Vim Tutorial Study(11)

    技术2024-07-26  14

    Chapter 12 Automatic Completion automatically complete words on insertion, different from abbreviations where you type the first part of a word, press CTRL-P and Vim guesses at the rest CTRL-P or CTRL-p is very powerful! (searches backward) Remember that even you haven't type portion of a word, it can guess that word by previous matches! Oh My Goodness! CTRL-N OR CTRL-n: searches forward Customization of Completion :set ignorecase: try all words regardless of case Chapter 13 Autocommands An autocommand is a command executed automatically in response to some event.

    Chapter 14 File Recovery and Command-Line Arguments Survive system crashes with minimum losses of data

    Chapter 15 Miscellaneous Commands Printing the  Character :ascii or ga: prints the number of the character under the cursor Going to a Specific Character in the File <count>go: goes to byte number count of the file gCTRL-g: displays the current byte number of a file (along with the current line, column, and other information) :goto offset: positions the cursor to a given byte location gg: like G, the difference: if no count is specified, gg goes to the first line
