Problem Report 机制中相关术语和解释

    技术2022-07-03  185

    1什么是Defect: Defect 监控和记录与问题相关的信息。Defect问题相关,但并不一定与CMVC中的文件相关。defect可以记录个人的问题,硬件问题,流程的问题以及产品相关的问题。 什么是Feature? Featyre 监控和记录proposed设计变更相关的信息。可以说流程方面,硬件设计以及软件产品设计方面的。 Defect和Feature共同的属性: Name:名称 Component:opened against a single component for evaluation, management, and resolution or implementation. State:Valid states are open, design, size, review, working, verify, closed, returned, and canceled. Originator:谁开的 Owner:谁负责实现或解决 Remarks:Information describing the defect or feature. Prefix:A code for specifying different types of defects or features. Age:自open以来的时间 Reference: Abstract:


    For Defects and Features:

    Priority – An indication of the relative importance of the defect or feature. Target – An indication of when the defect is to be resolved or the feature is to be implemented.

    For Defects Only:

    Phase Found – The development phase in progress when the problem was discovered. Phase Injected – The development phase in progress when the defect was reported (injected).



    Track: 用来监控defect和feature的resolution(解决)情况。当track最初创建的时候其状态可能是approve也可能是fix状态。 如果track的release有approval的子过程,则track的初始状态为initial状态,否则为为fix状态。 track在defect/feature进入working stage状态的时候创建,由于一个defect/feature可能会影响多个release,因此必须针对defect和release创建track.。每个defect/feature和release对唯一决定了一个track. Track的属性:     * Name :     * Release :     * Prefix – d/f     * State – Valid states are approve, fix, integrate, commit, test, and complete.     * Owner –     * Abstract –     * Level – The level in which the track is committed. This value is updated by CMVC, and are blank if the track is committed without a level.     * Target – Each track can optionally have a target for the resolution of the defect or implementation of the feature.     * Reference – The track reference is that of the respective defect or feature. 一个track状态的变迁:



    Track的状态解释: Approve:在设置有approval subprocess的情况下,track创建后其初始状态为approve状态。当进入approve state状态的时候,approve record被记录。只有当所有的approval record变为accept 或者abstain状态的时候此状态才会改变. Build: 位于integrate和commit状态的中间状态,当对应的level进入build状态的时候,track变为build 状态。 Certify: Build状态之后,commit状态之前的状态。 Commit状态: 当track对应的level变为committed后,track自动变为commit状态。此时,所有相关的文件变更都被committed. complete:track的最终状态,当track关联的level completed,track自动变为completed状态。当track变为此状态时,其对应的feature/defect自动变为verify或者complete 状态。 Fix状态:While the track is in the fix state, file changes for the resolution of the feature or defect are made and checked in to the CMVC server. Integrate状态:If the fix and level subprocesses are configured, the track moves automatically to the integrate state when all fix records are complete. Ready状态: build状态之后,commit状态之前的状态。 Review:between the fix and integrate states. 当track在integrate状态的时候,必须先变为fix状态才能回到review状态。 Test:ready for formal testing in the specified environments.



    What is level?

    level的出现是因为: 在每个release里面有许多问题需要解决,而将一系列的问题以及和其对应的文件组合在一起变构成了level所要解决的问题。个人理解是分解,将一个很大的target设置为很多milestone,每个level可以理解为milestone,在每个level里面解决了那个defect或者加了哪些feature。


    A level is a CMVC object used to monitor and implement the integration of file changes within a release. The level provides a method for systematically integrating changes into a release under development. Levels can only be created for tracked releases using the level subprocess.







    Level的working状态:level创建的初始状态,在此阶段,level不包含任何track,因此也不包含任何的file change,在创建level的时候仅仅只包含名字和level的owner Level的Integrate状态: 当有任何track加入的时候,自动由working状态变为integrate状态。在integrate状态阶段,任何加入到level中的track都被叫做level member.当level在此状态时,只能做delta file tree (只包含在本level中被更改的file)extracted. Commit状态:可以做delta file tree 也可作full file tree extracted. level中的所有track都被置为commit状态,并且所有的file变更都将是永久的。 Completed状态:ready for formal environment testing




    与产品特定版本相关联的文件的逻辑组织,不改变文件的物理位置。 与release相关的属性: Name,Owner,Component,process,Desription。 每一个release都有一个component与之相关联。



    Components are the building blocks of the CMVC environment. They organize data for information retrieval, access control, notification control, problem reporting, and data organization. Each file under CMVC control is managed by a component.



    A release has a one-to-one relationship with a component for management purposes and a one-to-many relationship with files for product-related activities



    Component 管理 Feature 和defect,release以及File Level是跟release相关联的 当一个release和另一个release相关联的时候,那么会在这两个release之间创建共同的文件。在一个release改变的文件会影响到另一个release Component 管理File而release 则Group File Feature和Defect定义了Track,而Track决定了level member,level 又属于level
