FillForms 1.2.9 preliminarily reviewed

    技术2024-12-24  14


       Mozilla Add-ons  发送至 显示详细信息 1 月31日 (10 天前)


       发件人主题    回复AMO Editors <>    发送至    日期2011年1月31日 下午6:19隐藏详细信息 1月31日 (10 天前)   主题FillForms 1.2.9 preliminarily reviewed 



    Your add-on, FillForms 1.2.9, has been reviewed by an editor and did not meet the criteria for full review. However, your add-on has been granted preliminary review and is now available for download in our gallery at Editor: ArchaeopteryxComments:I'm granting only preliminary review as you have not addressed the concerns of the previous reviewer:1) On Firefox 4.0b8, it causes several alerts on startup, one stemming from your attempt to use the old nsIExtensionManager rather than the new AddonManager. These are unacceptable and must be fixed.2) I would be extremely surprised if this worked on Firefox 1.0 at all.3) You can improve your extension's portability and save some code if you use the prefwindow element ( ) to manage your preferences.4) You should consider using window.atob and window.btoa rather than your own base64 encoder and decoder.Please address the above issues and nominate again.5) The extensions preferences have not the prefix "extensions." (so that they have the structure extensions.fillform.*)6) Why do you write code like this?                     var sLocale = prefs.getCharPref("gene" + "ral.user" + "agent.locale");Please note: your next review will go much quicker if you do not delete this version. Thanks.Your add-on will now appear in search results and categories with some limitations. You may re-request full review by addressing the editor's comments and uploading a new version. To learn more about the review process, please visit If you have any questions or comments on this review, please reply to this email or join #addons on ---Mozilla Add-ons
