Abs | Ceil | Exp | Floor | frac |
Frexp | int | intpower | Ldexp | max |
min | pi | poly | power | round |
sqrt | trunc | sqr |
函数名 | ABS |
简要介绍: | Returns an absolute value. (取绝对值) |
所属单元: | System |
定义: | function Abs(X); |
详细解释: | Abs returns the absolute value of the argument, X.X is an integer-type or real-type expression.(Abs函数用于返回变量X的绝对值,X可以是一个整形的变量或实数型的变量) |
返回 | |
函数名 | ceil |
简要介绍: | Rounds variables up toward positive infinity. |
所属单元: | Math |
定义: | function Ceil(X: Extended):Integer |
详细解释: | Call Ceil to obtain the lowest integer greater than or equal to X. The absolute value of X must be less than MaxInt. For example:Ceil(-2.8) = -2Ceil(2.8) = 3Ceil(-1.0) = -1 (调用ceil函数,返回大于或等于x的最小整数值。X的绝对值一定要小于最大整数值。例如:Ceil(-2.8) = -2Ceil(2.8) = 3Ceil(-1.0) = -1) |
返回 | |
函数名 | Exp |
简要介绍: | Returns the exponential of X.(Exp函数返回自然对数基底E的X次幂。) |
所属单元: | System |
定义: | function Exp(X: Real): Real; |
详细解释: | Exp returns the value of e raised to the power of X, where e is the base of the natural logarithms.(Exp返回e的X次幂的值,其中e是一个自然对数基底。) |
范例: | var e : real; S : string; begin e := Exp(1.0); Str(ln(e):3:2, S); S := 'e = ' + FloatToStr(e) + '; ln(e) = ' + S; Canvas.TextOut(10, 10, S); end; |
返回 | |
函数名 | Floor |
简要介绍: | Rounds variables toward negative infinity.(取小于给定值的最大整数) |
所属单元: | Math |
定义: | function Floor(X: Extended): Integer; |
详细解释: | Call Floor to obtain the highest integer less than or equal to X. For example:Floor(-2.8) = -3Floor(2.8) = 2Floor(-1.0) = -1Note: The absolute value of X must be less than MaxInt. (使用Floor函数以取得小于等于X的最大的整数,如:Floor(-2.8) = -3Floor(2.8) = 2Floor(-1.0) = -1注意:X的绝对值必须小于整形数的最大值) |
返回 | |
函数名 | Frac |
简要介绍: | Returns the fractional part of a real number(返回一个实数的小数部分) |
所属单元: | System |
定义: | function Frac(X: Extended): Extended; |
详细解释: | The Frac function returns the fractional part of the argument X.X is a real-type expression. The result is the fractional part of X; that is, Frac(X) = X - Int(X). (Frac函数返回参数X的小数部分,X是一个实型数,该函数的作用等价于Frac(X)=X-Int(X)。) |
范例: | var a,b:Real; begin a := 1.54; b := frac(a); end; 此时,a= 1.54,b=0.54 |
返回 | |
函数名 | Frexp |
简要介绍: | Separates the Mantissa and Exponent of X(分解开X的尾数和指数。) |
所属单元: | Math |
定义: | procedure Frexp(X: Extended; var Mantissa: Extended; var Exponent: Integer) register; |
详细解释: | Frexp returns the mantissa of X as Mantissa and the exponent as Exponent.(Frexp函数返回X的尾数用变量Mantissa和指数用变量Exponent)。 |
返回 | |
函数名 | int |
简要介绍: | Returns the integer part of a real number.(返回一个实数类型的整数部分) |
所属单元: | System |
定义: | function Int(X: Extended): Extended; |
详细解释: | Int returns the integer part of X; that is, X rounded toward zero. X is a real-type expression.(Int函数返回参数X的整数部分,X为实数类型,函数结果为X经过负向舍入(向0舍入)实数。) |
范例: | var R: Real; begin R := Int(123.456); { 123.0 } R := Int(-123.456); { -123.0 } end; |
返回 | |
函数名 | Intpower |
简要介绍: | Calculates the integral power of a base value.(计算基数的整数幂。) |
所属单元: | Math |
定义: | function IntPower(Base: Extended; Exponent: Integer): Extended register; |
详细解释: | IntPower raises Base to the power specified by Exponent (计算基数的整数幂。base为基数,Exponent为指数) |
范例: | |
返回 | |
函数名 | Ldexp |
简要介绍: | Calculates X * (2**P) |
所属单元: | Math |
定义: | function Ldexp(X: Extended; P: Integer): Extended register; |
详细解释: | Ldexp returns X times (2 to the power of P).(Ldexp计算X*(2**P),返回X的(2的P次幂)次幂。) |
返回 | |
函数名 | Max |
简要介绍: | Returns the greater of two numeric values.(取两个数中的最大值) |
所属单元: | Math |
定义: | function Max(A,B: Integer): Integer; overload; function Max(A,B: Int64): Int64; overload; function Max(A,B: Single): Single; overload; function Max(A,B: Double): Double; overload; function Max(A,B: Extended): Extended; overload; |
详细解释: | Call Max to compare two numeric values. Max returns the greater value of the two.(返回两个数值中的最大值。调用Max比较两个数值。它返回二者中较大的一个值。) |
返回 | |
函数名 | Min |
简要介绍: | Returns the lesser of two numeric values.(取两个数的最小值) |
所属单元: | Math |
定义: | function Min(A,B: Integer): Integer; overload;function Min(A,B: Int64): Int64; overload;function Min(A,B: Single): Single; overload;function Min(A,B: Double): Double; overload;function Min(A,B: Extended): Extended; overload; |
详细解释: | Call Min to compare two numeric values. Min returns the smaller value of the two.(返回两个数值中的最小值。调用Max比较两个数值,它返回二者中较小的一个值。) |
返回 | |
函数名 | pi |
简要介绍: | Returns 3.1415926535897932385. (返回3.1415926535897932385.) |
所属单元: | System |
定义: | function Pi: Extended; |
详细解释: | Use Pi in mathematical calculations that require pi, the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. Pi is approximated as 3.1415926535897932385.(使用Pi函数精确计算返回圆周率Pi,圆周率是一个圆的周长除以它的直径。Pi的值近似于3.1415926535897932385.) |
返回 | |
函数名 | poly(本条翻译无把握) |
简要介绍: | Evaluates a uniform polynomial of one variable at the value X. |
所属单元: | Math |
定义: | function Poly(X: Extended; const Coefficients: array of Double): Extended; |
详细解释: | Call Poly to evaluate the polynomial represented by the Coefficients parameter at the point where the variable equals the value of the X parameter. The coefficients are ordered in increasing powers of X:Coefficients[0] + Coefficients[1]*X + ... + Coefficients[N]*(X**N)(Poly估计一个变量在同一多项式的X值。调用Poly评估由Coefficients参数表达的多项式在一位置的值等同于X参数的值。参数是顺序的以X的幂增加:Coefficients[0]+coefficients[1]*X+…..+Cofficients[n]*[X**N]) |
返回 | |
函数名 | power |
简要介绍: | Raises Base to any power.(取一个实数的幂) |
所属单元: | Math |
定义: | function Power(Base, Exponent: Extended): Extended; |
详细解释: | Power raises Base to any power. For fractional exponents or exponents greater than MaxInt, Base must be greater than 0.(返回一个实数的幂。 当指数Exponent为小数或大于MaxInt时,底数Base必须大于0.) |
返回 | |
函数名 | Round |
简要介绍: | Returns the value of X rounded to the nearest whole number.(对一个实数进行四舍五入) |
所属单元: | System |
定义: | function Round(X: Extended): Int64; |
详细解释: | The Round function rounds a real-type value to an integer-type value.X is a real-type expression. Round returns an Int64 value that is the value of X rounded to the nearest whole number. If X is exactly halfway between two whole numbers, the result is always the even number.If the rounded value of X is not within the Int64 range, a run-time error is generated, which can be handled using the EInvalidOp exception. (Round返回X向最近整数值的舍入。函数将一个实型值舍入为一个整型值。X是一个实型表达式。Round返回一个长整型值,是离X最近的整数值。如果X是两个整数值的正中间,结果是绝对值最大的一个。如果X的舍入值不是在长整型范围内,一个运行时间错误将产生,可以使用EinvalidOp异常来处理) |
范例: | var S, T: string; begin Str(1.4:2:1, T); S := T + ' rounds to ' + IntToStr(Round(1.4)) + #13#10; Str(1.5:2:1, T); S := S + T + ' rounds to ' + IntToStr(Round(1.5)) + #13#10; Str(-1.4:2:1, T); S := S + T + ' rounds to ' + IntToStr(Round(-1.4)) + #13#10; Str(-1.5:2:1, T); S := S + T + ' rounds to ' + IntToStr(Round(-1.5)); MessageDlg(S, mtInformation, [mbOk], 0); end; |
返回 | |
函数名 | Sqr |
简要介绍: | Returns the square of a number.(取给定值的平方) |
所属单元: | System |
定义: | function Sqr(X: Extended): Extended; |
详细解释: | The Sqr function returns the square of the argument.X is a floating-point expression. The result, of the same type as X, is the square of X, or X*X.(Sqr返回X得平方值,X是一个浮点型的数,返回值的类型与X 相同,值为X*X) |
范例: | var S, Temp: string;begin Str(Sqr(5.0):3:1, Temp); S := '5 squared is ' + Temp + #13#10; Str(Sqrt(2.0):5:4, Temp); S := S + 'The square root of 2 is ' + Temp; MessageDlg(S, mtInformation, [mbOk], 0);end; |
返回 | |
函数名 | sqrt |
简要介绍: | Returns the square root of X. |
所属单元: | System |
定义: | function Sqrt(X: Extended): Extended; |
详细解释: | X is a floating-point expression. The result is the square root of X.(取X的平方根,X是一个浮点数,返回值也是个浮点数) |
范例: | var S, Temp: string;begin Str(Sqr(5.0):3:1, Temp); S := '5 squared is ' + Temp + #13#10; Str(Sqrt(2.0):5:4, Temp); S := S + 'The square root of 2 is ' + Temp; MessageDlg(S, mtInformation, [mbOk], 0);end; |
返回 | |
函数名 | Trunc |
简要介绍: | Truncates a real number to an integer.(截取一个实数的整数部分) |
所属单元: | System |
定义: | function Trunc(X: Extended): Int64; |
详细解释: | The Trunc function truncates a real-type value to an integer-type value. X is a real-type expression. Trunc returns an Int64 value that is the value of X rounded toward zero.If the truncated value of X is not within the Int64 range, an EInvalidOp exception is raised. |
范例: | var S, T: string;begin Str(1.4:2:1, T); S := T + ' Truncs to ' + IntToStr(Trunc(1.4)) + #13#10; Str(1.5:2:1, T); S := S + T + ' Truncs to ' + IntToStr(Trunc(1.5)) + #13#10; Str(-1.4:2:1, T); S := S + T + ' Truncs to ' + IntToStr(Trunc(-1.4)) + #13#10; Str(-1.5:2:1, T); S := S + T + ' Truncs to ' + IntToStr(Trunc(-1.5)); MessageDlg(S, mtInformation, [mbOk], 0);end; |