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    /***************************************************************************   致看到这些源代码的兄弟:       你好!       这本来是我为一个商业PDA产品开发的日历程序,最近移植于PC机上, 所以算法   和数据部分是用纯C++写的,不涉及MFC,所有的代码都是以短节省存储空间为主要目   的.    很高兴你对这些代码有兴趣,你可以随意复制和使用些代码,唯一有一点小小的   愿望:在你使用和复制给别人时,别忘注明这些代码作者:-)。程序代码也就罢了,后   面的数据可是我辛辛苦苦从万年历上找出来输进去的。    如果你有什么好的意见不妨Mail给我。

           wangfei@hanwang.com.cn    或    wangfei@engineer.com.cn                                                                 2000年3月****************************************************************************/

    //Translated and modified by Icebird from C++ to Delphi 5 on 2001.1

    unit Calendar;


    uses SysUtils, Windows;

    const  START_YEAR = 1901;  END_YEAR = 2050;

    // ==> function IsLeapYear(Year: Word): Boolean;

    //计算iYear,iMonth,iDay对应是星期几 1年1月1日 --- 65535年12月31日function WeekDay(iYear, iMonth, iDay: Word): Integer;// ==> function DayOfWeek(Date: TDateTime): Integer;

    //计算指定日期的周数,周0为新年开始后第一个星期天开始的周function WeekNum(const TDT: TDateTime): Word; overload;function WeekNum(const iYear, iMonth, iDay: Word): Word; overload;

    //返回iYear年iMonth月的天数 1年1月 --- 65535年12月function MonthDays(iYear, iMonth: Word): Word;

    //返回阴历iLunarYer年阴历iLunarMonth月的天数,如果iLunarMonth为闰月,//高字为第二个iLunarMonth月的天数,否则高字为0// 1901年1月---2050年12月function LunarMonthDays(iLunarYear, iLunarMonth: Word): Longword;

    //返回阴历iLunarYear年的总天数// 1901年1月---2050年12月function LunarYearDays(iLunarYear: Word): Word;

    //返回阴历iLunarYear年的闰月月份,如没有返回0// 1901年1月---2050年12月function GetLeapMonth(iLunarYear: Word): Word;

    //把iYear年格式化成天干记年法表示的字符串procedure FormatLunarYear(iYear: Word; var pBuffer: string); overload;function FormatLunarYear(iYear: Word): string; overload;

    //把iMonth格式化成中文字符串procedure FormatMonth(iMonth: Word; var pBuffer: string; bLunar: Boolean = True); overload;function FormatMonth(iMonth: Word; bLunar: Boolean = True): string; overload;

    //把iDay格式化成中文字符串procedure FormatLunarDay(iDay: Word; var pBuffer: string); overload;function FormatLunarDay(iDay: Word): string; overload;

    //计算公历两个日期间相差的天数  1年1月1日 --- 65535年12月31日function CalcDateDiff(iEndYear, iEndMonth, iEndDay: Word; iStartYear: Word = START_YEAR; iStartMonth: Word = 1; iStartDay: Word = 1): Longword; overload;function CalcDateDiff(EndDate, StartDate: TDateTime): Longword; overload;

    //计算公历iYear年iMonth月iDay日对应的阴历日期,返回对应的阴历节气 0-24//1901年1月1日---2050年12月31日function GetLunarDate(iYear, iMonth, iDay: Word; var iLunarYear, iLunarMonth, iLunarDay: Word): Word; overload;procedure GetLunarDate(InDate: TDateTime; var iLunarYear, iLunarMonth, iLunarDay: Word); overload;

    function GetLunarHolDay(InDate: TDateTime): string; overload;function GetLunarHolDay(iYear, iMonth, iDay: Word): string; overload;

    //private function--------------------------------------

    //计算从1901年1月1日过iSpanDays天后的阴历日期procedure l_CalcLunarDate(var iYear, iMonth, iDay: Word; iSpanDays: Longword);

    //计算公历iYear年iMonth月iDay日对应的节气 0-24,0表不是节气function l_GetLunarHolDay(iYear, iMonth, iDay: Word): Word;

    //计算指定日期所对应的星座function GetConstellation(const DateTime: TDateTime): Integer;function GetConstellationName(const Constellation: Integer): string; overload;function GetConstellationName(const DateTime: TDateTime): string; overload;


    var//数组gLunarDay存入阴历1901年到2100年每年中的月天数信息,//阴历每月只能是29或30天,一年用12(或13)个二进制位表示,对应位为1表30天,否则为29天  gLunarMonthDay: array[0..149] of Word = (    //测试数据只有1901.1.1 --2050.12.31    $4AE0, $A570, $5268, $D260, $D950, $6AA8, $56A0, $9AD0, $4AE8, $4AE0, //1910    $A4D8, $A4D0, $D250, $D548, $B550, $56A0, $96D0, $95B0, $49B8, $49B0, //1920    $A4B0, $B258, $6A50, $6D40, $ADA8, $2B60, $9570, $4978, $4970, $64B0, //1930    $D4A0, $EA50, $6D48, $5AD0, $2B60, $9370, $92E0, $C968, $C950, $D4A0, //1940    $DA50, $B550, $56A0, $AAD8, $25D0, $92D0, $C958, $A950, $B4A8, $6CA0, //1950    $B550, $55A8, $4DA0, $A5B0, $52B8, $52B0, $A950, $E950, $6AA0, $AD50, //1960    $AB50, $4B60, $A570, $A570, $5260, $E930, $D950, $5AA8, $56A0, $96D0, //1970    $4AE8, $4AD0, $A4D0, $D268, $D250, $D528, $B540, $B6A0, $96D0, $95B0, //1980    $49B0, $A4B8, $A4B0, $B258, $6A50, $6D40, $ADA0, $AB60, $9370, $4978, //1990    $4970, $64B0, $6A50, $EA50, $6B28, $5AC0, $AB60, $9368, $92E0, $C960, //2000    $D4A8, $D4A0, $DA50, $5AA8, $56A0, $AAD8, $25D0, $92D0, $C958, $A950, //2010    $B4A0, $B550, $B550, $55A8, $4BA0, $A5B0, $52B8, $52B0, $A930, $74A8, //2020    $6AA0, $AD50, $4DA8, $4B60, $9570, $A4E0, $D260, $E930, $D530, $5AA0, //2030    $6B50, $96D0, $4AE8, $4AD0, $A4D0, $D258, $D250, $D520, $DAA0, $B5A0, //2040    $56D0, $4AD8, $49B0, $A4B8, $A4B0, $AA50, $B528, $6D20, $ADA0, $55B0); //2050

    //数组gLanarMonth存放阴历1901年到2050年闰月的月份,如没有则为0,每字节存两年  gLunarMonth: array[0..74] of Byte = (    $00, $50, $04, $00, $20, //1910    $60, $05, $00, $20, $70, //1920    $05, $00, $40, $02, $06, //1930    $00, $50, $03, $07, $00, //1940    $60, $04, $00, $20, $70, //1950    $05, $00, $30, $80, $06, //1960    $00, $40, $03, $07, $00, //1970    $50, $04, $08, $00, $60, //1980    $04, $0A, $00, $60, $05, //1990    $00, $30, $80, $05, $00, //2000    $40, $02, $07, $00, $50, //2010    $04, $09, $00, $60, $04, //2020    $00, $20, $60, $05, $00, //2030    $30, $B0, $06, $00, $50, //2040    $02, $07, $00, $50, $03); //2050

    //数组gLanarHoliDay存放每年的二十四节气对应的阳历日期//每年的二十四节气对应的阳历日期几乎固定,平均分布于十二个月中//   1月          2月         3月         4月         5月         6月//小寒 大寒   立春  雨水   惊蛰 春分   清明 谷雨   立夏 小满   芒种 夏至//   7月          8月         9月         10月       11月        12月//小暑 大暑   立秋  处暑   白露 秋分   寒露 霜降   立冬 小雪   大雪 冬至{********************************************************************************* 节气无任何确定规律,所以只好存表,要节省空间,所以....**********************************************************************************}//数据格式说明://如1901年的节气为//  1月     2月     3月   4月    5月   6月   7月    8月   9月    10月  11月     12月// 6, 21, 4, 19,  6, 21, 5, 21, 6,22, 6,22, 8, 23, 8, 24, 8, 24, 8, 24, 8, 23, 8, 22// 9, 6,  11,4,   9, 6,  10,6,  9,7,  9,7,  7, 8,  7, 9,  7,  9, 7,  9, 7,  8, 7, 15//上面第一行数据为每月节气对应日期,15减去每月第一个节气,每月第二个节气减去15得第二行// 这样每月两个节气对应数据都小于16,每月用一个字节存放,高位存放第一个节气数据,低位存放//第二个节气的数据,可得下表  gLunarHolDay: array[0..1799] of Byte = (    $96, $B4, $96, $A6, $97, $97, $78, $79, $79, $69, $78, $77, //1901    $96, $A4, $96, $96, $97, $87, $79, $79, $79, $69, $78, $78, //1902    $96, $A5, $87, $96, $87, $87, $79, $69, $69, $69, $78, $78, //1903    $86, $A5, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $88, $78, $78, $79, $78, $87, //1904    $96, $B4, $96, $A6, $97, $97, $78, $79, $79, $69, $78, $77, //1905    $96, $A4, $96, $96, $97, $97, $79, $79, $79, $69, $78, $78, //1906    $96, $A5, $87, $96, $87, $87, $79, $69, $69, $69, $78, $78, //1907    $86, $A5, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $88, $78, $78, $69, $78, $87, //1908    $96, $B4, $96, $A6, $97, $97, $78, $79, $79, $69, $78, $77, //1909    $96, $A4, $96, $96, $97, $97, $79, $79, $79, $69, $78, $78, //1910    $96, $A5, $87, $96, $87, $87, $79, $69, $69, $69, $78, $78, //1911    $86, $A5, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $88, $78, $78, $69, $78, $87, //1912    $95, $B4, $96, $A6, $97, $97, $78, $79, $79, $69, $78, $77, //1913    $96, $B4, $96, $A6, $97, $97, $79, $79, $79, $69, $78, $78, //1914    $96, $A5, $97, $96, $97, $87, $79, $79, $69, $69, $78, $78, //1915    $96, $A5, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $88, $78, $78, $79, $77, $87, //1916    $95, $B4, $96, $A6, $96, $97, $78, $79, $78, $69, $78, $87, //1917    $96, $B4, $96, $A6, $97, $97, $79, $79, $79, $69, $78, $77, //1918    $96, $A5, $97, $96, $97, $87, $79, $79, $69, $69, $78, $78, //1919    $96, $A5, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $88, $78, $78, $79, $77, $87, //1920    $95, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $78, $79, $78, $69, $78, $87, //1921    $96, $B4, $96, $A6, $97, $97, $79, $79, $79, $69, $78, $77, //1922    $96, $A4, $96, $96, $97, $87, $79, $79, $69, $69, $78, $78, //1923    $96, $A5, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $88, $78, $78, $79, $77, $87, //1924    $95, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $78, $79, $78, $69, $78, $87, //1925    $96, $B4, $96, $A6, $97, $97, $78, $79, $79, $69, $78, $77, //1926    $96, $A4, $96, $96, $97, $87, $79, $79, $79, $69, $78, $78, //1927    $96, $A5, $96, $A5, $96, $96, $88, $78, $78, $78, $87, $87, //1928    $95, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $88, $78, $78, $79, $77, $87, //1929    $96, $B4, $96, $A6, $97, $97, $78, $79, $79, $69, $78, $77, //1930    $96, $A4, $96, $96, $97, $87, $79, $79, $79, $69, $78, $78, //1931    $96, $A5, $96, $A5, $96, $96, $88, $78, $78, $78, $87, $87, //1932    $95, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $88, $78, $78, $69, $78, $87, //1933    $96, $B4, $96, $A6, $97, $97, $78, $79, $79, $69, $78, $77, //1934    $96, $A4, $96, $96, $97, $97, $79, $79, $79, $69, $78, $78, //1935    $96, $A5, $96, $A5, $96, $96, $88, $78, $78, $78, $87, $87, //1936    $95, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $88, $78, $78, $69, $78, $87, //1937    $96, $B4, $96, $A6, $97, $97, $78, $79, $79, $69, $78, $77, //1938    $96, $A4, $96, $96, $97, $97, $79, $79, $79, $69, $78, $78, //1939    $96, $A5, $96, $A5, $96, $96, $88, $78, $78, $78, $87, $87, //1940    $95, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $88, $78, $78, $69, $78, $87, //1941    $96, $B4, $96, $A6, $97, $97, $78, $79, $79, $69, $78, $77, //1942    $96, $A4, $96, $96, $97, $97, $79, $79, $79, $69, $78, $78, //1943    $96, $A5, $96, $A5, $A6, $96, $88, $78, $78, $78, $87, $87, //1944    $95, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $88, $78, $78, $79, $77, $87, //1945    $95, $B4, $96, $A6, $97, $97, $78, $79, $78, $69, $78, $77, //1946    $96, $B4, $96, $A6, $97, $97, $79, $79, $79, $69, $78, $78, //1947    $96, $A5, $A6, $A5, $A6, $96, $88, $88, $78, $78, $87, $87, //1948    $A5, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $88, $79, $78, $79, $77, $87, //1949    $95, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $78, $79, $78, $69, $78, $77, //1950    $96, $B4, $96, $A6, $97, $97, $79, $79, $79, $69, $78, $78, //1951    $96, $A5, $A6, $A5, $A6, $96, $88, $88, $78, $78, $87, $87, //1952    $A5, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $88, $78, $78, $79, $77, $87, //1953    $95, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $78, $79, $78, $68, $78, $87, //1954    $96, $B4, $96, $A6, $97, $97, $78, $79, $79, $69, $78, $77, //1955    $96, $A5, $A5, $A5, $A6, $96, $88, $88, $78, $78, $87, $87, //1956    $A5, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $88, $78, $78, $79, $77, $87, //1957    $95, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $88, $78, $78, $69, $78, $87, //1958    $96, $B4, $96, $A6, $97, $97, $78, $79, $79, $69, $78, $77, //1959    $96, $A4, $A5, $A5, $A6, $96, $88, $88, $88, $78, $87, $87, //1960    $A5, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $96, $88, $78, $78, $78, $87, $87, //1961    $96, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $88, $78, $78, $69, $78, $87, //1962    $96, $B4, $96, $A6, $97, $97, $78, $79, $79, $69, $78, $77, //1963    $96, $A4, $A5, $A5, $A6, $96, $88, $88, $88, $78, $87, $87, //1964    $A5, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $96, $88, $78, $78, $78, $87, $87, //1965    $95, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $88, $78, $78, $69, $78, $87, //1966    $96, $B4, $96, $A6, $97, $97, $78, $79, $79, $69, $78, $77, //1967    $96, $A4, $A5, $A5, $A6, $A6, $88, $88, $88, $78, $87, $87, //1968    $A5, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $96, $88, $78, $78, $78, $87, $87, //1969    $95, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $88, $78, $78, $69, $78, $87, //1970    $96, $B4, $96, $A6, $97, $97, $78, $79, $79, $69, $78, $77, //1971    $96, $A4, $A5, $A5, $A6, $A6, $88, $88, $88, $78, $87, $87, //1972    $A5, $B5, $96, $A5, $A6, $96, $88, $78, $78, $78, $87, $87, //1973    $95, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $88, $78, $78, $69, $78, $87, //1974    $96, $B4, $96, $A6, $97, $97, $78, $79, $78, $69, $78, $77, //1975    $96, $A4, $A5, $B5, $A6, $A6, $88, $89, $88, $78, $87, $87, //1976    $A5, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $96, $88, $88, $78, $78, $87, $87, //1977    $95, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $88, $78, $78, $79, $78, $87, //1978    $96, $B4, $96, $A6, $96, $97, $78, $79, $78, $69, $78, $77, //1979    $96, $A4, $A5, $B5, $A6, $A6, $88, $88, $88, $78, $87, $87, //1980    $A5, $B4, $96, $A5, $A6, $96, $88, $88, $78, $78, $77, $87, //1981    $95, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $88, $78, $78, $79, $77, $87, //1982    $95, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $78, $79, $78, $69, $78, $77, //1983    $96, $B4, $A5, $B5, $A6, $A6, $87, $88, $88, $78, $87, $87, //1984    $A5, $B4, $A6, $A5, $A6, $96, $88, $88, $78, $78, $87, $87, //1985    $A5, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $88, $78, $78, $79, $77, $87, //1986    $95, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $88, $79, $78, $69, $78, $87, //1987    $96, $B4, $A5, $B5, $A6, $A6, $87, $88, $88, $78, $87, $86, //1988    $A5, $B4, $A5, $A5, $A6, $96, $88, $88, $88, $78, $87, $87, //1989    $A5, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $96, $88, $78, $78, $79, $77, $87, //1990    $95, $B4, $96, $A5, $86, $97, $88, $78, $78, $69, $78, $87, //1991    $96, $B4, $A5, $B5, $A6, $A6, $87, $88, $88, $78, $87, $86, //1992    $A5, $B3, $A5, $A5, $A6, $96, $88, $88, $88, $78, $87, $87, //1993    $A5, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $96, $88, $78, $78, $78, $87, $87, //1994    $95, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $88, $76, $78, $69, $78, $87, //1995    $96, $B4, $A5, $B5, $A6, $A6, $87, $88, $88, $78, $87, $86, //1996    $A5, $B3, $A5, $A5, $A6, $A6, $88, $88, $88, $78, $87, $87, //1997    $A5, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $96, $88, $78, $78, $78, $87, $87, //1998    $95, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $88, $78, $78, $69, $78, $87, //1999    $96, $B4, $A5, $B5, $A6, $A6, $87, $88, $88, $78, $87, $86, //2000    $A5, $B3, $A5, $A5, $A6, $A6, $88, $88, $88, $78, $87, $87, //2001    $A5, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $96, $88, $78, $78, $78, $87, $87, //2002    $95, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $88, $78, $78, $69, $78, $87, //2003    $96, $B4, $A5, $B5, $A6, $A6, $87, $88, $88, $78, $87, $86, //2004    $A5, $B3, $A5, $A5, $A6, $A6, $88, $88, $88, $78, $87, $87, //2005    $A5, $B4, $96, $A5, $A6, $96, $88, $88, $78, $78, $87, $87, //2006    $95, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $88, $78, $78, $69, $78, $87, //2007    $96, $B4, $A5, $B5, $A6, $A6, $87, $88, $87, $78, $87, $86, //2008    $A5, $B3, $A5, $B5, $A6, $A6, $88, $88, $88, $78, $87, $87, //2009    $A5, $B4, $96, $A5, $A6, $96, $88, $88, $78, $78, $87, $87, //2010    $95, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $88, $78, $78, $79, $78, $87, //2011    $96, $B4, $A5, $B5, $A5, $A6, $87, $88, $87, $78, $87, $86, //2012    $A5, $B3, $A5, $B5, $A6, $A6, $87, $88, $88, $78, $87, $87, //2013    $A5, $B4, $96, $A5, $A6, $96, $88, $88, $78, $78, $87, $87, //2014    $95, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $97, $88, $78, $78, $79, $77, $87, //2015    $95, $B4, $A5, $B4, $A5, $A6, $87, $88, $87, $78, $87, $86, //2016    $A5, $C3, $A5, $B5, $A6, $A6, $87, $88, $88, $78, $87, $87, //2017    $A5, $B4, $A6, $A5, $A6, $96, $88, $88, $78, $78, $87, $87, //2018    $A5, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $96, $88, $78, $78, $79, $77, $87, //2019    $95, $B4, $A5, $B4, $A5, $A6, $97, $87, $87, $78, $87, $86, //2020    $A5, $C3, $A5, $B5, $A6, $A6, $87, $88, $88, $78, $87, $86, //2021    $A5, $B4, $A5, $A5, $A6, $96, $88, $88, $88, $78, $87, $87, //2022    $A5, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $96, $88, $78, $78, $79, $77, $87, //2023    $95, $B4, $A5, $B4, $A5, $A6, $97, $87, $87, $78, $87, $96, //2024    $A5, $C3, $A5, $B5, $A6, $A6, $87, $88, $88, $78, $87, $86, //2025    $A5, $B3, $A5, $A5, $A6, $A6, $88, $88, $88, $78, $87, $87, //2026    $A5, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $96, $88, $78, $78, $78, $87, $87, //2027    $95, $B4, $A5, $B4, $A5, $A6, $97, $87, $87, $78, $87, $96, //2028    $A5, $C3, $A5, $B5, $A6, $A6, $87, $88, $88, $78, $87, $86, //2029    $A5, $B3, $A5, $A5, $A6, $A6, $88, $88, $88, $78, $87, $87, //2030    $A5, $B4, $96, $A5, $96, $96, $88, $78, $78, $78, $87, $87, //2031    $95, $B4, $A5, $B4, $A5, $A6, $97, $87, $87, $78, $87, $96, //2032    $A5, $C3, $A5, $B5, $A6, $A6, $88, $88, $88, $78, $87, $86, //2033    $A5, $B3, $A5, $A5, $A6, $A6, $88, $78, $88, $78, $87, $87, //2034    $A5, $B4, $96, $A5, $A6, $96, $88, $88, $78, $78, $87, $87, //2035    $95, $B4, $A5, $B4, $A5, $A6, $97, $87, $87, $78, $87, $96, //2036    $A5, $C3, $A5, $B5, $A6, $A6, $87, $88, $88, $78, $87, $86, //2037    $A5, $B3, $A5, $A5, $A6, $A6, $88, $88, $88, $78, $87, $87, //2038    $A5, $B4, $96, $A5, $A6, $96, $88, $88, $78, $78, $87, $87, //2039    $95, $B4, $A5, $B4, $A5, $A6, $97, $87, $87, $78, $87, $96, //2040    $A5, $C3, $A5, $B5, $A5, $A6, $87, $88, $87, $78, $87, $86, //2041    $A5, $B3, $A5, $B5, $A6, $A6, $88, $88, $88, $78, $87, $87, //2042    $A5, $B4, $96, $A5, $A6, $96, $88, $88, $78, $78, $87, $87, //2043    $95, $B4, $A5, $B4, $A5, $A6, $97, $87, $87, $88, $87, $96, //2044    $A5, $C3, $A5, $B4, $A5, $A6, $87, $88, $87, $78, $87, $86, //2045    $A5, $B3, $A5, $B5, $A6, $A6, $87, $88, $88, $78, $87, $87, //2046    $A5, $B4, $96, $A5, $A6, $96, $88, $88, $78, $78, $87, $87, //2047    $95, $B4, $A5, $B4, $A5, $A5, $97, $87, $87, $88, $86, $96, //2048    $A4, $C3, $A5, $A5, $A5, $A6, $97, $87, $87, $78, $87, $86, //2049    $A5, $C3, $A5, $B5, $A6, $A6, $87, $88, $78, $78, $87, $87); //2050

    function WeekDay(iYear, iMonth, iDay: Word): Integer;begin  Result := DayOfWeek(EncodeDate(iYear, iMonth, iDay));end;

    function WeekNum(const TDT: TDateTime): Word;var  Y, M, D: Word;  dtTmp: TDateTime;begin  DecodeDate(TDT, Y, M, D);  dtTmp := EnCodeDate(Y, 1, 1);  Result := (Trunc(TDT - dtTmp) + (DayOfWeek(dtTmp) - 1)) div 7;  if Result = 0 then    Result := 51  else    Result := Result - 1;end;

    function WeekNum(const iYear, iMonth, iDay: Word): Word;begin  Result := WeekNum(EncodeDate(iYear, iMonth, iDay));end;

    function MonthDays(iYear, iMonth: Word): Word;begin  case iMonth of    1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12:      Result := 31;    4, 6, 9, 11:      Result := 30;    2: //如果是闰年      if IsLeapYear(iYear) then        Result := 29      else        Result := 28;  else    Result := 0;  end;end;

    function GetLeapMonth(iLunarYear: Word): Word;var  Flag: Byte;begin  Flag := gLunarMonth[(iLunarYear - START_YEAR) div 2];  if (iLunarYear - START_YEAR) mod 2 = 0 then    Result := Flag shr 4  else    Result := Flag and $0F;end;

    function LunarMonthDays(iLunarYear, iLunarMonth: Word): Longword;var  Height, Low: Word;  iBit: Integer;begin  if iLunarYear < START_YEAR then  begin    Result := 30;    Exit;  end;  Height := 0;  Low := 29;  iBit := 16 - iLunarMonth;  if (iLunarMonth > GetLeapMonth(iLunarYear)) and (GetLeapMonth(iLunarYear) > 0) then    Dec(iBit);  if (gLunarMonthDay[iLunarYear - START_YEAR] and (1 shl iBit)) > 0 then    Inc(Low);  if iLunarMonth = GetLeapMonth(iLunarYear) then    if (gLunarMonthDay[iLunarYear - START_YEAR] and (1 shl (iBit - 1))) > 0 then      Height := 30    else      Height := 29;  Result := MakeLong(Low, Height);end;

    function LunarYearDays(iLunarYear: Word): Word;var  Days, i: Word;  tmp: Longword;begin  Days := 0;  for i := 1 to 12 do  begin    tmp := LunarMonthDays(iLunarYear, i);    Days := Days + HiWord(tmp);    Days := Days + LoWord(tmp);  end;  Result := Days;end;

    procedure FormatLunarYear(iYear: Word; var pBuffer: string);var  szText1, szText2, szText3: string;begin  szText1 := '甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸';  szText2 := '子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥';  szText3 := '鼠牛虎免龙蛇马羊猴鸡狗猪';  pBuffer := Copy(szText1, ((iYear - 4) mod 10) * 2 + 1, 2);  pBuffer := pBuffer + Copy(szText2, ((iYear - 4) mod 12) * 2 + 1, 2);  pBuffer := pBuffer + ' ';  pBuffer := pBuffer + Copy(szText3, ((iYear - 4) mod 12) * 2 + 1, 2);  pBuffer := pBuffer + '年';end;

    function FormatLunarYear(iYear: Word): string;var  pBuffer: string;begin  FormatLunarYear(iYear, pBuffer);  Result := pBuffer;end;

    procedure FormatMonth(iMonth: Word; var pBuffer: string; bLunar: Boolean);var  szText: string;begin  if (not bLunar) and (iMonth = 1) then  begin    pBuffer := '  一月';    Exit;  end;  szText := '正二三四五六七八九十';  if iMonth <= 10 then  begin    pBuffer := '  ';    pBuffer := pBuffer + Copy(szText, (iMonth - 1) * 2 + 1, 2);    pBuffer := pBuffer + '月';    Exit;  end;  if iMonth = 11 then    pBuffer := '十一'  else    pBuffer := '十二';  pBuffer := pBuffer + '月';end;

    function FormatMonth(iMonth: Word; bLunar: Boolean): string;var  pBuffer: string;begin  FormatMonth(iMonth, pBuffer, bLunar);  Result := pBuffer;end;

    procedure FormatLunarDay(iDay: Word; var pBuffer: string);var  szText1, szText2: string;begin  szText1 := '初十廿三';  szText2 := '一二三四五六七八九十';  if (iDay <> 20) and (iDay <> 30) then  begin    pBuffer := Copy(szText1, ((iDay - 1) div 10) * 2 + 1, 2);    pBuffer := pBuffer + Copy(szText2, ((iDay - 1) mod 10) * 2 + 1, 2);  end  else  begin    pBuffer := Copy(szText1, (iDay div 10) * 2 + 1, 2);    pBuffer := pBuffer + '十';  end;end;

    function FormatLunarDay(iDay: Word): string;var  pBuffer: string;begin  FormatLunarDay(iDay, pBuffer);  Result := pBuffer;end;

    function CalcDateDiff(iEndYear, iEndMonth, iEndDay: Word; iStartYear: Word; iStartMonth: Word; iStartDay: Word): Longword;begin  Result := Trunc(EncodeDate(iEndYear, iEndMonth, iEndDay) - EncodeDate(iStartYear, iStartMonth, iStartDay));end;

    function CalcDateDiff(EndDate, StartDate: TDateTime): Longword;begin  Result := Trunc(EndDate - StartDate);end;

    function GetLunarDate(iYear, iMonth, iDay: Word; var iLunarYear, iLunarMonth, iLunarDay: Word): Word;begin  l_CalcLunarDate(iLunarYear, iLunarMonth, iLunarDay, CalcDateDiff(iYear, iMonth, iDay));  Result := l_GetLunarHolDay(iYear, iMonth, iDay);end;

    procedure GetLunarDate(InDate: TDateTime; var iLunarYear, iLunarMonth, iLunarDay: Word);begin  l_CalcLunarDate(iLunarYear, iLunarMonth, iLunarDay, CalcDateDiff(InDate, EncodeDate(START_YEAR, 1, 1)));end;

    procedure l_CalcLunarDate(var iYear, iMonth, iDay: Word; iSpanDays: Longword);var  tmp: Longword;begin  //阳历1901年2月19日为阴历1901年正月初一  //阳历1901年1月1日到2月19日共有49天  if iSpanDays < 49 then  begin    iYear := START_YEAR - 1;    if iSpanDays < 19 then    begin      iMonth := 11;      iDay := 11 + Word(iSpanDays);    end    else    begin      iMonth := 12;      iDay := Word(iSpanDays) - 18;    end;    Exit;  end;  //下面从阴历1901年正月初一算起  iSpanDays := iSpanDays - 49;  iYear := START_YEAR;  iMonth := 1;  iDay := 1;  //计算年  tmp := LunarYearDays(iYear);  while iSpanDays >= tmp do  begin    iSpanDays := iSpanDays - tmp;    Inc(iYear);    tmp := LunarYearDays(iYear);  end;  //计算月  tmp := LoWord(LunarMonthDays(iYear, iMonth));  while iSpanDays >= tmp do  begin    iSpanDays := iSpanDays - tmp;    if iMonth = GetLeapMonth(iYear) then    begin      tmp := HiWord(LunarMonthDays(iYear, iMonth));      if iSpanDays < tmp then        Break;      iSpanDays := iSpanDays - tmp;    end;    Inc(iMonth);    tmp := LoWord(LunarMonthDays(iYear, iMonth));  end;  //计算日  iDay := iDay + Word(iSpanDays);end;

    function l_GetLunarHolDay(iYear, iMonth, iDay: Word): Word;var  Flag: Byte;  Day: Word;begin  Flag := gLunarHolDay[(iYear - START_YEAR) * 12 + iMonth - 1];  if iDay < 15 then    Day := 15 - ((Flag shr 4) and $0F)  else    Day := (Flag and $0F) + 15;  if iDay = Day then    if iDay > 15 then      Result := (iMonth - 1) * 2 + 2    else      Result := (iMonth - 1) * 2 + 1  else    Result := 0;end;

    function GetLunarHolDay(InDate: TDateTime): string;var  i, iYear, iMonth, iDay: Word;begin  DecodeDate(InDate, iYear, iMonth, iDay);  i := l_GetLunarHolDay(iYear, iMonth, iDay);  case i of    1: Result := '小寒';    2: Result := '大寒';    3: Result := '立春';    4: Result := '雨水';    5: Result := '惊蛰';    6: Result := '春分';    7: Result := '清明';    8: Result := '谷雨';    9: Result := '立夏';    10: Result := '小满';    11: Result := '芒种';    12: Result := '夏至';    13: Result := '小暑';    14: Result := '大暑';    15: Result := '立秋';    16: Result := '处暑';    17: Result := '白露';    18: Result := '秋分';    19: Result := '寒露';    20: Result := '霜降';    21: Result := '立冬';    22: Result := '小雪';    23: Result := '大雪';    24: Result := '冬至';  else    Result := '';  end;end;

    function GetLunarHolDay(iYear, iMonth, iDay: Word): string;begin  Result := GetLunarHolDay(EncodeDate(iYear, iMonth, iDay));end;

    function GetConstellation(const DateTime: TDateTime): Integer;var  Y, M, D: Word;begin  DecodeDate(DateTime, Y, M, D);  Y := M * 100 + D;  if (Y >= 321) and (Y <= 419) then    Result := 0  else    if (Y >= 420) and (Y <= 520) then      Result := 1    else      if (Y >= 521) and (Y <= 620) then        Result := 2      else        if (Y >= 621) and (Y <= 722) then          Result := 3        else          if (Y >= 723) and (Y <= 822) then            Result := 4          else            if (Y >= 823) and (Y <= 922) then              Result := 5            else              if (Y >= 923) and (Y <= 1022) then                Result := 6              else                if (Y >= 1023) and (Y <= 1121) then                  Result := 7                else                  if (Y >= 1122) and (Y <= 1221) then                    Result := 8                  else                    if (Y >= 1222) or (Y <= 119) then                      Result := 9                    else                      if (Y >= 120) and (Y <= 218) then                        Result := 10                      else                        if (Y >= 219) and (Y <= 320) then                          Result := 11                        else                          Result := -1;end;

    function GetConstellationName(const Constellation: Integer): string;begin  case Constellation of    0: Result := '白羊座';    1: Result := '金牛座';    2: Result := '双子座';    3: Result := '巨蟹座';    4: Result := '狮子座';    5: Result := '处女座';    6: Result := '天秤座';    7: Result := '天蝎座';    8: Result := '射手座';    9: Result := '摩羯座';    10: Result := '水瓶座';    11: Result := '双鱼座';  else    Result := '';  end;end;

    function GetConstellationName(const DateTime: TDateTime): string;begin  Result := GetConstellationName(GetConstellation(DateTime));end;

