_LIT(KNetInfo, "Network: %S/tSignal: %d"); TBuf<32> netName; TBuf<100> line; RConnectionMonitor monitor; TPckgBuf<TConnMonNetworkNames> pkgNetworks; // establish connection with the monitor server monitor.ConnectL(); // prepare leave clean-up CleanupClosePushL(monitor); TRequestStatus status; // get the list of available networks monitor.GetPckgAttribute(EBearerIdWLAN, 0, KNetworkNames, pkgNetworks, status); // suspend thread until the info is retrieved // production code should use active objects User::WaitForRequest(status); // leave if the asynchronous method returned an error User::LeaveIfError(status.Int()); // reset networks list // add retrieved networks to the list for (TUint i = 0; i < pkgNetworks().iCount; i++) { netName.Copy(pkgNetworks().iNetwork[i].iName); line.Format(KNetInfo, &netName, pkgNetworks().iNetwork[i].iSignalStrength); iEikonEnv->InfoWinL(line, KNullDesC); } // close server session CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&monitor);