Six Rules of office Romance

    技术2022-07-02  97

    Office romance is fairly common these days as the office is where we spend so much of our time.

    What’s your opinion about office romance Do you think the following tips about office romance are right or not? Which one do you agree with? First, do a double take(三思而后行)

    Dating someone from work will not be don’t act on your first fleeting desire.Stop and ask yourself "Am I really into this person?" if the answer’s "NO" or even "Not Teally." it may be best to continue pursuing love the office.

    Take it slow(循序渐进)

    Try to develop a genuine personal friendship first. This way can simultaneously increase your certainty  about your interest and hedge your bets against making an unwanted advance.

    Honesty is the best policy(坦诚公开)

    Many people try to hide office relationships. but most are found out. Convert ops will only damage trust with other co-workers. and that’s bad for business. Besides , if you feel you really have something hide. it might be because you’re doing something that’s actually inappropriate.

    Discuss "What if…"(备好退路,以防万一)

    Most relationships don’t last be prepared for this one ending,too . talk about how you ‘ll handle working together or moving on professionally like mature adults if a potential romance ended up on the rocks.

    Take it to the next leveal(在工作以外寻求共处方式)

    Congratulations if work brought you and your partner together.but it will take much more to stay together. Take care to not let the office overrun conversation when you’re off the clock, and proactively seek other passions you can share.Mutual devotion to all kinds of hobbies and community causes has been known to make couples fall in love all over again.

    Remember your other relathionships(切记,办公室不仅仅有爱情)

    You may be dating one of your colleagues.but you’re still working with many more. You stand to score big professionally if you continue to demonstrate generosity and care with ervryone and hole your significant other accountable as a consummate professional instead of playing favorites.
