Beginner with c# 4

    技术2022-05-11  94

    1¡£4 Ô¤¶¨ÒåÀàÐÍ£¨Predefined types£© c#ÌṩÁËһϵÁÐÔ¤¶¨ÒåÀàÐÍ¡£ËüÃÇÓëc/c++Óв»ÉÙÏàËƵĵط½¡£Ô¤¶¨ÒåÒýÓÃÀàÐÍÓÐobjectºÍstring¡£ objectÀàÐÍÊÇËùÓÐÆäËûÀàÐ͵Ļù´¡¡£ Ô¤¶¨ÒåÀàÐÍ°üÀ¨·ûºÅÊý¡¢ÎÞ·ûºÅÊý¡¢¸¡µã¡¢²¼¶û¡¢×Ö·ûºÍÊ®½øÖÆÊý¡£·ûºÅÊýÓУºsbyte¡¢short¡¢ intºÍlong£»ÎÞ·ûºÅÊýÓУºbyte¡¢ushort¡¢uintºÍulong£»¸¡µãÊýÓУºfloatºÍdouble¡£ ²¼¶ûÀàÐ;ÍÏñÒ»¸ö¿ª¹Ø£¬Ö»ÓÐÁ½ÖÖ״̬£ºtrue»òfalse¡£c#¶Ô²¼¶ûµÄÒªÇó±Èc/c++Ñϸñ£¬ÓëjavaÀàËÆ¡£ ÔÚc#ÖÐfalse²»µÈÓÚ0£¬trueÒ²²»µÈÓÚ1£»falseºÍtrue¶¼Êǵ¥¶À·ÖÀë³öÀ´µÄÒ»¸öÖµ¡£Ñ§¹ýc/c++µÄÍøÓÑ ¶¼ÖªµÀ£º*/ int i = 0; if (i = 0) { // Bug: Ó¦¸ÃÊÇ (i == 0) .... } /* ÊÇûÓÐÎÊÌâµÄ¡£µ«ÔÚc#ÖлáÒý·¢Ò»¸ö±àÒë´íÎó£¨error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type 'int' to 'bool'£©¡£µ±È»£¬ÕâÑùÎþÉüÁËÒ»µãûÓбØÒªµÄÁé»îÐÔ¡£ÎÒÃÇÔÙÒ²²»ÄÜÕâÑù£º*/ string str; .... if(str = Console.ReadLine()) {   Console.WriteLine("Your comments are: {0}",str); .... /* ¶ø±ØÐ룺*/ using System; class BoolTest {   static void Main() {     string str = Console.ReadLine();//Ò²¿ÉÒÔ£ºstring str;     if(str == "")                   //        if((str = Console.ReadLine()) == "")       Console.WriteLine("i can't read your comments. Please tell me something! O.K.?");     else       Console.WriteLine("Your comments are: {0}",str);   } } /* ÎÒ³­ÁËÒ»ÕÅÔ¤¶¨ÒåÀàÐ͵ļò±í¹©´ó¼Ò²Î¿¼¡£ Type      Description                                      Examples object    The ultimate base type of all other types        object o = new Stack(); string    String type; a string is a sequence of           string s = "Hello";           Unicode characters sbyte     8-bit signed integral type                       sbyte val = 12; short     16-bit signed integral type                      short val = 12; int       32-bit signed integral type                      int val = 12; long      64-bit signed integral type                      long val1 = 12;                                                            long val2 = 34L; byte      8-bit unsigned integral type                     byte val1 = 12;                                                            byte val2 = 34U; ushort    16-bit unsigned integral type                    ushort val1 = 12;                                                            ushort val2 = 34U; uint      32-bit unsigned integral type                    uint val1 = 12;                                                            uint val2 = 34U; ulong     64-bit unsigned integral type                    ulong val1 = 12;                                                            ulong val2 = 34U;                                                            ulong val3 = 56L;                                                            ulong val4 = 78UL; float     Single-precision floating point type             float value = 1.23F; double    Double-precision floating point type             double val1 = 1.23                                                            double val2 = 4.56D; bool     Boolean type; a bool value is either              bool value = true;          true or false char     Character type; a char value is a Unicode         char value = 'h';          character decimal  Precise decimal type with 28 significant digits   decimal value = 1.23M; ÄãÒ²¿ÉÒÔ×Ô¶¨Òå×Ô¼ºµÄÔ¤¶¨ÒåÀàÐÍ£¬¿ÉÒÔÕâÑù£º*/ using System; struct Digit {...} class Test {  static void TestInt() {   int a = 1;   int b = 2;   int c = a + b;   Console.WriteLine(c);  }  static void TestDigit() {   Digit a = (Digit) 1;   Digit b = (Digit) 2;   Digit c = a + b;   Console.WriteLine(c);  }  static void Main() {   TestInt();   TestDigit();  } } /* ÕâÒ»½ÚÓеã³ÁÃÆ¡££º£¨
