using std::cout;
using std::endl;
int main()
const int SIZE = 10;
int a1[] = { 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 6 };
std::vector<int> v( a1, a1 + SIZE );
std::ostream_iterator<int> outputIt( cout, " " );
cout<<"Vector v contains:/n";
std::copy( v.begin(), v.end(), outputIt );
std::vector< int >::iterator lower;
lower = std::lower_bound( v.begin(), v.end(), 6 );
cout<<"/n/nLower bound of 6 is element "
<< (lower - v.begin() ) << " of vector v";
std::vector< int >::iterator upper;
upper = std::upper_bound( v.begin(), v.end(), 6 );
cout<<"/nUpper bound of 6 is element "
<<( upper - v.begin() ) <<" of vector v";
std::pair< std::vector<int>::iterator,
std::vector<int>::iterator> eq;
eq = std::equal_range( v.begin(), v.end(), 6 );
cout<<"/nUsing equal_rang:/n"
<<" Lower bound of 6 is element "
<<( eq.first - v.begin() ) <<" of vector v";
cout<<"/n Upper bound of 6 is element "
<<( eq.second - v.begin() )<<" of vector v";
cout<<"/n/nUse lower_bound to locate the first point/n"
<<"at which 5 can be inserted in order";
lower = std::lower_bound( v.begin(), v.end(), 5 );
cout<<"/n Lower bound of 5 is element "
<< (lower - v.begin() ) <<" of vector v";
cout<<"/n/nUse upper_bound to locate the last point/n"
<<"at which 7 can be inserted in order";
upper = std::upper_bound( v.begin(), v.end(), 7 );
cout<<"/n Upper bound of 7 is element "
<<( upper - v.begin() )<<" of vector v";
cout<<"/n/nUse equal_range to locate the first and/n"
<<"last point at which 5 can be inserted in order";
eq = std::equal_range( v.begin(), v.end(), 5 );
cout<<"/n Lower bound of 5 is element "
<<( eq.first - v.begin() )<<" of vector v";
cout<<"/n Upper bound of 5 is element "
<<( eq.second - v.begin() )<<" of vector v"
return 0;