作者:July 、何海涛等网友---------------------------
ok,话不絮烦。 此文永久勘误,永久优化。各位,对以下任何一题的答案有任何问题,请把您的意见回复于此贴上:本微软等100题系列V0.1版,永久维护(网友,思路回复)地址:http://topic.csdn.net/u/20101126/10/b4f12a00-6280-492f-b785-cb6835a63dc9.html
2010年 10月18日下午 July--------------------------------1.把二元查找树转变成排序的双向链表题目:输入一棵二元查找树,将该二元查找树转换成一个排序的双向链表。要求不能创建任何新的结点,只调整指针的指向。 10 / / 6 14/ / / /4 8 12 16 转换成双向链表4=6=8=10=12=14=16。
首先我们定义的二元查找树 节点的数据结构如下:struct BSTreeNode{ int m_nValue; // value of node BSTreeNode *m_pLeft; // left child of node BSTreeNode *m_pRight; // right child of node};
//引用 245 楼 tree_star 的回复#include <stdio.h>#include <iostream.h>
struct BSTreeNode{ int m_nValue; // value of node BSTreeNode *m_pLeft; // left child of node BSTreeNode *m_pRight; // right child of node};
typedef BSTreeNode DoubleList;DoubleList * pHead;DoubleList * pListIndex;
void convertToDoubleList(BSTreeNode * pCurrent);// 创建二元查找树void addBSTreeNode(BSTreeNode * & pCurrent, int value){ if (NULL == pCurrent) { BSTreeNode * pBSTree = new BSTreeNode(); pBSTree->m_pLeft = NULL; pBSTree->m_pRight = NULL; pBSTree->m_nValue = value; pCurrent = pBSTree;
} else { if ((pCurrent->m_nValue) > value) { addBSTreeNode(pCurrent->m_pLeft, value); } else if ((pCurrent->m_nValue) < value) { addBSTreeNode(pCurrent->m_pRight, value); } else { //cout<<"重复加入节点"<<endl; } }}
// 遍历二元查找树 中序void ergodicBSTree(BSTreeNode * pCurrent){ if (NULL == pCurrent) { return; } if (NULL != pCurrent->m_pLeft) { ergodicBSTree(pCurrent->m_pLeft); }
// 节点接到链表尾部 convertToDoubleList(pCurrent); // 右子树为空 if (NULL != pCurrent->m_pRight) { ergodicBSTree(pCurrent->m_pRight); }}
// 二叉树转换成listvoid convertToDoubleList(BSTreeNode * pCurrent){
pCurrent->m_pLeft = pListIndex; if (NULL != pListIndex) { pListIndex->m_pRight = pCurrent; } else { pHead = pCurrent; } pListIndex = pCurrent; cout<<pCurrent->m_nValue<<endl;}
int main(){ BSTreeNode * pRoot = NULL; pListIndex = NULL; pHead = NULL; addBSTreeNode(pRoot, 10); addBSTreeNode(pRoot, 4); addBSTreeNode(pRoot, 6); addBSTreeNode(pRoot, 8); addBSTreeNode(pRoot, 12); addBSTreeNode(pRoot, 14); addBSTreeNode(pRoot, 15); addBSTreeNode(pRoot, 16); ergodicBSTree(pRoot); return 0;}///4681012141516Press any key to continue//
--------------------------------------------------------------同样是上道题,再给各位看一段简洁的代码:void change(Node *p, Node *&last) //中序遍历{ if (!p) return; change(p->left, last); if (last) last->right = p; p->left = last; last = p; change(p->right, last);}
void main(){ Node *root = create(); Node *tail = NULL; change(root, tail); while (tail) { cout << tail->data << " "; tail = tail->left; } cout << endl;}
--------------------------------------------------#include <iostream>using namespace std;
class Node{public: int data; Node *left; Node *right; Node(int d = 0, Node *lr = 0, Node *rr = 0):data(d), left(lr), right(rr){}};
Node *create(){ Node *root; Node *p4 = new Node(4); Node *p8 = new Node(8); Node *p6 = new Node(6, p4, p8); Node *p12 = new Node(12); Node *p16 = new Node(16); Node *p14 = new Node(14, p12, p16); Node *p10 = new Node(10, p6, p14); root = p10; return root;}
Node *change(Node *p, bool asRight){ if (!p) return NULL; Node *pLeft = change(p->left, false); if (pLeft) pLeft->right = p; p->left = pLeft; Node *pRight = change(p->right, true); if (pRight) pRight->left = p; p->right = pRight; Node *r = p; if (asRight) { while (r->left) r = r->left; }else{ while (r->right) r = r->right; } return r;}
void main(){ Node *root = create(); Node *tail = change(root, false); while (tail) { cout << tail->data << " "; tail = tail->left; } cout << endl; root = create(); Node *head = change(root, true); while (head) { cout << head->data << " "; head = head->right; } cout << endl;}
首先我做插入以下数字:10,7,3,3,8,5,2, 60: 10 -> NULL (MIN=10, POS=0)1: 7 -> [0] (MIN=7, POS=1) 用数组表示堆栈,第0个元素表示栈底2: 3 -> [1] (MIN=3, POS=2)3: 3 -> [2] (MIN=3, POS=3)4: 8 -> NULL (MIN=3, POS=3) 技巧在这里,因为8比当前的MIN大,所以弹出8不会对当前的MIN产生影响5:5 -> NULL (MIN=3, POS=3)6: 2 -> [2] (MIN=2, POS=6) 如果2出栈了,那么3就是MIN7: 6 -> [6]
所以,此题的第1小题,即是借助辅助栈,保存最小值,且随时更新辅助栈中的元素。如先后,push 2 6 4 1 5stack A stack B(辅助栈)
4: 5 1 //push 5,min=p->[3]=1 ^3: 1 1 //push 1,min=p->[3]=1 | //此刻push进A的元素1小于B中栈顶元素22: 4 2 //push 4,min=p->[0]=2 |1: 6 2 //push 6,min=p->[0]=2 |0: 2 2 //push 2,min=p->[0]=2 |
push第一个元素进A,也把它push进B,当向Apush的元素比B中的元素小, 则也push进B,即更新B。否则,不动B,保存原值。向栈A push元素时,顺序由下至上。辅助栈B中,始终保存着最小的元素。
然后,pop栈A中元素,5 1 4 6 2 A B ->更新 4: 5 1 1 //pop 5,min=p->[3]=1 |3: 1 1 2 //pop 1,min=p->[0]=2 |2: 4 2 2 //pop 4,min=p->[0]=2 |1: 6 2 2 //pop 6,min=p->[0]=2 |0: 2 2 NULL //pop 2,min=NULL v
当pop A中的元素小于B中栈顶元素时,则也要pop B中栈顶元素。
---------------------------------------------------template<typename T>class StackSuppliedMin{public: vector<T> datas; vector<size_t> minStack; void push(T data){ datas.push_back(data); if (minStack.empty() || data < datas[minStack.back()]) minStack.push_back(datas.size()-1); } void pop(){ assert(!datas.empty()); if (datas.back() == datas[minStack.back()]) minStack.pop_back(); datas.pop_back(); } T min(){ assert(!datas.empty() && !minStack.empty()); return datas[minStack.back()]; } void display();};
例如输入的数组为1, -2, 3, 10, -4, 7, 2, -5,和最大的子数组为3, 10, -4, 7, 2,因此输出为该子数组的和18。
//July 2010/10/18
#include <iostream.h>
int maxSum(int* a, int n){ int sum=0; int b=0;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { if(b<0) b=a[i]; else b+=a[i]; if(sum<b) sum=b; } return sum;}
int main(){ int a[10]={1,-8,6,3,-1,5,7,-2,0,1}; cout<<maxSum(a,10)<<endl; return 0;}
运行结果,如下:20Press any key to continue------------------------------------------------------------
int maxSum(int* a, int n){ int sum=0; int b=0;
for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { if(b<=0) //此处修正下,把b<0改为 b<=0 b=a[i]; else b+=a[i]; if(sum<b) sum=b; } return sum;}
//解释下:例如输入的数组为1, -2, 3, 10, -4, 7, 2, -5,那么最大的子数组为3, 10, -4, 7, 2,因此输出为该子数组的和18
所有的东西都在以下俩行,即: b : 0 1 -1 3 13 9 16 18 7 sum: 0 1 1 3 13 13 16 18 18
void FindPath( BinaryTreeNode* pTreeNode, // a node of binary tree int expectedSum, // the expected sum std::vector<int>& path, // a path from root to current node int& currentSum // the sum of path){ if(!pTreeNode) return;
currentSum += pTreeNode->m_nValue; path.push_back(pTreeNode->m_nValue);
// if the node is a leaf, and the sum is same as pre-defined, // the path is what we want. print the path bool isLeaf = (!pTreeNode->m_pLeft && !pTreeNode->m_pRight); if(currentSum == expectedSum && isLeaf) { std::vector<int>::iterator iter = path.begin(); for(; iter != path.end(); ++ iter) std::cout << *iter << '/t'; std::cout << std::endl; }
// if the node is not a leaf, goto its children if(pTreeNode->m_pLeft) FindPath(pTreeNode->m_pLeft, expectedSum, path, currentSum); if(pTreeNode->m_pRight) FindPath(pTreeNode->m_pRight, expectedSum, path, currentSum);
// when we finish visiting a node and return to its parent node, // we should delete this node from the path and // minus the node's value from the current sum currentSum -= pTreeNode->m_nValue; path.pop_back();}
5.查找最小的k个元素题目:输入n个整数,输出其中最小的k个。例如输入1,2,3,4,5,6,7和8这8个数字,则最小的4个数字为1,2,3和4。//July 2010/10/18//引用自116 楼 wocaoqwer 的回复。
#include<iostream>using namespace std;
class MinK{public: MinK(int *arr,int si):array(arr),size(si){}
bool kmin(int k,int*& ret){ if(k>size) { ret=NULL; return false; } else { ret=new int[k--]; int i; for(i=0;i<=k;++i) ret[i]=array[i]; for(int j=(k-1)/2;j>=0;--j) shiftDown(ret,j,k); for(;i<size;++i) if(array[i]<ret[0]) { ret[0]=array[i]; shiftDown(ret,0,k); } return true; } } void remove(int*& ret){ delete[] ret; ret=NULL; } private: void shiftDown(int *ret,int pos,int length){ int t=ret[pos]; for(int s=2*pos+1;s<=length;s=2*s+1){ if(s<length&&ret[s]<ret[s+1]) ++s; if(t<ret[s]) { ret[pos]=ret[s]; pos=s; } else break; } ret[pos]=t; } int *array; int size;};
int main(){ int array[]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}; MinK mink(array,sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0])); int *ret; int k=4; if(mink.kmin(k,ret)) { for(int i=0;i<k;++i) cout<<ret[i]<<endl; mink.remove(ret); } return 0;}
/运行结果:4231Press any key to continue/
---------------------第5题,更多,请看:程序员面试题狂想曲:第三章、寻找最小的k个数、updated 10次。
第6题------------------------------------腾讯面试题: 给你10分钟时间,根据上排给出十个数,在其下排填出对应的十个数 要求下排每个数都是先前上排那十个数在下排出现的次数。 上排的十个数如下: 【0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9】
举一个例子, 数值: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 分配: 6,2,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0 0在下排出现了6次,1在下排出现了2次, 2在下排出现了1次,3在下排出现了0次.... 以此类推.. // 引用自July 2010年10月18日。
//数值: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9//分配: 6,2,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0
#include <iostream.h>#define len 10
class NumberTB { private: int top[len]; int bottom[len]; bool success;public: NumberTB(); int* getBottom(); void setNextBottom(); int getFrequecy(int num);};
NumberTB::NumberTB() { success = false; //format top for(int i=0;i<len;i++) { top[i] = i; } }
int* NumberTB::getBottom(){ int i = 0; while(!success) { i++; setNextBottom(); } return bottom; }
//set next bottom void NumberTB::setNextBottom() { bool reB = true; for(int i=0;i<len;i++) { int frequecy = getFrequecy(i); if(bottom[i] != frequecy) { bottom[i] = frequecy; reB = false; } } success = reB; }
//get frequency in bottom int NumberTB::getFrequecy(int num) //此处的num即指上排的数 i{ int count = 0; for(int i=0;i<len;i++) { if(bottom[i] == num) count++; } return count; //cout即对应 frequecy}
int main(){ NumberTB nTB; int* result= nTB.getBottom();
for(int i=0;i<len;i++) { cout<<*result++<<endl; } return 0;} ///运行结果:6210001000Press any key to continue/
//这一题,自己也和不少人讨论过了,//更详细的,请看这里://My sina Blog://http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5e3ab00c0100le4s.html
//用两个指针,一个指针步长为1,一个指针步长为2,判断链表是否有环bool check(const node* head){ if(head==NULL) return false; node *low=head, *fast=head->next; while(fast!=NULL && fast->next!=NULL) { low=low->next; fast=fast->next->next; if(low==fast) return true; } return false;}
//如果链表可能有环,则如何判断两个链表是否相交//思路:链表1 步长为1,链表2步长为2 ,如果有环且相交则肯定相遇,否则不相交list1 head: p1list2 head: p2while( p1 != p2 && p1 != NULL && p2 != NULL ) [b]//但当链表有环但不相交时,此处是死循环。![/b]{ p1 = p1->next; if ( p2->next ) p2 = p2->next->next; else p2 = p2->next;}if ( p1 == p2 && p1 && p2) //相交else //不相交所以,判断带环的链表,相不相交,只能这样:如果都带环,判断一链表上俩指针相遇的那个节点,在不在另一条链表上。如果在,则相交,如果不在,则不相交。(未写代码实现,见谅。:)..------------------
第9题-----------------------------------判断整数序列是不是二元查找树的后序遍历结果题目:输入一个整数数组,判断该数组是不是某二元查找树的后序遍历的结果。如果是返回true,否则返回false。例如输入5、7、6、9、11、10、8,由于这一整数序列是如下树的后序遍历结果: 8 / / 6 10/ / / /5 7 9 11因此返回true。如果输入7、4、6、5,没有哪棵树的后序遍历的结果是这个序列,因此返回false。//貌似,少有人关注此题。:).2010/10/18
bool verifySquenceOfBST(int squence[], int length){ if(squence == NULL || length <= 0) return false;
// root of a BST is at the end of post order traversal squence int root = squence[length - 1];
// the nodes in left sub-tree are less than the root int i = 0; for(; i < length - 1; ++ i) { if(squence[i] > root) break; }
// the nodes in the right sub-tree are greater than the root int j = i; for(; j < length - 1; ++ j) { if(squence[j] < root) return false; }
// verify whether the left sub-tree is a BST bool left = true; if(i > 0) left = verifySquenceOfBST(squence, i);
// verify whether the right sub-tree is a BST bool right = true; if(i < length - 1) right = verifySquenceOfBST(squence + i, length - i - 1);
return (left && right);}
关于第9题:其实,就是一个后序遍历二叉树的算法。关键点:1. //确定根结点 int root = squence[length - 1];
2. // the nodes in left sub-tree are less than the root int i = 0; for(; i < length - 1; ++ i) { if(squence[i] > root) break; }
// the nodes in the right sub-tree are greater than the root int j = i; for(; j < length - 1; ++ j) { if(squence[j] < root) return false; }
第10题,单词翻转。//单词翻转,引用自117 楼 wocaoqwer 的回复。
#include<iostream>#include<string>using namespace std;
class ReverseWords{public: ReverseWords(string* wo):words(wo){} void reverse_() { int length=words->size(); int begin=-1,end=-1; for(int i=0;i<length;++i){ if(begin==-1&&words->at(i)==' ') continue; if(begin==-1) { begin=i; continue; } if(words->at(i)==' ') end=i-1; else if(i==length-1) end=i; else continue; reverse__(begin,end); //1.字母翻转 begin=-1,end=-1; } reverse__(0,length-1); //2.单词翻转 }
private: void reverse__(int begin,int end) // { while(begin<end) { char t=words->at(begin); words->at(begin)=words->at(end); words->at(end)=t; ++begin; --end; } } string* words;};
int main(){ string s="I am a student."; ReverseWords r(&s); r.reverse_(); cout<<s<<endl; return 0;}
运行结果:student. a am IPress any key to continue
如果我们把二叉树看成一个图, 父子节点之间的连线看成是双向的, 我们姑且定义"距离"为两节点之间边的个数。 写一个程序, 求一棵二叉树中相距最远的两个节点之间的距离。//July 2010/10/19//此题思路,tree_star and i 在257、258楼,讲的很明白了。
//定义一个结构体struct NODE{ NODE* pLeft; NODE* pRight; int MaxLen; int MaxRgt;}; NODE* pRoot; //根节点int MaxLength;
void traversal_MaxLen(NODE* pRoot){ if(pRoot == NULL) { return 0; }; if(pRoot->pLeft == NULL) { pRoot->MaxLeft = 0; } else //若左子树不为空 { int TempLen = 0; if(pRoot->pLeft->MaxLeft > pRoot->pLeft->MaxRight) //左子树上的,某一节点,往左边大,还是往右边大 { TempLen+=pRoot->pLeft->MaxLeft; } else { TempLen+=pRoot->pLeft->MaxRight; } pRoot->nMaxLeft = TempLen + 1; traversal_MaxLen(NODE* pRoot->pLeft); //此处,加上递归 } if(pRoot->pRigth == NULL) { pRoot->MaxRight = 0; } else //若右子树不为空 { int TempLen = 0; if(pRoot->pRight->MaxLeft > pRoot->pRight->MaxRight) //右子树上的,某一节点,往左边大,还是往右边大 { TempLen+=pRoot->pRight->MaxLeft; } else { TempLen+=pRoot->pRight->MaxRight; } pRoot->MaxRight = TempLen + 1; traversal_MaxLen(NODE* pRoot->pRight); //此处,加上递归 } if(pRoot->MaxLeft + pRoot->MaxRight > 0) { MaxLength=pRoot->nMaxLeft + pRoot->MaxRight; }}
// 数据结构定义 struct NODE { NODE* pLeft; // 左子树 NODE* pRight; // 右子树 int nMaxLeft; // 左子树中的最长距离 int nMaxRight; // 右子树中的最长距离 char chValue; // 该节点的值 }; int nMaxLen = 0; // 寻找树中最长的两段距离 void FindMaxLen(NODE* pRoot) { // 遍历到叶子节点,返回 if(pRoot == NULL) { return; } // 如果左子树为空,那么该节点的左边最长距离为0 if(pRoot -> pLeft == NULL) { pRoot -> nMaxLeft = 0; } // 如果右子树为空,那么该节点的右边最长距离为0 if(pRoot -> pRight == NULL) { pRoot -> nMaxRight = 0; } // 如果左子树不为空,递归寻找左子树最长距离 if(pRoot -> pLeft != NULL) { FindMaxLen(pRoot -> pLeft); } // 如果右子树不为空,递归寻找右子树最长距离 if(pRoot -> pRight != NULL) { FindMaxLen(pRoot -> pRight); } // 计算左子树最长节点距离 if(pRoot -> pLeft != NULL) { int nTempMax = 0; if(pRoot -> pLeft -> nMaxLeft > pRoot -> pLeft -> nMaxRight) { nTempMax = pRoot -> pLeft -> nMaxLeft; } else { nTempMax = pRoot -> pLeft -> nMaxRight; } pRoot -> nMaxLeft = nTempMax + 1; } // 计算右子树最长节点距离 if(pRoot -> pRight != NULL) { int nTempMax = 0; if(pRoot -> pRight -> nMaxLeft > pRoot -> pRight -> nMaxRight) { nTempMax = pRoot -> pRight -> nMaxLeft; } else { nTempMax = pRoot -> pRight -> nMaxRight; } pRoot -> nMaxRight = nTempMax + 1; } // 更新最长距离 if(pRoot -> nMaxLeft + pRoot -> nMaxRight > nMaxLen) { nMaxLen = pRoot -> nMaxLeft + pRoot -> nMaxRight; } } //很明显,思路完全一样,但书上给的这段代码更规范!:)。
#include <iostream.h>
class Temp{public: Temp() { ++N; Sum += N; } static void Reset() { N = 0; Sum = 0; } static int GetSum() { return Sum; }
private: static int N; static int Sum;};
int Temp::N = 0;int Temp::Sum = 0;
int solution1_Sum(int n){ Temp::Reset();
Temp *a = new Temp[n]; //就是这个意思,new出n个数组。 delete []a; a = 0;
return Temp::GetSum();}
int main(){ cout<<solution1_Sum(100)<<endl; return 0;}
//运行结果://5050//Press any key to continue
从二选一我们很自然的想到布尔变量, 比如ture/(1)的时候调用第一个函数,false/(0)的时候调用第二个函数。 那现在的问题是如和把数值变量n转换成布尔值。 如果对n连续做两次反运算,即!!n,那么非零的n转换为true,0转换为false。
#include <iostream.h>
class A;A* Array[2];
class A{public: virtual int Sum (int n) { return 0; }};
class B: public A{public: virtual int Sum (int n) { return Array[!!n]->Sum(n-1)+n; }};
int solution2_Sum(int n){ A a; B b; Array[0] = &a; Array[1] = &b; int value = Array[1]->Sum(n); //利用虚函数的特性,当Array[1]为0时,即Array[0] = &a; 执行A::Sum, //当Array[1]不为0时, 即Array[1] = &b; 执行B::Sum。
return value;}
int main(){ cout<<solution2_Sum(100)<<endl; return 0;}
//5050//Press any key to continue
//此题一出,相信,稍微有点 经验的同志,都会说到:------------------------设置两个指针p1,p2首先p1和p2都指向head然后p2向前走n步,这样p1和p2之间就间隔k个节点然后p1和p2同……
#include <iostream.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>
struct ListNode{ char data; ListNode* next;};ListNode* head,*p,*q;ListNode *pone,*ptwo;
ListNode* fun(ListNode *head,int k){ pone = ptwo = head; for(int i=0;i<=k-1;i++) ptwo=ptwo->next; while(ptwo!=NULL) { pone=pone->next; ptwo=ptwo->next; } return pone;}
int main(){ char c; head = (ListNode*)malloc(sizeof(ListNode)); head->next = NULL; p = head; while(c !='0') { q = (ListNode*)malloc(sizeof(ListNode)); q->data = c; q->next = NULL; p->next = q; p = p->next; c = getchar(); } cout<<"---------------"<<endl; cout<<fun(head,2)->data<<endl;
return 0;}
/1254863210---------------2Press any key to continue
第14题:题目:输入一个已经按升序排序过的数组和一个数字,在数组中查找两个数,使得它们的和正好是输入的那个数字。要求时间复杂度是O(n)。 如果有多对数字的和等于输入的数字,输出任意一对即可。 例如输入数组1、2、4、7、11、15和数字15。由于4+11=15,因此输出4和11。//由于数组已经过升序排列,所以,难度下降了不少。//July、2010/10/19
#include <iostream.h>
bool FindTwoNumbersWithSum(int data[], // 已经排序的 数组unsigned int length, // 数组长度 int sum, //用户输入的 sum int& num1, // 输出符合和等于sum的第一个数int& num2 // 第二个数){ bool found = false; if(length < 1) return found; int begin = 0; int end = length - 1; while(end > begin) { long curSum = data[begin] + data[end]; if(curSum == sum) { num1 = data[begin]; num2 = data[end]; found = true; break; } else if(curSum > sum) end--; else begin++; } return found;}
int main(){ int x,y; int a[6]={1,2,4,7,11,15}; if(FindTwoNumbersWithSum(a,6,15,x,y) ) { cout<<x<<endl<<y<<endl; } return 0;}411Press any key to continue
2.第14题,还有一种思路,如下俩个数组:1、 2、 4、7、11、15 //用15减一下为 14、13、11、8、4、 0 //如果下面出现了和上面一样的数,稍加判断,就能找出这俩个数来了。
第15题:题目:输入一颗二元查找树,将该树转换为它的镜像,即在转换后的二元查找树中,左子树的结点都大于右子树的结点。用递归和循环两种方法完成树的镜像转换。 例如输入: 8 / /6 10/ / / /5 7 9 11
输出: 8 / / 10 6/ / / /11 9 7 5
定义二元查找树的结点为:struct BSTreeNode // a node in the binary search tree (BST){ int m_nValue; // value of node BSTreeNode *m_pLeft; // left child of node BSTreeNode *m_pRight; // right child of node};//就是递归翻转树,有子树则递归翻转子树。//July、2010/10/19
void Revertsetree(list *root){ if(!root) return; list *p;
p=root->leftch; root->leftch=root->rightch; root->rightch=p;
if(root->leftch) Revertsetree(root->leftch); if(root->rightch) Revertsetree(root->rightch);}
void Revertsetree(list *phead){ if(!phead) return;
stack<list*> stacklist; stacklist.push(phead); //首先把树的头结点放入栈中。
while(stacklist.size()) //在循环中,只要栈不为空,弹出栈的栈顶结点,交换它的左右子树 { list* pnode=stacklist.top(); stacklist.pop(); list *ptemp; ptemp=pnode->leftch; pnode->leftch=pnode->rightch; pnode->rightch=ptemp;
if(pnode->leftch) stacklist.push(pnode->leftch); //若有左子树,把它的左子树压入栈中 if(pnode->rightch) stacklist.push(pnode->rightch); //若有右子树,把它的右子树压入栈中 }}
8 / / 6 10 // //5 7 9 11
输出8 6 10 5 7 9 11。//题目不是我们所熟悉的,树的前序,中序,后序。即是树的层次遍历。
/*308 楼 panda_lin 的回复,说的已经很好了。:)利用队列,每个单元对应二叉树的一个节点.1:输出8, 队列内容: 6, 102:输出6, 6的2个子节点5,7入队列。队列的内容:10, 5, 73:输出10,10的2个子节点9,11入队列。队列的内容:5,7,9,11。4:输出5 ,5没有子节点。队列的内容:7,9,115:。。。
#include <deque>#include <iostream>using namespace std;
struct BTreeNode // a node in the binary tree{ int m_nValue; // value of node BTreeNode *m_pLeft; // left child of node BTreeNode *m_pRight; // right child of node};BTreeNode* pListIndex;BTreeNode* pHead;
void PrintFromTopToBottom(BTreeNode *pTreeRoot){ if(!pTreeRoot) return;
// get a empty queue deque<BTreeNode *> dequeTreeNode;
// insert the root at the tail of queue dequeTreeNode.push_back(pTreeRoot);
while(dequeTreeNode.size()) { // get a node from the head of queue BTreeNode *pNode = dequeTreeNode.front(); dequeTreeNode.pop_front();
// print the node cout << pNode->m_nValue << ' ';
// print its left child sub-tree if it has if(pNode->m_pLeft) dequeTreeNode.push_back(pNode->m_pLeft); // print its right child sub-tree if it has if(pNode->m_pRight) dequeTreeNode.push_back(pNode->m_pRight); }}
// 创建二元查找树void addBTreeNode(BTreeNode * & pCurrent, int value){ if (NULL == pCurrent) { BTreeNode * pBTree = new BTreeNode(); pBTree->m_pLeft = NULL; pBTree->m_pRight = NULL; pBTree->m_nValue = value; pCurrent = pBTree;
} else { if ((pCurrent->m_nValue) > value) { addBTreeNode(pCurrent->m_pLeft, value); } else if ((pCurrent->m_nValue) < value) { addBTreeNode(pCurrent->m_pRight, value); } }}
int main(){ BTreeNode * pRoot = NULL; pListIndex = NULL; pHead = NULL; addBTreeNode(pRoot, 8); addBTreeNode(pRoot, 6); addBTreeNode(pRoot, 5); addBTreeNode(pRoot, 7); addBTreeNode(pRoot, 10); addBTreeNode(pRoot, 9); addBTreeNode(pRoot, 11); PrintFromTopToBottom(pRoot); return 0;}
//输出结果://8 6 10 5 7 9 11 Press any key to continue
第17题:题目:在一个字符串中找到第一个只出现一次的字符。如输入abaccdeff,则输出b。 这道题是2006年google的一道笔试题。
由于字符(char)是一个长度为8的数据类型,因此总共有可能256 种可能。于是我们创建一个长度为256的数组,每个字母根据其ASCII码值作为数组的下标对应数组的对应项,而数组中存储的是每个字符对应的次数。
#include <iostream.h>#include <string.h>
char FirstNotRepeatingChar(char* pString){ if(!pString) return 0;
const int tableSize = 256; unsigned int hashTable[tableSize]; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < tableSize; ++ i) hashTable[i] = 0;
char* pHashKey = pString; while(*(pHashKey) != '/0') hashTable[*(pHashKey++)] ++;
pHashKey = pString; while(*pHashKey != '/0') { if(hashTable[*pHashKey] == 1) return *pHashKey;
pHashKey++; }
return *pHashKey;}
int main(){ cout<<"请输入一串字符:"<<endl; char s[100]; cin>>s; char* ps=s; cout<<FirstNotRepeatingChar(ps)<<endl; return 0;}
//请输入一串字符:abaccdeffbPress any key to continue///
第18题:题目:n个数字(0,1,…,n-1)形成一个圆圈,从数字0开始,每次从这个圆圈中删除第m个数字(第一个为当前数字本身,第二个为当前数字的下一个数字)。当一个数字删除后,从被删除数字的下一个继续删除第m个数字。求出在这个圆圈中剩下的最后一个数字。July:我想,这个题目,不少人已经 见识过了。
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){ int i,k,m,n,num[50],*p; printf("input number of person:n="); scanf("%d",&n);
printf("input number of the quit:m="); //留下->18题 scanf("%d",&m); //留下->18题
p=num; for(i=0;i<n;i++) *(p+i)=i+1; //给每个人编号 i=0; //报数 k=0; //此处为3// m=0; //m为退出人数 //去掉->18题 while(m<n-1) { if(*(p+i)!=0) k++; if(k==3) { *(p+i)=0; //退出,对应的数组元素置为0 k=0; m++; } i++; if(i==n) i=0; } while(*p==0) p++; printf("The last one is NO.%d/n",*p);}
//int LastRemaining_Solution2(int n, unsigned int m){ // invalid input if(n <= 0 || m < 0) return -1;
// if there are only one integer in the circle initially, // of course the last remaining one is 0 int lastinteger = 0;
// find the last remaining one in the circle with n integers for (int i = 2; i <= n; i ++) lastinteger = (lastinteger + m) % i;
return lastinteger;}
第19题:题目:定义Fibonacci数列如下: / 0 n=0f(n)= 1 n=1,2 / f(n-1)+f(n-2) n>2
//0 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597..........//注意,当求第100项,甚至更大的项时,请确保你用什么类型,长整型?or long long int存储。//不然,计算机,将 得不到结果。
//若用递归方法,可写 下如下代码:#include <iostream.h>
int Fibona(int n){ int m; if(n==0) return 0; else if(n==1||n==2) return 1; else { m=Fibona(n-1)+Fibona(n-2); return m; }}
int main(){ cout<<"-----------------"<<endl; cout<<Fibona(17)<<endl; return 0;}
---------------------------科书上反复用这个题目来讲解递归函数,并不能说明递归解法最适合这道题目。我们以求解f(10)作为例子来分析递归求解的过程。要求得f(10),需要求得f(9)和f(8)。同样,要求得f(9),要先求得f(8)和f(7)……我们用树形结构来表示这种依赖关系 f(10) / / f(9) f(8) / / / / f(8) f(7) f(6) f(5) / / / / f(7) f(6) f(6) f(5)
long long Fibonacci_Solution2(unsigned n){ int result[2] = {0, 1}; if(n < 2) return result[n];
long long fibNMinusOne = 1; long long fibNMinusTwo = 0; long long fibN = 0; for(unsigned int i = 2; i <= n; ++ i) { fibN = fibNMinusOne + fibNMinusTwo;
fibNMinusTwo = fibNMinusOne; fibNMinusOne = fibN; }
return fibN;}//很可惜,这还不是最快的方法。//还有一种方法,可达到,时间复杂度为O(lgn).//............
//July、2010、10/22。enum Status {kValid = 0, kInvalid};int g_nStatus = kValid;
int StrToInt(const char* str){ g_nStatus = kInvalid; long long num = 0;
if(str != NULL) { const char* digit = str;
// the first char in the string maybe '+' or '-' bool minus = false; if(*digit == '+') digit ++; else if(*digit == '-') { digit ++; minus = true; }
// the remaining chars in the string while(*digit != '/0') { if(*digit >= '0' && *digit <= '9') { num = num * 10 + (*digit - '0');
// overflow if(num > std::numeric_limits<int>::max()) { num = 0; break; }
digit ++; } // if the char is not a digit, invalid input else { num = 0; break; } }
if(*digit == '/0') { g_nStatus = kValid; if(minus) num = 0 - num; } } return static_cast<int>(num);}
//在C语言提供的库函数中,函数atoi能够把字符串转换整数。//它的声明是int atoi(const char *str)。该函数就是用一个全局变量来标志输入是否合法的。