首先搜索leftmouse 找到双击的map 注释掉
" Contributed by Bindu Wavell
" attempt to perform single click mapping, it would be much
" nicer if we could nnoremap <buffer> ... however vim does
" not fire the <buffer> <leftmouse> when you use the mouse
" to enter a buffer.
let clickmap = ':if bufname("%") =~ "__Tag_List__" <bar> ' .
/ 'call <SID>Tlist_Window_Jump_To_Tag("useopen") ' .
/ '<bar> endif <CR>'
if maparg('<leftmouse>', 'n') == ''
" no mapping for leftmouse
exe ':nnoremap <silent> <leftmouse> <leftmouse>' . clickmap
" we have a mapping
let mapcmd = ':nnoremap <silent> <leftmouse> <leftmouse>'
let mapcmd = mapcmd . substitute(substitute(
/ maparg('<leftmouse>', 'n'), '|', '<bar>', 'g'),
/ '/c^<leftmouse>', '', '')
let mapcmd = mapcmd . clickmap
exe mapcmd
以上摘自taglist.vim 把上面的clickmap改成原来map即可