技术2022-06-27  44

    记录一下ORACE 10g  1Z0-043 中关于闪回的两个视图



    SQL> col object_name for a30;SQL> SQL> select o.object_name, o.object_type  2    from dba_objects o  3   where o.object_name like 'V$FLASH%';

    OBJECT_NAME                                         OBJECT_TYPE------------------------------                          -------------------V$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOG               SYNONYMV$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOGFILE        SYNONYMV$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_STAT              SYNONYMV$FLASHBACK_TXN_GRAPH                     SYNONYMV$FLASHBACK_TXN_MODS                      SYNONYMV$FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA_USAGE         SYNONYM







    v$flashback_database_logName                                                       Description------------------------------           -------------------------- OLDEST_FLASHBACK_SCN       Lowest system change number (SCN) in the flashback data, for any incarnation                                                 闪回数据最小的scnOLDEST_FLASHBACK_TIME      Time of the lowest SCN in the flashback data, for any incarnation                                                闪回数据最小的时间RETENTION_TARGET                Target retention time (in minutes)                                                闪回保留时间FLASHBACK_SIZE                     Current size (in bytes) of the flashback data                                                 闪回数据大小ESTIMATED_FLASHBACK_SIZE  Estimated size of flashback data needed for the current target retention                                                 评估满足当前闪回保留时间,需要的闪回空间的大小                                                                                                                                                                      

    V$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_STAT显示数据库收集到的闪回信息Name                      Description------------------------ -------- BEGIN_TIME            Beginning of the time interval                                  一段时间间隔的起始时间     END_TIME                End of the time interval                                    一段时间间隔的结束时间                              FLASHBACK_DATA    Number of bytes of flashback data written during the interval                                         一段时间内闪回数据的大小(bytes)   DB_DATA                  Number of bytes of database data read and written during the interval                                 一段时间内数据库读写大小(bytes)  REDO_DATA              Number of bytes of redo data written during the interval                                 一段时间内redo 数据的大小(bytes)ESTIMATED_FLASHBACK_SIZE Value of ESTIMATED_FLASHBACK_SIZE in V$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOG at the

                                                     end of the time interval                                                   一段时间间隔的结束时,评估需要闪回空间的大小


