1. bin/fixior.bat 内容如下: @echo off rem Patches address and port information into IOR jaco org.jacorb.orb.util.FixIOR %1 %2 %3 %4 2.修改命令如下 D:/jacorb/bin>fixior 7710 c://test.ior 输出的日志如下: [jacorb.orb.print_ver] INFO : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JacORB V 2.3.0, www.jacorb.org (C) The JacORB project 17-Feb-2007 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [jacorb.orb] INFO : Property "jacorb.hashtable_class" is set to: java.util.HashM ap [org.jacorb.orb.codes] WARN : Warning - unknown codeset (GBK) - defaulting to IS O-8859-1 [jacorb.orb.intercept] INFO : InterceptorManager started with 0 Server Intercept ors, 0 Client Interceptors and 1 IOR Interceptors [jacorb.orb.singleton] INFO : created ORBSingleton 3. 该命令可以修改提供的IOR字符串中的IP地址,以及端口号,修改的时候, 你需要将原来的IOR字符串保存到一个文件中,修改成功后会自动修改该文件。