
    技术2024-12-22  13


    typedef std::list< int, std::SR_allocator<int> >   IntList;

    typedef std::set< INT, std::less<INT>, std::SR_allocator<INT> > IntAttrRefreshArray;

    typedef std::map< int, CItemBoxRef*, std::less<int>, std::SR_allocator< std::pair< const int, CItemBoxRef* > > > RefIdMap;


    namespace std { template <class _Ty> class SR_allocator : public _Allocator_base<_Ty> { public:  // type definitions  typedef size_t  size_type;  typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;  typedef _Ty*        pointer;  typedef const _Ty*  const_pointer;  typedef _Ty&        reference;  typedef const _Ty&  const_reference;  typedef _Ty         value_type;

      // rebind SR_allocator to type U  template <class U>  struct rebind {   typedef SR_allocator<U> other;  };

      // return address of values  pointer address (reference value) const {   return &value;  }  const_pointer address (const_reference value) const {   return &value;  }

      /* constructors and destructor  * - nothing to do because the SR_allocator has no state  */  SR_allocator() throw() {  }  SR_allocator(const SR_allocator&) throw() {  }  template <class U>  SR_allocator (const SR_allocator<U>&) throw() {  }  ~SR_allocator() throw() {  }

      // return maximum number of elements that can be allocated  size_type max_size () const throw() {   return numeric_limits<size_t>::max() / sizeof(_Ty);  }

      // allocate but don't initialize num elements of type T  pointer allocate (size_type num,   allocator<void>::const_pointer hint = 0) {    // allocate memory with memory pool    return (pointer)( CSmallObject_Allocator<true>::instance().allocate(num*sizeof(_Ty)) );  }

      // initialize elements of allocated storage p with value value  void construct (pointer p, const _Ty& value) {   // initialize memory with placement new   new((void*)p)_Ty(value);  }

      // destroy elements of initialized storage p  void destroy (pointer p) {   // destroy objects by calling their destructor   p->~_Ty();  }

      // deallocate storage p of deleted elements  void deallocate (pointer p, size_type num) {   // deallocate memory with memory pool   CSmallObject_Allocator<true>::instance().deallocate(p, num*sizeof(_Ty) );  } };

     // return that all specializations of this SR_allocator are interchangeable template <class T1, class T2> bool operator== (const SR_allocator<T1>&,  const SR_allocator<T2>&) throw() {   return true; } template <class T1, class T2> bool operator!= (const SR_allocator<T1>&,  const SR_allocator<T2>&) throw() {   return false; }

