/* 10-2-11-01-09-21.29.c -- 第十章第二题 */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #define SIZE (5) typedef struct element { int number ; int value ; int time ; } Element ; int main (void) ; void processInput (Element * const input, const int size, const int max_value) ; int earnMaxMenoy (Element * const input, const int size) ; void printTurn (const Element * const input, const int size) ; void insertSort (Element * const input, const int size) ; int getRandomValue (const int max) ; int main (void) { Element input[SIZE] ; int size = SIZE, max_value = 5 ; /* Get the element */ processInput (input, size, max_value) ; printf ("The earnings is :$%-4d./n", earnMaxMenoy (input, size)) ; printTurn (input, size) ; return 0 ; } void processInput (Element * const input, const int size, const int max_value) { int i ; srand ((unsigned int) time (NULL)) ; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { input[i].number = i + 1 ; input[i].value = getRandomValue (max_value) ; input[i].time = input[i].value ; } insertSort (input, size) ; } int earnMaxMenoy (Element * const input, const int size) { int time = 0, money = 0 ; int i ; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) /* ";" Fuck! */ { /* Preformative! */ if (++time <= input[i].time) money += input[i].value ; } return money ; } void printTurn (const Element * const input, const int size) { int i ; puts ("For earn maximum money as possible, the order is:") ; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) printf ("%-4d", input[i].number) ; putchar ('/n') ; } /* I've forgot it! */ void insertSort (Element * const input, const int size) { Element temp ; int i, j ; for (i = 1; i < size; i++) { temp = input[i] ; for (j = i; j > 0 && input[j - 1].value > temp.value; j--) input[j] = input[j - 1] ; input[j] = temp ; } } int getRandomValue (const int max) { return rand () % max + 1 ; }