
    技术2022-05-11  108





    unit OWEdit;


    uses  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,  StdCtrls;

    type  TInputDataType = (tFloat,tInteger,tAll);

    type  TOWEdit = class(TEdit)  private    { Private declarations }    FCanvas : TCanvas;    FDataType: TInputDataType;    FAlignment : TAlignment;    FDisplayFormat : String;    FDeciNum : Word;    FDisplayText : String;    procedure WMPaint(var Message: TWMPaint); message WM_PAINT;  protected    { Protected declarations }    procedure SetDataType(Value:TInputDataType);    procedure SetAlignment(Value:TAlignment);    procedure SetDisplayFormat(Value:String);    procedure ClipPaste(var M:TMessage); Message WM_PASTE;    procedure PaintWindow(DC: HDC); override;    procedure Paint; virtual;    procedure WMExit(var Message:TWMKillFocus);Message WM_KILLFOCUS;    procedure GetDisplayText;    procedure ShowDisplayText;    function  GetDeciLast:integer;  public    { Public declarations }    OldText : String;    property Text;    property Canvas: TCanvas read FCanvas;    constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;    destructor Destroy(); override;    procedure KeyPress(var Key: Char); override;    procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;  published    { Published declarations }    property DataType: TInputDataType read fDataType write SetDataType default tFloat;    property Alignment: TAlignment read FAlignment write SetAlignment default taLeftJustify;    property DisplayFormat: string read FDisplayFormat write SetDisplayFormat;  end;

    procedure Register;


    procedure Register;begin  RegisterComponents('Ourway', [TOWEdit]);end;

    constructor TOWEdit.Create(AOwner: TComponent);begin  inherited Create(AOwner);  Text := '0';  FCanvas := TControlCanvas.Create;  TControlCanvas(FCanvas).Control := Self;  FDeciNum := 9999;end;

    destructor TOWEdit.Destroy();begin  FCanvas.Free;  inherited Destroy();end;

    procedure TOWEdit.SetDataType(Value:TInputDataType);begin  If Value<>fDataType Then  begin    fDataType := Value;    Case Value of      tAll: Text := '';      tFloat: Text:='0.0';      tInteger: Text:='0';    end;    ShowDisplayText;    Invalidate;  end;end;

    procedure TOWEdit.SetAlignment(Value:TAlignment);begin  If Value<>FAlignment Then  begin    FAlignment := Value;    Invalidate;  end;end;

    procedure TOWEdit.SetDisplayFormat(Value: string);begin  If Value<>FDisplayFormat Then  begin    FDisplayFormat := Value;    if Trim(Value)<>'' then      FDeciNum := Length(Value)-Pos('.',Value)+1    else      FDeciNum := 9999;    ShowDisplayText;    Invalidate;  end;end;

    procedure TOWEdit.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);begin  if Key = VK_DELETE then    if Self.SelStart=pos('.',Self.Text)-1 then      Key := 0;  inherited KeyDown(Key,Shift);end;procedure TOWEdit.KeyPress(var Key: Char);var  kv: Integer;begin  kv := Ord(Key);  case fDataType of    tInteger:      if (((kv>58) or (kv<48)) and (kv<>3) and (kv<>22) and (kv<>8) and (kv<>13)) then         Key := chr(0);    tFloat:      begin        if (((kv>58) or (kv<48)) and (kv<>3) and (kv<>22) and (kv<>46) and (kv<>8) and (kv<>13)) then           Key := chr(0)        else        begin          if (kv=46) and (Pos('.',self.Text)>0) then//已有小数点            Key := chr(0)          else            if MaxLength<1 then//小数点前面位数不定            begin              if ((GetDeciLast>=FDeciNum) and (kv<>8)) then //退格键                if ((self.SelLength=0)and(pos('.',copy(Self.Text,1,self.SelStart))>0))then                  Key := chr(0);            end            else//输入总长度已定            begin              if pos('.',copy(self.Text,1,self.selStart))<1 then              begin//光标在小数点之前                if ((self.SelStart>=MaxLength-FDeciNum)and(kv<>8)and(kv<>46)) then                    Key := chr(0);              end              else              begin//光标在小数点之后                if ((GetDeciLast>=FDeciNum) and (kv<>8) and (self.SelLength=0)and(pos('.',copy(Self.Text,1,self.SelStart))>0)) then                    Key := chr(0);              end;            end;        end;      end;    else  end;  if (kv=8)and(Self.SelStart>0)and(Self.Text[self.SelStart]='.')and(GetDeciLast>1) then    Key := chr(0);  //还有一个Delete键没有截获!如果用此键删除小数点,还是有可能出错的。  //搞定!用KeyDown override  inherited KeyPress(Key);end;

    procedure TOWEdit.ClipPaste(var M:TMessage);begin  if fDataType=tAll then    inherited;end;

    procedure TOWEdit.WMPaint(var Message: TWMPaint);begin  inherited;  PaintWindow(Message.DC);end;

    procedure TOWEdit.PaintWindow(DC: HDC);begin  FCanvas.Lock;  try    FCanvas.Handle := DC;    try      TControlCanvas(FCanvas).UpdateTextFlags;      Paint;    finally      FCanvas.Handle := 0;    end;  finally    FCanvas.Unlock;  end;end;

    procedure TOWEdit.Paint;begin  if not Focused then  begin    ShowDisplayText;  end  else    inherited;end;

    procedure TOWEdit.WMExit(var Message:TWMKillFocus);begin  inherited;  ShowDisplayText;end;

    procedure TOWEdit.GetDisplayText;var  ShowText : String;begin  ShowText := Text;  if FDataType<>tAll then  begin    if Trim(ShowText)='' then      ShowText := '0';    if FDatatype=tFloat then      ShowText := FormatFloat(FDisplayFormat,StrToFloat(ShowText))    else      ShowText := FormatFloat(FDisplayFormat,StrToInt(ShowText));  end;  FDisplayText := ShowText;end;

    procedure TOWEdit.ShowDisplayText;var  Rect : TRect;  x,y : Integer;begin  GetDisplayText;  Canvas.Lock;  try    Rect.Left := 1;    Rect.Top := 1;    Rect.Right := Width-1;    Rect.Bottom:= Height-1;    Canvas.Font := Font;    if not Enabled then      Canvas.Font.Color := clGrayText;    Canvas.Brush.Color:=Self.Color;    Canvas.FillRect(Rect);    y := 2; x := 2;    Case FAlignment of      taLeftJustify:;      taRightJustify:        x := Width-Canvas.TextWidth(FDisplayText)-5;    else      x := (Width-Canvas.TextWidth(FDisplayText)-5)div 2;    end;    Canvas.TextOut(x,y,FDisplayText);  finally    Canvas.Unlock;  end;end;

    function TOWEdit.GetDeciLast:integer;var  i : Integer;begin  Result := 0;  if Pos('.',Text)>0 then  begin    for i:=1 to Length(Text) do      if Text[i]='.' then      begin        Result := Length(Text)-i+1;//Length(Copy(Text,i,Length(Text)-i));        Exit;      end;  end;end;


