don't cry

    技术2022-05-11  38

    Talk to me softly There///'s something in your eyes Don///'t hang your head in sorrow And please don///'t cry I know how you feel inside I///'ve I///'ve been there before Something changin///' inside you And don///'t you know Don///'t you cry tonight I still love you baby Don///'t you cry tonight Don///'t you cry tonight There///'s a heaven above you baby And don///'t you cry tonight 《don///'t cry》偶尔想下歌的时候,往往看一些网友的推荐,再傍上自己的好恶和心情。一直喜欢枪炮玫瑰这首经典老歌。音乐轻轻地响起,没有激烈的元素,没有强烈的词句,沙哑的嗓音在乐曲开始反复吟唱,渐渐,金属的味道越来越浓,电吉他和鼓点的搭配愈发强烈,低吟亦变成嘶喊。最后那故意拖长的声音,将悲凉的气氛渲染到极致。 don't cry.是不哭,还是潸然泪下?don't cry. 
