在上一篇教程项目管理实践【三】每日构建【Daily Build Using CruiseControl.NET and MSBuild】 中,我们讲解了如何使用CCNET+MSBuild来自动编译项目,今天我们讲解一下怎么使用MSBuild+WebDeployment+Robocopy自动编译过和部署ASP.NET网站。 首先安装下面的三个软件:
For VS2005http://download.microsoft.com/download/9/4/9/9496adc4-574e-4043-bb70-bc841e27f13c/WebDeploymentSetup.msi
For VS2008 [RTW]http://download.microsoft.com/download/9/4/9/9496adc4-574e-4043-bb70-bc841e27f13c/WebDeploymentSetup.msi
3.Utility Spotlight Robocopy GUI 下载:【下载后,解压后安装,Vista不用安装】http://download.microsoft.com/download/f/d/0/fd05def7-68a1-4f71-8546-25c359cc0842/UtilitySpotlight2006_11.exe
在上图所示的Web项目StartKit上右键点击,然后点击Add Web Deployment Project…,如下图:
右键点击部署项目,点击菜单中的Property Pages,如下图:
在下面的窗体中,点击左侧的Complication,在右侧的Output Folder下的文本框中输入编译后网站文件的输出路径:
然后,点击左侧的Deploment,在右侧选中Create an IIS virtual directory for the output folder前面的CheckBox,在下面的Virtual directory name下的文本框中输入虚拟目录的名字,Replace the existing virtual directory前面的CheckBox根据实际情况确定是否选中,如下图:
这个方法不用配置Property Pages,直接右键点击StartKit.csproj_deploy项目文件,在菜单中点击Open Project File打开部署项目文件:
1 <!-- Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Web Deployment Project http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=104956 --> 2 3 < Project ToolsVersion ="3.5" DefaultTargets ="Build" xmlns ="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003" > 4 < PropertyGroup > 5 < Configuration Condition =" '$(Configuration)' == '' " > Debug </ Configuration > 6 < Platform Condition =" '$(Platform)' == '' " > AnyCPU </ Platform > 7 < ProductVersion > 9.0.21022 </ ProductVersion > 8 < SchemaVersion > 2.0 </ SchemaVersion > 9 < ProjectGuid > {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} </ ProjectGuid > 10 < SourceWebPhysicalPath > ../StartKit </ SourceWebPhysicalPath > 11 < SourceWebProject > {96E1A089-3FBB-4909-94F6-172665994449}|StartKit/StartKit.csproj </ SourceWebProject > 12 < SourceWebVirtualPath > /StartKit.csproj </ SourceWebVirtualPath > 13 < TargetFrameworkVersion > v3.5 </ TargetFrameworkVersion > 14 < ProjectName > StartKit </ ProjectName > 15 < Major > 1 </ Major > 16 < Minor > 0 </ Minor > 17 < Revision > 0 </ Revision > 18 < VSSName > ttzhang </ VSSName > 19 < VSSPassword > 123456 </ VSSPassword > 20 < FtpName > anonymous </ FtpName > 21 < FtpPassword > anonymous </ FtpPassword > 22 < SmtpServerName > smtp.163.com </ SmtpServerName > 23 < FromAddress > ttzhang@163.com </ FromAddress > 24 < ToAddress > zttc@163.com </ ToAddress > 25 < MailPassword > testmail </ MailPassword > 26 </ PropertyGroup > 27 < PropertyGroup Condition =" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' " > 28 < DebugSymbols > true </ DebugSymbols > 29 < OutputPath > ./Debug </ OutputPath > 30 < EnableUpdateable > true </ EnableUpdateable > 31 < UseMerge > true </ UseMerge > 32 < SingleAssemblyName > StartKit_deploy </ SingleAssemblyName > 33 </ PropertyGroup > 34 < PropertyGroup Condition =" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU' " > 35 < DebugSymbols > false </ DebugSymbols > 36 < OutputPath > ./Release </ OutputPath > 37 < EnableUpdateable > true </ EnableUpdateable > 38 < UseMerge > true </ UseMerge > 39 < SingleAssemblyName > StartKit_deploy </ SingleAssemblyName > 40 </ PropertyGroup > 41 < ItemGroup > 42 </ ItemGroup > 43 <!-- 下面的ItemGroup节点可选,这个和项目文件StartKit.csproj中的内容相同 --> 44 < ItemGroup > 45 < ProjectReference Include ="../BLL/BLL.csproj" > 46 < Project > {73A293A1-CDCC-4919-9B05-BA2531ADDB56} </ Project > 47 < Name > BLL </ Name > 48 </ ProjectReference > 49 < ProjectReference Include ="../DAL/DAL.csproj" > 50 < Project > {AFF6077D-DD2D-48A0-BFAD-051BD67A6953} </ Project > 51 < Name > DAL </ Name > 52 </ ProjectReference > 53 < ProjectReference Include ="../IBLL/IBLL.csproj" > 54 < Project > {620770BB-7A27-4585-9B97-44EEE349121D} </ Project > 55 < Name > IBLL </ Name > 56 </ ProjectReference > 57 < ProjectReference Include ="../Model/Model.csproj" > 58 < Project > {EA43EC2E-5890-4431-BD3E-5F6C090DEA3A} </ Project > 59 < Name > Model </ Name > 60 </ ProjectReference > 61 </ ItemGroup > 62 <!-- 引入MSBuildCommunityTasks --> 63 < Import Project ="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)/MSBuildCommunityTasks/MSBuild.Community.Tasks.Targets" /> 64 <!-- 邮件发送 --> 65 <!-- <Target Name="EmailTest" > 66 <Message Text = " Mail sending"></Message> 67 <Mail SmtpServer="$(SmtpServerName)" 68 Subject="Test" 69 Password="$(MailPassword)" 70 From ="$(FromAddress)" 71 To ="$(ToAddress)" 72 Body="This is a test of the mail task." /> 73 </Target> --> 74 <!-- 备份文件到FTP --> 75 <!-- <Target Name="Backup" DependsOnTargets="Zip" > 76 <FtpUpload UserName="$(FtpName)" 77 Password="$(FtpPassword)" 78 LocalFile="$(ZipFileName)" 79 RemoteUri="$(ZipFileName)" /> 80 <OnError ExecuteTargets="HandleErrorBackup" /> 81 </Target> --> 82 <!-- 备份文件到FTP失败则发送邮件 --> 83 <!-- <Target Name="HandleErrorBackup"> 84 <Message Text="Backup failed" /> 85 <Mail SmtpServer="$(SmtpServerName)" 86 To="$(ToAddress)" 87 From="$(FromAddress)" 88 Subject="$(ProjectName) Build failed" 89 Body="Backup Failure: Could not finish Backup ." /> 90 </Target> --> 91 <!-- 编译项目 --> 92 < Target Name ="BuildProjectReferences" > 93 < MSBuild Projects ="@(ProjectReference)" Targets ="Build" /> 94 </ Target > 95 <!-- 生成压缩文件 --> 96 < Target Name ="Zip" > 97 <!-- 时间格式 --> 98 < Time Format ="yyyyMMddHHmmss" > 99 < Output TaskParameter ="FormattedTime" PropertyName ="buildDate" /> 100 </ Time > 101 < Zip Files ="@(ZipFiles)" ZipFileName ="StartKit V$(Major)-$(Minor)-$(Revision)-$(buildDate).zip" /> 102 </ Target > 103 <!-- 复制文件 --> 104 < Target Name ="Copy" > 105 <!-- 停止IIS服务 --> 106 < ServiceController ServiceName ="w3svc" Action ="Stop" /> 107 <!-- 使用Robocopy复制编译后的文件到指定位置 /XD是要忽略的文件夹,/XF要忽略的文件类型 --> 108 < Exec Command ="Robocopy Debug c:/inetpub/StartKit /MIR /XD Fckeditor attachments .svn obj doc Test /XF *.zip *.wdproj *.user *.cs *.csproj" IgnoreExitCode ="true" /> 109 <!-- 启动IIS服务 --> 110 < ServiceController ServiceName ="w3svc" Action ="Start" /> 111 </ Target > 112 <!-- 引入WebDeployment --> 113 < Import Project ="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)/Microsoft/WebDeployment/v9.0/Microsoft.WebDeployment.targets" /> 114 <!-- To modify your build process, add your task inside one of the targets below and uncomment it. 115 Other similar extension points exist, see Microsoft.WebDeployment.targets. --> 116 < Target Name ="BeforeBuild" ></ Target > 117 < Target Name ="BeforeMerge" ></ Target > 118 < Target Name ="AfterMerge" ></ Target > 119 < Target Name ="AfterBuild" > 120 <!-- 编译成功后,执行下面的Targets --> 121 <! —不想生成ZIP文件,可以注释下面ZIP的target-- > 122 < CallTarget Targets ="Zip" /> 123 < CallTarget Targets ="Copy" /> 124 <!-- <CallTarget Targets="EmailTest"/> 125 <CallTarget Targets="Backup" /> --> 126 </ Target > 127 </ Project >
补充:Microsoft Build Engine (MSBuild) 是 Microsoft 和 Visual Studio 的新的生成平台。MSBuild 在如何处理和生成软件方面是完全透明的,使开发人员能够在未安装 Visual Studio 的生成实验室环境中组织和生成产品。通过这几篇教程,我们可以看出,MSBuild的强大功能,如果希望理解更多关于MSBuild的信息,请查看这里http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/ms171451.aspx 。