Windows Shell Registry Handling Functions

    技术2022-06-29  69

          windows shell api中提供了很多有用的功能函数,涉及到操作文件目录、字符串和注册表等,熟练的使用它们对提高平时的编程效率很有帮助。记录几个平时用到的函数。


    1、SHCopyKey Function


            SHCopyKey recursively copies the subkeys and values of the source subkey to the destination key. SHCopyKey does not copy the security attributes of the keys.


    2、SHDeleteKey Function


           Deletes a subkey and all its descendants. The function will remove the key and all of the key's values from the registry.


    3、SHRegGetValue Function


    4、SHSetValue Function



    1、PathRemoveBlanks Function


    2、PathFileExists Function
