101-year-old paralyzed old man beat 47-year-old thief

    技术2022-05-13  4

    Oxford City, 47-year-old man, Stephen, Charles, m old man sneaked into the base 101-year-old home when the burglary, did not expect m Charles superb base was actually a former boxing martial arts master, was a heavy fist to beat paralysis pass to the ground. 17, a British court conducted a hearing regarding this theft, Stephen for the crime of burglary was sentenced to threecollecti nike shoes g rnment  years in prison. M Charles served as the military base, Colonel, is a trained boxer in his youth he had participated in many boxing match. Not long ago, his family's roof leaks, so hired 47-year-old construction workers repairing the roof of Stephen home. Stephen, however, there have been many times in fSecrdnformationca jordan shoes the etary act a criminal record of the thieves committing the crime, he often disguised as construction workers to the employer's home burglary. Stephen came to m Charles-based home, the first instrument the show and some on the roof, and then crept into the room rummaging around, and cabinets inside a wallet containing rm christian louboutin shoesationt £ 300 into the pocket. Happened m Charles-based old man walked into the room, he saw Stephen's stolen wallet, the wallet he will be shouted down. However, simply does not bring m Charles Stephen looked down on the base, but to him swoop past. Dramatically, to meet him was like rain heavy blows, SteOliver receive air max shoes ndiinphen was soon beaten limp to the ground, gas and all gasp, but come. 17, Oxford, UK Criminal Tribunal for the hearing of this case, Stephen gave their pleaded guilty and was sentenced to three years in prison. Court Reporters Marc Skelton rignoutstIslands. air jordan anding ht Stephen, said: "Do you think he is a very easy target to target, but you clearly see Zouliao Yan." http://hi.baidu.com/asdxiao/blog/item/61cf3281128c01d2bd3e1e65.html http://shoes007asd.blog.sohu.com/132257643.html http://shoes007.blog.com/2009/09/20/californias-unemployment-rate-was-the-highest-in-the-history-of-the-united-states/ http://www1.360quan.com/blog/show/4592616 http://blog.tianya.cn/blogger/post_show.asp?idWriter=28306234&Key=11548349&BlogID=2309315&PostID=19094282
