❑ 分类是有层次的,但是限制在两层。
❑ 分类可以是激活和未激活的。
❑ 分类拥有名称、简短说明和完整说明
❑ 分类的图片从与他们关联的产品中取得。
❑ 一个产品只能属于一个分类。
❑ 产品有名称、大图片、缩微图、简短说明、完整说明和其他可能的数据参数,比如型号和颜色。
❑ 一件产品可以通过组或者套装和其他的产品相关联。
❑ 虽然没有提及,但是可以明确的推断出产品也可以是处在活动和未活动的状态。
❑ 虽然没有说明,但是可以推测一些是必要的,那就是每件产品都要有以十进制表示的价格。
1: CREATE TABLE ‘categories’ ( 2: 3: ‘id’ INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , 4: 5: ‘name’ VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , 6: 7: ‘shortdesc’ VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , 8: 9: ‘longdesc’ TEXT NOT NULL , 10: 11: ‘status’ ENUM( ‘active’, ‘inactive’ ) NOT NULL , 12: 13: ‘parentid’ INT NOT NULL , 14: 15: PRIMARY KEY ( ‘id’ ) 16: 17: ) TYPE = MYISAM ; 18:同样,将你所知道的产品信息转化MySQL的查询语句,你将以下面这段内容结束:
1: CREATE TABLE ‘products’ ( 2: 3: ‘id’ INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , 4: 5: ‘name’ VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , 6: 7: ‘shortdesc’ VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , 8: 9: ‘longdesc’ TEXT NOT NULL , 10: 11: ‘thumbnail’ VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , 12: 13: ‘image’ VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , 14: 15: ‘sizes’ ENUM( ‘s’, ‘m’, ‘l’, ‘xl’ ) NOT NULL , 16: 17: ‘colors’ ENUM( ‘red’, ‘blue’, ‘green’, ‘brown’, ‘white’, ‘black’ ) NOT NULL , 18: 19: ‘grouping’ VARCHAR( 16 ) NOT NULL , 20: 21: ‘status’ ENUM( ‘active’, ‘inactive’ ) NOT NULL , 22: 23: ‘category_id’ INT NOT NULL , 24: 25: ‘featured’ ENUM (‘true’, ‘false’) NOT NULL, 26: 27: ‘price’ FLOAT( 4, 2 ) NOT NULL, 28: 29: PRIMARY KEY ( ‘id’ ) 30: 31: ) TYPE = MYISAM ; 32:在这里,对于colors和sizes字段使用enum类型稍微有些不合适,因为不同类别(一个是鞋子,一个是衬衫,一个是裤子)的型号可以是任何数字并且有许多不同的颜色分类。但是现在来说,给出的这些就够用了。
1. 作为用户,我能够浏览在首页中的重点突出产品,并能购买它。
2. 作为用户,我能够浏览其他相关联的产品并能购买他们。
3. 作为用户,我能够浏览分类列表并能导航到网站的这部分分类。
4. 作为用户,我能够被导航到商品详情网页并能购买商品。
5. 作为用户,我能够在商品详情网页中查看相关联产品,以便于完成配套或者购买搭配商品。
6. 作为用户,我能够在想了解产品的外貌时,可以查看产品的缩微图和大图。
For the purposes of this book, you are working with a hypothetical customer who wants to build an
eCommerce site. That’s really all you know when you agree to meet with the customer. The customer ’s
name is Claudia, and she runs a thriving retail store devoted to “all things kids.” She only has a very
basic web presence that gives the name of the store (Claudia’ s Kids ) and some basic contact information.
This is not a lot to go on, which is OK, because, unlike when using predictive methodologies, you want
to adapt to the customer ’s needs.
When you meet Claudia, she turns out to be an energetic 30-something who started her retail store 4
years before. The store was funded in part with credit cards, the severance from the high-tech job she
was laid off from, and a loan from various friends and family. It took almost 2 years for her to claw out a
decent profit in the store, but by catering to a specific market (moms who would pay anything to
provide their kids with branded clothes and toys), Claudia has made a success of it.
Claudia’s pretty sure it’s time to expand. It didn’t take long for her phenomenal growth to flatten out,
but there isn’t enough money coming in to expand to a second brick-and-mortar store. Nor does she feel
comfortable with the costs associated with a mail order catalog. This is where you and CodeIgniter come
in. Although she has no idea how to code an eCommerce site, she knows that a transactional site is the
key to her success — she could, with the right site, expand her customer base and bring in lots of revenue
beyond what comes in from walk-ins and the occasional long-time customer who phones in an order.
As you listen, you’re taking notes, mostly about high-level nouns and verbs. You know already, for
example, that you will need some kind of online catalog of products. You don’t know what pieces of
information you will need to track for each product, but you can be sure that each will have a price, a
photo, a name, and some kind of unique identifier. Furthermore, they’ll probably be organized into some
kind of category scheme, such as toys or clothes. But that’s all you know right now. You also know that
there are customers involved, but you don’t know if she wants to track each unique customer.
So now you have a place to start. There are only so many ways to attack the problem. With your previous
experience building these kinds of systems, you know how to guide the discussion, which is fine, because
that’s what Claudia wants. She’s the expert on her business and marketplace, and you’re the expert coder.
From here forward it’s a partnership. She will eventually become the product owner in the process, the
person who provides you, the developer, with the kind of necessary input to delineate tasks.
You can start anywhere, really, but you’ve learned from past experience not to start by asking bottom-up
questions. In other words, trying to dissect every single possible field for a product or how categories
interact would just confuse Claudia. Instead, you draw a big rectangle on a sheet of paper and label it
“home page.”
You tell Claudia that the best way to start is with a prototype mockup. That way the two of you can start
figuring out the major components of each page and from there fill in the look and feel and other details.
As you talk, you draw a smaller horizontal rectangle near the top of the big rectangle. You explain that
this is where the store’s logo and main navigation will go — pages like Contact Us, About Us, and
perhaps special features or deals. At the bottom of the big rectangle, you draw another smaller rectangle,
and explain that this is the site’s footer, which will contain a copyright notice, a link to the privacy
policy, and other minutiae.
So far, what you’ve drawn looks a lot like Figure 2-1.
Figure 2-1
Now, you need to know what goes in the middle. You suggest some kind of featured item or point of
focus or visual interest, but the page also needs to allow users to navigate quickly and easily to any point
in the site.
Yes, Claudia says that a featured item is a good idea, perhaps something that could stay up for a week or
so, something that she could control instead of something random. She wants a photo of the item, the
item’s name, a short description, and a link to some kind of detail page. You suggest that it might be
good to have a “buy now” button as well, right on the home page, and she agrees. Claudia also thinks
that something off to the right of the main feature might be a random list of other items, maybe one
product from each major category. Each item in the list would feature a small thumbnail, a product
name, and a link to a detail page. Again, you fill in a “buy now” link as well.
Your home page drawing now looks like Figure 2-2.
Figure 2-2
Speaking of categories, you decide to put a long vertical rectangle to the left of the main featured item,
telling her, “This is where we’ll list all the categories in your store. Let’s talk about those for a bit.”
Claudia nods and tells you that in her existing inventory, she has five or six major categories of products,
each with their own subcategories. So far, her store only has two levels of categories, so you know that
you will need to build a hierarchical category tree and a two-level navigation depending on what the
user clicks on, as illustrated in Figure 2-3.
Figure 2-3
You both look at this mockup and decide that what you have is pretty good. You’ve been at it for about
an hour, but instead of quitting just yet, you decide to push ahead to create two other page mockups: one
for the Category view and one for the Detail view.
Claudia asks about the “buy now” page and the actual Shopping Cart. You tell her that this page can be
mocked up tomorrow. After all, you need some time to assimilate everything you’re learning from this
You decide to reuse your basic rectangle for your Category view. You explain that this is a generic view
that shows any list of products and/or other categories. For example, if you had a clothing category, it
might have certain subcategories associated with it: shirts, pants, skirts, and shoes.
A main category might even have individual products associated with it as well as subcategories, but at
this point Claudia says, “no”, that she wants to mirror the retail environment to some degree. In the
store’s inventory system, you would never see individual products associated with a high-level category
like clothes. You make a note that only subcategories can have products associated with them.
The result is a fairly simple Category view, featuring all the subcategories associated with a main
category or the products associated with a particular subcategory. The first type of view would list all
subcategories alphabetically, with subcategory name, description, and a link to view products within
that category.
When you ask if it’s possible to have categories or subcategories removed or deleted from the online store,
Claudia thinks long and hard and finally agrees to allow it. So now you know that you need to track some
kind of status (active or inactive, live or in progress) and only show the ones that are active or live.
Next you ask if you should show some kind of image next to each category name and description. After
some thinking, Claudia asks if it’s possible to pull a random image from a product associated with a
subcategory and use that. You tell her that, of course, it’s possible, but something else just occurred to
you: Is it possible for a product to be in more than one category at a time?
Claudia doesn’t even have to think very long about it. She shakes her head, no, and says that she keeps
things very organized in her store and intends to do the same online. So far, your diagrams for the
category views (category and subcategory) look like Figure 2-4 and Figure 2-5.
Figure 2-4
Figure 2-5
As you work, you take note that there really isn’t that much of a difference between the two mockups.
All you have to do is check to see where you are in the category hierarchy to show products or
As Claudia reviews these mockups, she mentions that it would be nice to offer related items for any
product. You take this as your cue to start the process of creating a mockup for the Product Detail page.
Again, you use the shorthand rectangles that helped you create the home page, but this time you provide
space for a large product image, image name, longer description, and a “buy now” button.
“It’s not that simple,” Claudia says, reacting to your mockup. “We also need to provide other
information, such as colors and sizes. And I’d like to show related items off to the side.”
“What do you mean by related items?”
“Well, if they’re looking at a shirt, it would be nice to show some pants or shoes,” she says.
When you ask if these would be random selections, she says, “no”, that she would like to construct each
page like she does her store. In the store, she will routinely put together outfits, as doing it this way
increases her sales.
“Let’s do this,” you say, feeling a need to go away for a while to take better notes. “We’ll do a related
items sidebar, but it sounds like we need to figure out a way to group things together that doesn’t
involve categories. Something like a group number or something. Everything with the same group
number stays together.”
She nods and understands where you are going. She has other things to do, so she is also anxious to step
away for a while. As she looks at the mockup for the Product Detail page (shown in Figure 2-6), she
mentions how happy she is with the process so far.
Figure 2-6
“This is a lot more relaxed and visual than I remember from my high-tech days,” she says. “So far you
haven’t asked any scary questions, just about stuff that I know really well, like my business.”
You thank Claudia for her time and set an appointment for the next day, in which you’ll talk about a
“buy now” page and fill in some other holes in your knowledge.
Assimilating What You’ve Learned
Congratulations, you’ve done a whole lot of work. Not only have you created four mockup pages (home
page, category view, subcategory view, and Product Detail view), but you’ve also absorbed a great deal
of information about categories and products.
Here’s what you know about categories:
❑ Categories are hierarchical, but limited to two levels.
❑ Categories can be active or inactive.
❑ Categories have a name, a short description, and a long description.
❑ Images for categories are derived from the products assigned to them.
And this is what you know about products:
❑ A product can only belong to one category at a time.
❑ A product has a name, a large image, a thumbnail, a short description, a long description, and other possible metadata, such as sizes and colors.
❑ A product can be associated with other products to form groups or outfits.
Although not mentioned yet, one could correctly deduce that products can be active or inactive.
Something else not mentioned, but presumably a requirement, is that every product has a price
expressed as a decimal number.
Converting what you know about categories into a query that would create a table in MySQL, you
would have something like this:
1: CREATE TABLE ‘categories’ ( 2: 3: ‘id’ INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , 4: 5: ‘name’ VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , 6: 7: ‘shortdesc’ VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , 8: 9: ‘longdesc’ TEXT NOT NULL , 10: 11: ‘status’ ENUM( ‘active’, ‘inactive’ ) NOT NULL , 12: 13: ‘parentid’ INT NOT NULL , 14: 15: PRIMARY KEY ( ‘id’ ) 16: 17: ) TYPE = MYISAM ; 18:Similarly, converting what you know about products into a MySQL query, you would end up with the
1: CREATE TABLE ‘products’ ( 2: 3: ‘id’ INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , 4: 5: ‘name’ VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , 6: 7: ‘shortdesc’ VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , 8: 9: ‘longdesc’ TEXT NOT NULL , 10: 11: ‘thumbnail’ VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , 12: 13: ‘image’ VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL , 14: 15: ‘sizes’ ENUM( ‘s’, ‘m’, ‘l’, ‘xl’ ) NOT NULL , 16: 17: ‘colors’ ENUM( ‘red’, ‘blue’, ‘green’, ‘brown’, ‘white’, ‘black’ ) NOT NULL , 18: 19: ‘grouping’ VARCHAR( 16 ) NOT NULL , 20: 21: ‘status’ ENUM( ‘active’, ‘inactive’ ) NOT NULL , 22: 23: ‘category_id’ INT NOT NULL , 24: 25: ‘featured’ ENUM (‘true’, ‘false’) NOT NULL, 26: 27: ‘price’ FLOAT( 4, 2 ) NOT NULL, 28: 29: PRIMARY KEY ( ‘id’ ) 30: 31: ) TYPE = MYISAM ; 32:At this point, using an enum for colors and sizes is a bit iffy, as there may be any number of size
classifications (one for shoes, one for shirts, one for pants) and many different available color classes. But
for right now, this will do.
Of course, having mockups and some idea of what your MySQL tables look like is a good thing, but
before your next meeting with Claudia, you need to draw up a product backlog. The product backlog
will serve as a list of all the features you want to have in the resulting eCommerce web site.
Remember in the following discussion that there is a fundamental difference between the product you
are building (the eCommerce site) and the products in the actual store (shoes, clothes, etc.). As long as
you keep the two concepts straight, you’ll do fine.
Looking over your notes and mockups, you develop an initial product backlog based on successful
stories. A good story usually follows the pattern “As an X, I want to do Y, so I can do Z.” Here are a
few stories you can put in the product backlog — and please note that normally the product owner
would do this, but at this point it’s faster for you to set a precedent:
1. As a user, I want to view a featured product on the home page so I can buy it.
2. As a user, I want to view other related products on the home page so I can buy them.
3. As a user, I want to view a list of categories so I can navigate to those parts of the site.
4. As a user, I want to be able to navigate to Product Detail pages so I can buy products.
5. As a user, I want to see related products on a Product Detail page so I can complete outfits or
buy accessories.
6. As a user, I want to be able to see product thumbnails and images as often as possible to get an
idea of what the products look like.
This is enough for now. Tomorrow, you’ll meet with Claudia and she’ll take over the product backlog.