1. java调用shell命令(ps),并处理命令的返回结果
2. ps -ef | grep manager | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' 可以得到manager进程的PID
注意,这里会有一个问题,grep manager会将一些带有manager关键字的其他进程也找出来,导致错误,稍微正确一些的是:
ps -ef | grep 'manager$' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'
3. ps -o etime -p [pid] 可以得到指定pid的进程的已经运行的时间
注意,在HP和HPAT机型上,需要设置环境变量UNIX95=1才能使用ps -o选项。其他(Linux、SUN、IBM)上不需要设置该环境变量。
view plain copy to clipboard print ? package org.snmp4j.agent.uvcagent; import; import; import; public class ScpState { private static Log agentLog = Log.getInstance(); /** * 调用GetScpPid判断manager的pid是否存在 * */ public static boolean isScpRun() { //调用GetScpState得到SCP的pid String scpPid = GetScpPid(); if (scpPid.compareToIgnoreCase("") != 0) { //如果pid不为空,说明manager在运行 //true表示SCP运行 agentLog.getLog().debug("Manager is running"); return true; } //false表示SCP不运行 agentLog.getLog().debug("Manager is not running"); return false; } /** * 通过ps -ef | grep manager | awk '{print $2}' * 得到manager的pid * * 如果pid不为空,说明manager是在运行的 */ public static String GetScpPid() { String scpPid = ""; Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); //shell命令 String str[] = {"/bin/sh", "-c","ps -ef | grep manager | grep -v grep |awk '{print $2}'"}; //String str[] = {""}; Process pcs; try { agentLog.getLog() .debug("Run shell: ps -ef | grep manager | grep -v grep |awk '{print $2}'"); pcs = rt.exec(str); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( pcs.getInputStream())); //得到shell的执行结果 scpPid = br.readLine(); //当manager没有运行时,得到shell的返回值的,所以这里要特殊处理一下 if(scpPid == null) { scpPid = ""; } agentLog.getLog().debug("Get Pid of Manager: " + scpPid); try { pcs.waitFor(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { agentLog.getLog() .error("Get InterruptedException: processes was interrupted"); } br.close(); pcs.exitValue(); } catch (IOException e1) { agentLog.getLog().debug("Get IOException!"); // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } return scpPid; } /** * 通过ps -o etime -p [mangaer pid] * 得到magager的运行时间 * * 重点在etime * * HP和HPAT上需要先设置环境变量 UNIX95=1才能使用-o选项。 */ public static long GetScpRunTime(String Pid) { String str2[] = {"/bin/sh", "-c", "ps -o etime -p " + Pid}; String scpRunTime = ""; Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process pcs2; try { System.out.println("ps -o etime -p " + Pid); agentLog.getLog().debug("Run shell: ps -o etime -p " + Pid); pcs2 = rt.exec(str2); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( pcs2.getInputStream())); //当manager进程只有一个时,该命令应该返回两行,第二行是etime的时间 String line = new String(); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { scpRunTime = line.trim(); } agentLog.getLog().debug("Get RunTime of Manager: " + scpRunTime); try { pcs2.waitFor(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { agentLog.getLog() .error("Get InterruptedException: processes was interrupted"); } br.close(); pcs2.exitValue(); } catch (IOException e1) { agentLog.getLog().debug("Get IOException!"); // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); } //转换etime的时间格式,为毫秒 return ChangeTimeFormat(scpRunTime); } /** * 转换etime的时间格式[[dd-]hh:]mm:ss * 为毫秒 */ public static long ChangeTimeFormat(String etimeFormat) { String day = ""; String hour = ""; String minuter = ""; String second = ""; String tempEtimeFormat = etimeFormat; if (etimeFormat.indexOf("-") != -1) { day = etimeFormat.substring(0, etimeFormat.indexOf("-")); //tempEtimeFormat为[hh:]mm:ss tempEtimeFormat = etimeFormat.substring(etimeFormat.indexOf("-") + 1, etimeFormat.length()); } //从etimeFormat中得到秒 second = tempEtimeFormat.substring(tempEtimeFormat.lastIndexOf(":") + 1, tempEtimeFormat.length()); tempEtimeFormat = tempEtimeFormat.substring(0, tempEtimeFormat.lastIndexOf(":")); minuter = tempEtimeFormat.substring(tempEtimeFormat.lastIndexOf(":") + 1, tempEtimeFormat.length()); if (tempEtimeFormat.lastIndexOf(":") != -1) { tempEtimeFormat = tempEtimeFormat.substring(0, tempEtimeFormat.lastIndexOf(":")); hour = tempEtimeFormat; } Long dayLong = new Long(0); Long hourLong = new Long(0); Long mimuterLong = new Long(0); Long secondLong = new Long(0); if (day.compareTo("") != 0) { dayLong = Long.valueOf(day); } if (hour.compareTo("") != 0) { hourLong = Long.valueOf(hour); } mimuterLong = Long.valueOf(minuter); secondLong = Long.valueOf(second); //以毫秒为单位 long scpRunTime = dayLong.longValue() * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 + hourLong.longValue() * 60 * 60 * 1000 + mimuterLong.longValue() * 60 * 1000 + secondLong.longValue() * 1000; agentLog.getLog().debug("Change time to millisecond: " + scpRunTime); return scpRunTime; } public static void main(String args[]) { if(isScpRun()) { System.out.println("Manger is running"); String pid = GetScpPid(); System.out.println("Pid is: " + pid); long time = GetScpRunTime(pid); System.out.println("Time is: " + time); } else { System.out.println("Manger is not running"); } } }