
    技术2025-03-28  12

    JSON-taglib是一套JSP标签库用于在JSP代码中输出JSON格式的数据。JSON-taglib利用json:array, json:object和json:property来实现数据格式的转换。


    Just drop the json-taglib.jar file into the WEB-INF/lib directory of your web-application.

    Here's a quick example of how the taglib could be used with an AJAX e-commerce shopping cart. Check out the examples or the tutorial for full details of how to use the taglib.

    调用方法: <%@ taglib prefix="json" uri="http://www.atg.com/taglibs/json" %><json:object>  <json:property name="itemCount" value="${cart.itemCount}"/>  <json:property name="subtotal" value="${cart.subtotal}"/>  <json:array name="items" var="item" items="${cart.lineItems}">    <json:object>      <json:property name="title" value="${item.title}"/>      <json:property name="description" value="${item.description}"/>      <json:property name="imageUrl" value="${item.imageUrl"/>      <json:property name="price" value="${item.price}"/>      <json:property name="qty" value="${item.qty}"/>    </json:object>  </json:array></json:object> JOSN输出结果: {  itemCount: 2,  subtotal: "$15.50",  items:[    {      title: "The Big Book of Foo",      description: "Bestselling book of Foo by A.N. Other",      imageUrl: "/images/books/12345.gif",      price: "$10.00",      qty: 1    },    {      title: "Javascript Pocket Reference",      description: "Handy pocket-sized reference for the Javascript language",      imageUrl: "/images/books/56789.gif",      price: "$5.50",      qty: 1    }  ]} Be sure to check out  the examples or  the tutorial for more information about how to use the taglib. 官网: http://json-taglib.sourceforge.net/ 
