Samsung CPU clock

    技术2025-02-15  13




    The crystal oscillator begins oscillation within several milliseconds after the power source supplies enough power-level to S3C2450x. Initially, two internal PLLs (MPLL and EPLL) stop. The nRESET pin should be released after the fully settle-down of the power supply-level. S3C2450x requires a hazard-free system clock (SYSCLK, ARMCLK, HCLK, and PCLK) to operate properly when the system reset is released. Since the PLL does not work initially, the PLL input clock (FIN) is directly fed to SYSCLK instead of the PLL output clock (FOUT). Software must configure MPLLCON and EPLLCON register to use each PLL. The PLL begins the lockup sequence toward the new frequency only after the S/W configures the PLL with a new frequency-value. The PLL output is immediately fed to SYSCLK after lock time.



    当MPLL启动之后,Fin经过MPLL之后,产生的是MPLL CLK,也即MCLK,MCLK=SYSCLK。再经过ARM DIV之后,产生ARMCLK,ARMCLK = FCLK.这个就是我们平时说的CPU的主频,300MHz,400MHz,533MHz等

    The output frequencies of MPLL can be calculated using the following equations: FOUT = (m x FIN) / (p x 2s) (should be 300~1100Mhz)   //2s指的是2的s次方,Fout即经过PLL之后的频率    where, m = MDIV , p = PDIV, s = SDIV, Fin = 10~30Mhz

    现在HW提供的Fin = 12MHz; MDIV = 400; PDIV = 3; SDIV = 1;

    所以, Fout = ( 400 *12)/ (3*2) = 800MHz



    所以,ARMCLK = 800/2 = 400MHz; HCLK = 133; PCLK = 133/2 = 66MHz;


    ; Fin = 12MHz,; Kathy090709 modify for S3C2450 CPU clock

    ; MPLLout = (m x Fin)/(p x 2**s), m=MDIV, p=PDIV, s=SDIV, Fin=10~30MHz; Note: Don't set the value PDIV[5:0] or MDIV[9:0] to all zeros. (6’b00 0000 / 10’b00 0000 0000); (50,1,1)=300Mhz, (200,3,1)=400Mhz, (150,2,1)=450Mhz, (178,2,1)=534Mhz, ; (50,1,0)=600Mhz, (400,3,1)=800Mhz;; EPLLout = (m + k/2**16)xFin/(p x 2**s), m=MDIV, p=PDIV, s=SDIV,k=KDIV, Fin=10~40MHz ; Note: Don't set the value PDIV[5:0] or MDIV[7:0] to all zeros. (6’b00 0000 / 8’b0000 0000) ; (12,1,2,0)=36Mhz, (16,1,2,0)=48Mhz, (10,1,1,0)=60Mhz, (12,1,1,0)=72Mhz, (14,1,1,0)=84Mhz; (32,1,2,0)=96Mhz



    6443 CPU

    S5P6443 has three PLLs which are APLL for ARM operating clock, MPLL for main operating clock, and EPLL for special purpose. The operating clocks are divided into three groups. The first is the ARM clock, which is generated from APLL. MPLL generates the main system clocks, which are used for operating AXI, AHB, and APB bus operation. The last group of clocks is generated from EPLL. Mainly, the generated clocks are used for peripheral IPs, i.e., UART, I2S_V40, I2C, etc.

    The lowest three bits of CLK_SRC0 register control the source clocks of three groups. When the bit has 0, the input clock is bypassed to the group. Otherwise, the PLL output will be supplied to the group.



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