zwmobi 的安装备忘

    技术2022-07-04  181

    1、文件可写权限:admin/template/ check/code_cache.tpl.php  reg_check.htm 这个文件要有写权限  include下的 和 config.php

    2、目录权限file 和 images 目录下的文件rw-r--rw- 不行,需要rw-r--rwx或者0777file 和 images 目录的sessions rw-r--rw- 不行,需要rw-r--rwx或者0777

    问:把系统所在的目录设置为可写,再把index.php,zwmobi.php,zwmobi目录,xhtml目录,wml目录设置为可写,还有include目录设置为可写 再看下 ?测试如下:目前的权限:主目录 rw-r--r-xzwmobi rw-r--r-xxhtml rw-r--r-xwml rw-r--r--index.php,rw-r--r--zwmobi.php,rw-r--r--images,file,rw-r--rwx,sessions,rw-r--rwxcss,rw-r--rw-*.css文件,rw-r--rw-include,rwxr--r-x

    总结:权限设置主要是owner没有所谓,全部设置成r就可以了,others的权限关键是RWX是否设置对。看日志,如果发现Permission denied in,检查所在目录或者文件是否需要WRITE和EXCUTE权限。

    3、php.ini看下 short_open_tag 的值是off还是on再把php.ini里的display_error 打开

    uc_client/client.php 这个文件重新传个上去看看

    错误:[Sat Jan 08 00:38:34 2011] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error:  Unable to read 20253 bytes/n in /var/www/html/wap4game/uc_client/client.php on line 0

    4、,多了个斜杠$MOBI['sessionsavepath'] = ZWMOBI_ROOT.'/file/sessions/';导致:Unknown: open(/var/www/html/wap4game/file/sessions//sess_5hv4pfr2pd7ocghjjgm3sobvc1, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in Unknown on line 0


    [Sun Jan 09 19:08:38 2011] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  main(/var/www/html/wap4game/include/ [<a href='function.main'>function.main</a>]: failed

    to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/html/wap4game/admin/ on line 3

    把INCLUDE 目录权限:rw-r--r-x只把 +x 不可行

    [Sun Jan 09 19:23:31 2011] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  main(/var/www/html/wap4game/uc_client/client.php) [<a href='function.main'>function.main</a>]: failed

    to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/html/wap4game/include/ on line 77

    uc_client 目录权限:rw-r--r-x

    [Sun Jan 09 19:36:11 2011] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error:  main() [<a href='function.require'>function.require</a>]: Failed opening required

    '/var/www/html/wap4game/admin/' (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php') in /var/www/html/wap4game/admin_index.php on line 4

    [Sun Jan 09 19:52:27 2011] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  session_start() [<a href='function.session-start'>function.session-start</a>]: open

    (/var/www/html/wap4game/file/sessions/sess_9u0rgq6prmom9kqlvr16qbn8h0, O_RDWR) failed: Permission denied (13) in /var/www/html/wap4game/include/ on line 23

    6、其他错误解释[Sat Jan 08 09:13:42 2011] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  main(/var/www/html/wap4game/include/ [<a href='function.main'>function.main</a>]: failed

    to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/html/wap4game/index.php on line 5[Sat Jan 08 09:13:42 2011] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error:  main() [<a

    href='function.require'>function.require</a>]: Failed opening required '/var/www/html/wap4game/include/' (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/share/php') in

    /var/www/html/wap4game/index.php on line 5[Sat Jan 08 09:13:49 2011] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/html/wap4game/favicon.ico, referer:

    错误:failed to open stream permission denied   这种一般都是磁盘为NTFS格式,而用户目录又没有写权限造成的。方法是右键你的目录,转到“安全”页,添加一个匿名 internet 用户 ISUR_<machinename>,并指定可写权限即可。 或者更简单点


    那把admin,include两个目录设置为可写 看看? 

    7、Zend Optimizer not installed

    This file was encoded by the Zend Guard. In order to run it, please install the Zend Optimizer (available without charge), versio

    服务器已经装了:This program makes use of the Zend Scripting Language Engine:Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Zend Technologies    with Zend Optimizer v3.3.9, Copyright (c) 1998-2009, by Zend Technologies

    为何还提示:Zend Optimizer not installedThis file was encoded by the Zend Guard. In order to run it, please install the Zend Optimizer (available without charge), version 3.0.0 or later.

    Seeing this message instead of the website you expected?This means that this webserver is not configured correctly. In order to view this website properly, please contact the website's system administrator/webmaster with the

    following message:

    The component "Zend Optimizer" is not installed on the Web Server and therefore cannot service encoded files. Please download and install the Zend Optimizer (available without

    charge) on the Web Server.

    Note: Zend Technologies cannot resolve issues related to this message appearing on websites not belonging to Zend Technologies. What is the Zend Optimizer?The Zend Optimizer is one of the most popular PHP plugins for performance-improvement, and has been available without charge, since the early days of PHP 4. It improves

    performance by scanning PHP's intermediate code and passing it through multiple Optimization Passes to replace inefficient code patterns with more efficient code blocks. The

    replaced code blocks perform exactly the same operations as the original code, only faster.

    In addition to improving performance, the Zend Optimizer also enables PHP to transparently load files encoded by the Zend Guard.

    The Zend Optimizer is a free product available for download from Zend Technologies. Zend Technologies also developed the PHP scripting engine, known as the Zend Engine.

    EOM; exit(); __halt_compiler(); ?> 2006022801203190299x  2 Q y)  y   X f& @ n`           ?L , e  M R  [    R ?   1     $<?  }  <    wv<  F i   ? ] tO  ] w    

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    [Sun Jan 09 20:45:16 2011] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/html/wap4game/admin/css/images, referer:

    mobi=novel&job=system_manage[Sun Jan 09 22:27:38 2011] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/html/wap4game/favicon.ico, referer:


    9、访问PHP时出现空白页查看php.ini文件,看 short_open_tag 这个参数是否设置为 off,如果是 置为on,因为off意味着对<? ?>这样的php文件解析不了,只能解析<?php ?>这样的php文件,所以出现空白。需要在php.ini文

    件把short_open_tag 这个参数设置为 on
