参考后,做了简化,只保留了分页的部分,主要是点击事件的Delegate,未做过多测试,有兴趣的朋友可以下载源码自行修改,如有好的建议,也可以给我反馈。3w@live.cn ,效果如下:
Create DataBase Db_TonyPaging go use Db_TonyPaging go if exists (select 1 from sysobjects where id = object_id('DepartDemo') and type = 'U') drop table DepartDemo go /*==============================================================*/ /* Table: DepartDemo */ /*==============================================================*/ create table DepartDemo ( PKID int identity(1,1), DName nvarchar(200) null, DCode nvarchar(500) null, Manager nvarchar(50) null, ParentID int null default 0, AddUser nvarchar(50) null, AddTime datetime null, ModUser nvarchar(50) null, ModTime datetime null, CurState smallint not null default 0, Remark nvarchar(500) null, F1 int not null default 0, F2 nvarchar(300) null, constraint PK_DEPARTDEMO primary key (PKID) ) go truncate table DepartDemo go /***************创建54 条测试数据********************* ****************downmoo 3w@live.cn ***************/ declare @d datetime set @d=getdate() declare @i int set @i=1 while @i<=54 begin --插入一条测试数据 insert into DepartDemo select '国家统计局房产审计'+Cast(@i as Nvarchar(10))+'科','0','胡不归',0,'DemoUser',getdate(), '','1900-01-01',1,'专业评估全国房价,为老百姓谋福祉',0,'' set @i=@i+1 end go --***********分页存储过程用于SQL server2005/2008、2008R2**************************** SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[ZJF_CPP_GetPagedRecordFor2005_2008] (@Table varchar(1000), --表名,多表是请使用 tA a inner join tB b On a.AID = b.AID @TIndex nvarchar(100), --主键,可以带表头 a.AID @Column nvarchar(2000) = '*',--读取字段 @Sql nvarchar(3000) = '',--Where条件 @PageIndex int = 1, --开始页码 @PageSize int = 10, --页大小 @Sort nvarchar(200) = '' --排序字段 ) AS DECLARE @strWhere varchar(2000) declare @strsql nvarchar(3900) IF @Sql IS NOT NULL AND len(ltrim(rtrim(@Sql)))>0 BEGIN SET @strWhere = ' WHERE ' + @Sql + ' ' END ELSE BEGIN SET @strWhere = '' END if (charindex(ltrim(rtrim(@TIndex)),@Sort)=0) begin if(@Sort='') set @Sort = @TIndex + ' DESC ' else set @Sort = @Sort+ ' , '+@TIndex + ' DESC ' end IF @PageIndex < 1 SET @PageIndex = 1 if @PageIndex = 1 --第一页提高性能 begin set @strsql = 'select top ' + str(@PageSize) +' '+@Column+ ' from ' + @Table + ' ' + @strWhere + ' ORDER BY '+ @Sort end else begin /**//**//**//*Execute dynamic query*/ DECLARE @START_ID nvarchar(50) DECLARE @END_ID nvarchar(50) SET @START_ID = convert(nvarchar(50),(@PageIndex - 1) * @PageSize + 1) SET @END_ID = convert(nvarchar(50),@PageIndex * @PageSize) set @strsql = ' SELECT '+@Column+ ' FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY '+@Sort+') AS rownum, '+@Column+ ' FROM '+@Table +' WITH(NOLOCK) ' + @strWhere +') AS D WHERE rownum BETWEEN '+@START_ID+' AND ' +@END_ID +' ORDER BY '+@Sort END EXEC(@strsql) print @strsql set @strsql = 'SELECT Count(1) as TotalRecords FROM ' + @Table +' WITH(NOLOCK) ' + @strWhere print @strsql EXEC(@strsql)
在WinForm项目中,需要设置控件的总记录数RecordCount (由分页存储过程计算得出),和翻页事件winFormPager1_PageIndexChanged 。
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Data.SqlClient; namespace DemoPager { public partial class frmMain : Form { public frmMain() { InitializeComponent(); } #region Members //总记录数 public int RecordCount = 0; private string strConn = @"Data Source=ap2/vegnet;Initial Catalog=Db_TonyPaging;Integrated Security=SSPI;"; //"Server=localhost;database=Db_TonyPaging;uid=sa;pwd=sa;"; private string strProcedure = "ZJF_CPP_GetPagedRecordFor2005_2008"; #endregion #region Methods /// <summary> /// 绑定第Index页的数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="Index"></param> private void BindDataWithPage(int Index) { winFormPager1.PageIndex = Index; //winFormPager1.PageSize = 10;; ; dgvList.DataSource = GetData(strConn, strProcedure, Index, winFormPager1.PageSize); //获取并设置总记录数 winFormPager1.RecordCount = RecordCount; } /// <summary> /// 获取数据源 /// </summary> /// <param name="conn"></param> /// <param name="strProcedure"></param> /// <param name="pageIndex"></param> /// <param name="pageSize"></param> /// <returns></returns> private DataTable GetData(string conn, string strProcedure, int pageIndex, int pageSize) { using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(conn)) { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(strProcedure, connection); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;//采用存储过程 //存储过程参数 command.Parameters.Add("@Table", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 1000).Value = "DepartDemo"; command.Parameters.Add("@TIndex", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100).Value = "PKID"; command.Parameters.Add("@Column", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 2000).Value = "*"; command.Parameters.Add("@Sql", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 3000).Value = " 1=1 "; command.Parameters.Add("@PageIndex", SqlDbType.Int, 8).Value = pageIndex.ToString(); command.Parameters.Add("@PageSize", SqlDbType.Int, 8).Value = pageSize.ToString(); command.Parameters.Add("@Sort", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 200).Value = " PKID desc"; //打开连接 if (connection.State != ConnectionState.Open) { connection.Open(); } try { //填充数据 SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(command); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); da.Fill(ds); //获取总记录数 RecordCount = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0]); //返回数据集 return ds.Tables[0]; } catch (SqlException err) { MessageBox.Show(err.Message); return null; ; } finally { connection.Close(); } } } #endregion #region Events private void frmMain_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //不自动生成列 dgvList.AutoGenerateColumns = false; //绑定数据 BindDataWithPage(1); } /// <summary> /// 翻页事件 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void winFormPager1_PageIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { BindDataWithPage(winFormPager1.PageIndex); } #endregion } }
邀月注:本文版权由邀月和共同所有,转载请注明出处。 助人等于自助! 3w@live.cn