C 的入门者请进,否则不要花时间click

    技术2022-05-11  111

    //只需要把下面代码paste到new project, run, 即看到效果//The goal of this program is to show: // the relationship of Pointer and Address in C languange.

    //created by Feb 4th, 2002    //modified by Feb 4th,2004

    #include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>

     //if put   3, result=3^3+3=12;  //if       4, result=4^4+4=20...double squarePlus(int a,double *b);

    int main(void){    double x=3,y=3,result=0;    printf("/n 0.....y Address = %p/n",&y); // print y address

     //scanf(y);     result=squarePlus(3,&y);                                          printf("/n SquarePlus of %f = %2.0f /n",x,result);

     return 0;}/*

     0.....y Address = 0012FF70 1.....pAddress(b) = 0012FF70 2.....double value(*b) = 3.000000...processing: (*b) *= *b;

     SquarePlus of 3.000000 = 12Press any key to continue


    //**********************************************************//double squarePlus(int a,double *b){   //Print the address of pointer:   printf(" 1.....pAddress(b) = %p /n",b);

       //Print the value after calcuation:   printf(" 2.....double value(*b) = %f/n",*b);

       //Save before you have to change.   double k = *b;     //b=&k; //[YES] if b= sth's address;            //        *b= sth's value;

       // b is always the Result:   *b=a;   (*b) *= *b;                 //multipile itself   printf("...processing: (*b) *= *b;/n");    *b=*b+k;        //[YES] value itself +1;   //b=b+b;        //[NO]  just make "b" to another address;

       return *b;   //return (*b)*(*b)+(*b);  //[YES] works also   //return b;      // [NO] cannot convert from 'double *' to 'double'}

