学习 Mule ESB 的一些心得体会

    技术2025-01-14  11

           引子:毕业论文中期检查越来越近了,由于开题报告写的太虚太空,打算近期静下心来去钻研一些技术。之前了解过一些开源的ESB产品,Mule是第一次接触,和很多开源产品一样,Mule以前采用了Mulesource的域名,结果发现这个域名被move到了Mulesoft,而且我感觉现在Mule ESB 也不会是完全开源了,至少我在页面上看到了BUY Mule ESB的字样。闲话少说,近期会列一些 学习的心得 和 一些读过的资料。


          Mule ESB 官网 : http://www.mulesoft.com/



          Mule ESB 在 processing message 时一个很重要的特点是选择性的对目标系统的信息进行转换,从而节约系统开销.

          One difference between Mule and a traditional ESB is that Mule only converts data as needed. With a typical ESB, you have to create an adapter for every application you connect to the bus and convert the application’s data into a single common messaging format. The development of these adapters and the time required to process every message requires a lot of time and effort. Mule eliminates the need for a single message format. The information is sent on any communication channel, such as HTTP or JMS, and is translated only as needed along the way. Therefore, Mule increases performance and reduces development time over a traditional ESB.



          Mule ESB 在 routing outbound message 的时候是通过提前配置好的URL地址来区分采用哪种协议发送至目标地址。

          The primary part of an endpoint is the address, expressed as a uniform resource indicator (URI), which indicates the transport to use, the location (a transport-specific resource), and any additional parameters.

          For example, if a service’s inbound router specifies the endpoint http://myfirm.com/mule, the HTTP transport will dispatch to that service any messages that have been sent to that URL. If the inbound router specifies file://myserver/files/, the File transport, which is watching that directory, dispatches any new files created in that directory to the service. The endpoint you specify on the outbound router indicates where the message will go next—it goes to the service with the same inbound endpoint as the previous component’s outbound endpoint, as shown in the following illustration.


          在Mule ESB 中,你可以在节点上设定一些过滤器去控制消息的路由和发送。

          The router or endpoint can include filters that further specify which messages to send or receive. For example, you can specify that the service component only receives RSS messages by a specific author. Specifying routers and endpoints for your services simply requires editing an XML file. You do not have to write any Java code. As stated previously, your service components code remains completely separate from messaging and routing, which you handle through Mule configuration.


