MS SQLSERVER 只能得到存储过程的创建语句,方法如下:
sp_helptext procedureName
SQLSERVER2000 下的代码
create procedure SP_GET_TABLE_INFO@ObjName varchar(128) /* The table to generate sql script */as
declare @Script varchar(255)declare @ColName varchar(30)declare @ColID TinyIntdeclare @UserType smallintdeclare @TypeName sysnamedeclare @Length TinyIntdeclare @Prec TinyIntdeclare @Scale TinyIntdeclare @Status TinyIntdeclare @cDefault intdeclare @DefaultID TinyIntdeclare @Const_Key varchar(255)declare @IndID SmallInt declare @IndStatus Intdeclare @Index_Key varchar(255)declare @DBName varchar(30)declare @strPri_Key varchar (255)
/*** Check to see the the table exists and initialize @objid.*/if not Exists(Select name from sysobjects where name = @ObjName)begin select @DBName = db_name() raiserror(15009,-1,-1,@ObjName,@DBName) return (1)end
create table #spscript( id int IDENTITY not null, Script Varchar(255) NOT NULL, LastLine tinyint )
declare Cursor_Column INSENSITIVE CURSOR for Select,a.ColID,a.usertype,,a.length,a.prec,a.scale,a.Status, a.cDefault, case a.cdefault when 0 then ' ' else (select c.Text from syscomments c where a.cdefault = end const_key from syscolumns a, systypes b where object_name( = @ObjName and a.usertype = b.usertype order by a.ColID
set nocount onSelect @Script = 'Create table ' + @ObjName + '('Insert into #spscript values(@Script,0)
/* Get column information */open Cursor_Column
fetch next from Cursor_Column into @ColName,@ColID,@UserType,@TypeName,@Length,@Prec,@Scale, @Status,@cDefault,@Const_Key
Select @Script = '' while (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1)begin if (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -2) begin Select @Script = @ColName + ' ' + @TypeName if @UserType in (1,2,3,4) Select @Script = @Script + '(' + Convert(char(3),@Length) + ') ' else if @UserType in (24) Select @Script = @Script + '(' + Convert(char(3),@Prec) + ',' + Convert(char(3),@Scale) + ') ' else Select @Script = @Script + ' ' if ( @Status & 0x80 ) > 0 Select @Script = @Script + ' IDENTITY(1,1) '
if ( @Status & 0x08 ) > 0 Select @Script = @Script + ' NULL ' else Select @Script = @Script + ' NOT NULL ' if @cDefault > 0 Select @Script = @Script + ' DEFAULT ' + @Const_Key end fetch next from Cursor_Column into @ColName,@ColID,@UserType,@TypeName,@Length,@Prec,@Scale, @Status,@cDefault,@Const_Key if @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin Select @Script = @Script + ',' Insert into #spscript values(@Script,0) end else begin Insert into #spscript values(@Script,1) Insert into #spscript values(')',0) endendClose Cursor_ColumnDeallocate Cursor_Column
/* Get index information */Declare Cursor_Index INSENSITIVE CURSOR for Select name,IndID,status from sysindexes where object_name(id)=@ObjName and IndID > 0 and IndID<>255 order by IndID /*增加了对InDid为255的判断*/Open Cursor_IndexFetch Next from Cursor_Index into @ColName, @IndID, @IndStatuswhile (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1)begin if @@FETCH_STATUS <> -2 begin
declare @i TinyInt declare @thiskey varchar(50) declare @IndDesc varchar(68) /* string to build up index desc in */
Select @i = 1 while (@i <= 16) begin select @thiskey = index_col(@ObjName, @IndID, @i) if @thiskey is null break
if @i = 1 select @Index_Key = index_col(@ObjName, @IndID, @i) else select @Index_Key = @Index_Key + ', ' + index_col(@ObjName, @IndID, @i) select @i = @i + 1 end if (@IndStatus & 0x02) > 0 Select @Script = 'Create unique ' else Select @Script = 'Create ' if @IndID = 1 select @Script = @Script + ' clustered '
if (@IndStatus & 0x800) > 0 select @strPri_Key = ' PRIMARY KEY (' + @Index_Key + ')' else select @strPri_Key = '' if @IndID > 1 select @Script = @Script + ' nonclustered ' Select @Script = @Script + ' index ' + @ColName + ' ON '+ @ObjName + '(' + @Index_Key + ')' Select @IndDesc = '' /* ** See if the index is ignore_dupkey (0x01). */ if @IndStatus & 0x01 = 0x01 Select @IndDesc = @IndDesc + ' IGNORE_DUP_KEY' + ',' /* ** See if the index is ignore_dup_row (0x04). */ /* if @IndStatus & 0x04 = 0x04 */ /* Select @IndDesc = @IndDesc + ' IGNORE_DUP_ROW' + ',' */ /* 2000 不在支持*/ /* ** See if the index is allow_dup_row (0x40). */ if @IndStatus & 0x40 = 0x40 Select @IndDesc = @IndDesc + ' ALLOW_DUP_ROW' + ',' if @IndDesc <> '' begin Select @IndDesc = SubString( @IndDesc, 1, DataLength(@IndDesc) - 1 ) Select @Script = @Script + ' WITH ' + @IndDesc end /* ** Add the location of the data. */ end if (@strPri_Key = '') Insert into #spscript values(@Script,0) else update #spscript set Script = Script + @strPri_Key where LastLine = 1 Fetch Next from Cursor_Index into @ColName, @IndID, @IndStatusendClose Cursor_IndexDeallocate Cursor_Index
Select Script from #spscript
set nocount off
return (0)
create procedure SP_GET_TABLE_INFO@ObjName varchar(128) /* The table to generate sql script */as
declare @Script varchar(255)declare @ColName varchar(30)declare @ColID TinyIntdeclare @UserType smallintdeclare @TypeName sysnamedeclare @Length TinyIntdeclare @Prec TinyIntdeclare @Scale TinyIntdeclare @Status TinyIntdeclare @cDefault intdeclare @DefaultID TinyIntdeclare @Const_Key varchar(255)declare @IndID SmallIntdeclare @IndStatus SmallIntdeclare @Index_Key varchar(255)declare @Segment SmallIntdeclare @DBName varchar(30)declare @strPri_Key varchar (255)
/*** Check to see the the table exists and initialize @objid.*/if not Exists(Select name from sysobjects where name = @ObjName)begin select @DBName = db_name() raiserror(15009,-1,-1,@ObjName,@DBName) return (1)end
create table #spscript( id int IDENTITY not null, Script Varchar(255) NOT NULL, LastLine tinyint )
declare Cursor_Column INSENSITIVE CURSOR for Select,a.ColID,a.usertype,,a.length,a.prec,a.scale,a.Status, a.cDefault, case a.cdefault when 0 then ' ' else (select case c.text when "(' ')" then "('')" else c.text end from syscomments c where a.cdefault = end const_key from syscolumns a, systypes b where object_name( = @ObjName and a.usertype = b.usertype order by a.ColID
set nocount onSelect @Script = 'Create table ' + @ObjName + '('Insert into #spscript values(@Script,0)
/* Get column information */open Cursor_Column
fetch next from Cursor_Column into @ColName,@ColID,@UserType,@TypeName,@Length,@Prec,@Scale, @Status,@cDefault,@Const_Key
Select @Script = '' while (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1)begin if (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -2) begin Select @Script = @ColName + ' ' + @TypeName if @UserType in (1,2,3,4) Select @Script = @Script + '(' + Convert(char(3),@Length) + ') ' else if @UserType in (24) Select @Script = @Script + '(' + Convert(char(3),@Prec) + ',' + Convert(char(3),@Scale) + ') ' else Select @Script = @Script + ' ' if ( @Status & 0x80 ) > 0 Select @Script = @Script + ' IDENTITY(1,1) '
if ( @Status & 0x08 ) > 0 Select @Script = @Script + ' NULL ' else Select @Script = @Script + ' NOT NULL ' if @cDefault > 0 Select @Script = @Script + ' DEFAULT ' + @Const_Key end fetch next from Cursor_Column into @ColName,@ColID,@UserType,@TypeName,@Length,@Prec,@Scale, @Status,@cDefault,@Const_Key if @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 begin Select @Script = @Script + ',' Insert into #spscript values(@Script,0) end else begin Insert into #spscript values(@Script,1) Insert into #spscript values(')',0) endendClose Cursor_ColumnDeallocate Cursor_Column
/* Get index information */Declare Cursor_Index INSENSITIVE CURSOR for Select name,IndID,status,Segment from sysindexes where object_name(id)=@ObjName and IndID > 0 and IndID<>255 order by IndIDOpen Cursor_IndexFetch Next from Cursor_Index into @ColName, @IndID, @IndStatus, @Segmentwhile (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1)begin if @@FETCH_STATUS <> -2 begin
declare @i TinyInt declare @thiskey varchar(50) declare @IndDesc varchar(68) /* string to build up index desc in */
Select @i = 1 while (@i <= 16) begin select @thiskey = index_col(@ObjName, @IndID, @i) if @thiskey is null break
if @i = 1 select @Index_Key = index_col(@ObjName, @IndID, @i) else select @Index_Key = @Index_Key + ', ' + index_col(@ObjName, @IndID, @i) select @i = @i + 1 end if (@IndStatus & 0x02) > 0 Select @Script = 'Create unique ' else Select @Script = 'Create ' if @IndID = 1 select @Script = @Script + ' clustered '
if (@IndStatus & 0x800) > 0 select @strPri_Key = ' PRIMARY KEY (' + @Index_Key + ')' else select @strPri_Key = '' if @IndID > 1 select @Script = @Script + ' nonclustered ' Select @Script = @Script + ' index ' + @ColName + ' ON '+ @ObjName + '(' + @Index_Key + ')' Select @IndDesc = '' /* ** See if the index is ignore_dupkey (0x01). */ if @IndStatus & 0x01 = 0x01 Select @IndDesc = @IndDesc + ' IGNORE_DUP_KEY' + ',' /* ** See if the index is ignore_dup_row (0x04). */ if @IndStatus & 0x04 = 0x04 Select @IndDesc = @IndDesc + ' IGNORE_DUP_ROW' + ',' /* ** See if the index is allow_dup_row (0x40). */ if @IndStatus & 0x40 = 0x40 Select @IndDesc = @IndDesc + ' ALLOW_DUP_ROW' + ',' if @IndDesc <> '' begin Select @IndDesc = SubString( @IndDesc, 1, DataLength(@IndDesc) - 1 ) Select @Script = @Script + ' WITH ' + @IndDesc end /* ** Add the location of the data. */ if @Segment <> 1 select @Script = @Script + ' ON ' + name from syssegments where segment = @Segment end if (@strPri_Key = '') Insert into #spscript values(@Script,0) else update #spscript set Script = Script + @strPri_Key where LastLine = 1 Fetch Next from Cursor_Index into @ColName, @IndID, @IndStatus, @SegmentendClose Cursor_IndexDeallocate Cursor_Index
Select Script from #spscript order by id
set nocount off
return (0)