create or replace directory BCCCGC as 'd:/ccgc';
grant read,write on directory bcccgc to rhio;
CREATE OR REPLACE Procedure 生成procedure(ls_tablespace Varchar2) Is File_Handle Utl_File.File_Type; Stor_Text Varchar2(4000); n Number; i Number;Begin For a In (Select object_Name As Name From User_Objects where Object_type= Upper('procedure') ) Loop File_Handle := UTL_FILE.FOPEN('BCCCGC', a.name || '.txt', 'W'); Select Max(Line) Into n From All_Source Where Owner = Upper( ls_tablespace ) And Name = a.name; While i <= n Loop Select Text Into Stor_Text From All_Source Where Owner = Upper( ls_tablespace ) And Name = a.name And Line = i; i := i + 1; Utl_File.Put_Line(File_Handle, Stor_Text); End Loop;i := 1; Utl_File.Fclose(File_Handle); Commit; End Loop ;End 生成procedure;