in Tucows,

    The Tucows Review Staff

    ***** Internal Use Only ***** Do Not Delete *****LW*************************************************



    到www.simtel.com,找How to upload,然后填一张表,这是为了申请一个Upload Account,并不是正式审核.

    如果申请被批准,会收到这样的信:Your Username is:  [xxxxxxxxxx]Your Password is:  [yyyyyyyyyy]

    Thank you for contributing to the Simtel.Net Archive.

    The Simtel.Net collections are periodically published on CD-ROM.  If you do not wish to have your package distributed on CD-ROM please do not upload it.

    You can review our Upload Policy at    http://www.simtel.net/uppolicy.html

    Please review this policy and keep all your uploads within the scope ofthe Simtel.Net collection.  There are changes from the old Simtel.Net policies.  ("same name" replacements are now permissible.  You may include VB runtimes.  And more.)

    Now that you have this upload account with Simtel.Net, you do not need to send any more upload requests for future uploads.  Just upload directly to us.


    You can upload your files to    ftp://uploads.simtel.net.   Some browsers expect you to add your username as part of the access:  ftp://user.name@uploads.simtel.netand then prompt you for your password once there.

    Some (like Netscape) require you to add the path to our incomingarea:  ftp://user.name@uploads.simtel.net/submissions/incoming

    Most FTP programs, including WSFTP will require you to enter the hostas uploads.simtel.net

    If you have difficulties, go to the Uploaders Forum for answers and help.(See the end of this message.)

    Once you have logged in (using the above username and password), you will be automatically moved to the /submissions/incoming directory.  Upload BOTH your file and its accompanying PAD .xml (see below) file there.  Do not create any other folders, do not upload anything else.You can see everyone else's uploads, but you cannot "affect" them in any way, only your own.  And please, lowercase short filenames only.Anything else WILL delay processing.

    This is NOT your web page, NOT your directory.  This is a shared area: please treat it with respect.

    We do NOT accept emailed files under ANY conditions.


    We require ALL SUBMISSIONS to use PADGEN.  You can get this program for free from http://www.asp-shareware.org/pad/  You will also find details on its use.  You do not have to join the ASP to get or use the PADGEN program.

    You will also need to get the Simtel PAD extension, which can befound at this link:


    Unzip the simtel.htm file and put it in the Padgen directory.  This file will create a "simtel" tab in the Padgen program that will allow you to enter specific information for Simtel file categories.  Read theinstructions.  Then select the lowest platform (MS-DOS, Win3, WinXX) in which your program will function, and the most appropriate file category for that platform.  Complete ONE platform and category only.

    Details on using extensions (and other extensions that are availablefor other shareware sites) can be found at


    When preparing your PAD .xml file, be sure to fill the Author nameand Author email fields.  Insure your "official" email address, theone you used to submit your submission application to us, the email address we're sending this very message to, is in at least ONE of theavailable PAD .xml email fields.  Insure you fill in the shortdescription and at least one long description.  Insure you put theSAME filename you're uploading into one of the Filename_* fields.Yes, case matters.  Yes, the file extension matters.

    Not every field in the entire PAD .xml file need be completed.  See ourUploaders Forum for detailed requirements.

    Be sure to use the Filename_Previous field if you're replacing one of yourfiles already at Simtel.Net.  That will insure file links are reused, oldfiles are removed, and download counts are carried forward.

    If you are an Agent and plan to upload for other publishers who do nothave upload accounts at Simtel.Net, contact us for special instructionson procedures, correct use of the PAD .xml file, etc.


    Simtel.Net accepts short 8.3 "filename.typ" filenames only.  We acceptonly ".zip" or ".exe" file extensions (and of course the companion ".xml"file type).  Anything else will be automatically rejected.  No .jar, .htm,..arj, .gz, .sqz, .uue.

    Insure at least ONE of the PAD .xml Filename_* fields contains the exact filename that you will be uploading to us.  Use lowercase only for all filenames:  any uppercase in filenames will delay your upload'sprocessing.  Filenames in the PAD .xml file must include the file extension.  "wombat" is NOT the filename of the "wombat.zip" file you uploaded.  "wombat.exe" is NOT the same as "wombat.zip".  (This happens ALL the time.)

    You will need to upload BOTH your .exe/.zip and the companion PAD .xml file to our incoming directory.  Both files must have the same name (i.e. filename.zip [.exe] and filename.xml).  We do prefer .zip files,and suggest you include the PAD .xml inside the .zip file so the enduser and other distribution sites can get your PAD .xml file.  (No, wewill NOT go into your .zip to take out the .xml file for our use.Upload it separately.)  (No, we will NOT "go out and get" the file towhich your uploaded orphan .xml file points.  Upload it.)

    Understand that the accompanying .xml file is MANDATORY.  Our systemcan not process your file, add it to the file system, and catalogit without the information in that .xml file.  You MUST download andinclude the Simtel.Net PAD extension provided by the simtel.htm file.

    You MUST include your upload account's email address in one of the .xmlform's email fields or we cannot accept your upload.  That email address will become part of the file description, will go out in our New UploadDigests, etc.  We regret this may make you vulnerable to spammers, butwe simply MUST have that email address.  We will remove the files anduser account of any uploader who fails to maintain that email address.Contact us if your email address changes, and we will direct you on how to create a new upload account.


    If you see your files disappear from our incoming area, that meansthey're being processed (that's good).  If you see them renamed(with something like ".BAD" or ".NO" or ".SIM" or ".CAT" or ".PUB"),that's not good.  Please go to our Uploaders Forum for details (see the end of this message).  If you see this problem, you may upload a corrected .xml (and/or program file) with the problem(s) fixed.  Otherwise you'll eventually get an email message describing the problem .. and directing you to re-upload everything since we've removed all the problem files.

    It will take up to 3 days for your file to be processed, and up toanother 36 hours for the file to become "visible" on our web site(and available for downloads from the mirror sites).  If there isa delay, do NOT email us.  It will not make anything work faster.  Simtel.Net now has an eXpress subscription service, to provide priority posting and distribution (at a cost).  If interested, emailwebmaster@simtel.net for details.  Or watch our web page for details.


    When your upload is processed, our system will send you email with twolinks to your program.  The first link will be the "Product Description" page which includes the description of your submitted program.  Thesecond link will be the "Download" page for your submitted file which lists all of the download locations ("mirror sites") for your file.

    NOTE:  Simtel.Net does NOT allow the linking directly to files in thearchive system, to include all of the mirror sites.  You and any other web site are ONLY authorized to link to one of the URLs provided after your file has been processed.  Violation of this policy can result in all of your files being removed from the system and your upload account being permanently disabled.

    We may rename your files for more effective system operation or to avoidfilename conflicts.  Do NOT depend on filenames remaining the same as when you uploaded them.

    If you link to the HTML page, you can be assured that the download link will always work and allow your user to choose the download location from around the world that is best for them.

    Let us know if you have any questions or comments.  Please send it to  webmaster@simtel.net  with the subject of Upload Procedure.  And by allmeans use our web page's Users or Uploaders Forum for any comments or discussion.


    We strongly urge you to monitor the Forum area at our home page at


    There is even a special Uploaders Discussion and Info area (the"Uploaders Forum") just for uploaders.  There you'll find much background information on how the entire system works, common problem and error conditions (and their solutions), and more.

    As an additional note:

    Looking for Web Hosting or eCommerce solutions, or software promotionopportunities?  Be sure to check out our Partners page at


    to find out who we use and recommend.


    Simtel.Net Management--

    This email was sent to: goldstonesoft@21cn.com




    步骤:先到http://www.yippee.net/main/dev/signup.asp注册一个帐号.收到密码后,到http://www.yippee.net/main/dev/default.asp登陆,选Submit Software.填张表格,等上一周左右,会收到这样的信:Hello from the team at Yippee.net.

    Congratulations! Your software HTMLEncryptor has been awarded a 4 starrating at A1 Yippee Shareware.

    Follow this link to see what we thought of HTMLEncryptorhttp://www.yippee.net/html/win/utilities/title15531.htm

    A1 Yippee provides fast download speeds and a review team of real computerusers dedicated to giving honest reviews of the shareware and freewaresoftware on this site. We host the files on our own server, thus saving youexpensive bandwidth. If you update this program please let us know so we candistribute the latest version. You can submit software details to us at :http://www.yippee.net/html/login.htm

    We would like you to link to your software page at Yippee.net; please usethe following url & attached gif.http://www.yippee.net/html/win/utilities/title15531.htm

    Yippee.net can ensure your software will reach your customers at nobandwidth costs to you. Host your software on Yippee.net, link from your site and save your valuablebandwidth. Hosting your own downloads uses bandwidth, which costs money thatyou don't need to spend.

    Yippee.net hosts most of the software listed on our shareware/freeware siteon our own servers. We do this so that our users get fast downloads and wecan be sure that all of the links are live.

    You can benefit from this by using us as your default or alternativedownload site. All we ask is that you link to the review page specific toyour software (ie not directly to the download). If we don't have all ofyour titles listed, then just submit them using the Developers section ofthe site and we will review and list them straight away.

    As a registered Yippee.net developer, you can get full access through yourDeveloper Account to the number of downloads for each of your listedsoftware titles. To view your Developer Account details or sign up for a newAccount please go to http://www.yippee.net/main/dev/default.asp

    We automatically send to you the link to your software review and an awardgif each time your software is reviewed. You can also get the links for yoursoftware titles via your Developer Account details or by using the searchtool on www.yippee.net or else email me jeremy@yippee.net and I will send itto you. Link graphics can be downloaded from:www.yippee.net/main/isp/ispselect.htm.

    We aim to be the best download site on the net, providing a great service toour software developer friends is part of this. If you have any furtherquestions please do not hesitate to contact me.

    Jeremy ReynoldsWeb ManagerIDD: +64 (9) 306 3841FAX: +64 (9) 300 3939MOBILE: +64 (25) 604 2416email: jeremy@yippee.net http://www.yippee.net



    这是一个印度的软件站,特点是很容易被评为5颗星+Editor's Pick.

    提交方法:给info.softlandindia@hotpop.com发一封标题为"New Software"的信,按如下格式填好软件资料:Software Name and Version: HTMLEncryptor 1.1

    Software Type : Web Publishing Tool

    Software License : Shareware

    Software Size : 171KB

    Operating System Requirements: Windows 95/98/2000/ME/NT

    Software Short Description: Make Web page code unreadable!

    Software Long Description : HTMLEncryptor enables you to encrypt your Web pages, making their underlying code unreadable to visitors. As a result, your pages are viewable, but the source code for those pages is encrypted and cannot be viewed. You can also choose to encrypt specific sections of HTML pages--useful for pages you intend to submit to search engines.

    Software Download Page Link: http://goldstone.51.net/down/he11.zip

    Software Home Page Link : http://goldstone.51.net

    Contact Person Name and Email Address : Hao Wu, goldstonesoft@21cn.com



