The Dearbookian #20040611 - 特别报道:惊喜之中,我冒了一身冷汗

    技术2022-05-11  178

    The Dearbookian #20040611 - 特别报道:惊喜之中,我冒了一身冷汗


    Developing Games in Javaby David BrackeenPaperback: 1008 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.66 x 9.06 x 7.40 Publisher: New Riders Publishing; 1st edition (August 14, 2003) ISBN: 1592730051Amazon 4.7


    竟然是被我称为中国技术图书翻译史上传奇人物的邱仲潘“大师”的最新译作,真是令我眼前“一亮”。惊讶之中,我又好奇地具体看了一下相关信息,居然还发现两件 X 档案




    ------------------------------------我没见到译著,但浏览了目录,对照原文,发现如下错误,左为译文,中为原文,右为我译。2.3 避免闪烁和裂开 Getting Rid of Flicker and Tearing 避免闪烁和锯齿3.4 通过鼠标移动的观察模式 Mouselook-Style Mouse Movement鼠标观察风格的鼠标运动5.1 生成基于地砖的地图 Creating a Tile-Based Map 生成地砖式的地图5.3 完成与加速 Finishing Things Up and Making It Fast 收尾工作并让游戏运行更快7.1 三维绘制的类型 Types of 3D Rendering 3D渲染的类型11.3 实体与世界碰撞 Object-to-World Collisions 对象和边界碰撞15.3 生成游戏屏幕图形 Creating Game Screen Snapshots 生成游戏屏幕快照16.6 感觉性能 Perceived Performance 感觉上的平滑性18.3 生成贴图编辑器 Creating a Map Editor 生成地图编辑器18.8 自然编译游戏部署 Game Deployment with Native Compilation 部署本地编译的游戏----------------------------------



    * Game Architecture and Design: Learn the Best Practices for Game Design and Programming* Andrew Rollings and Ernest Adams on Game Design* Creating Emotion in Games: The Craft and Art of Emotioneering* Chris Crawford on Game Design* Designing Virtual Worlds* The Fat Man on Game Audio: Tasty Morsels of Sonic Goodness* Black Art of Java Game Programming* Core Techniques and Algorithms in Game Programming


    [1]Game Architecture and Design: Learn the Best Practices for Game Design and Programmingby Andrew Rollings, Dave Morris Paperback: 742 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.90 x 9.27 x 7.41 Publisher: Coriolis Group Books; Bk&CD Rom edition (November 18, 1999) ISBN: 1576104257Amazon 4 星 5 星被普遍认为是目前游戏开发实践、游戏设计理论、游戏产业实务方面最优秀的图书。

    [2]Andrew Rollings and Ernest Adams on Game Designby Andrew Rollings, Ernest Adams Paperback: 648 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.08 x 9.14 x 7.38 Publisher: New Riders Publishing; 1st edition (May 5, 2003) ISBN: 1592730019 Amazon 4 星 5 星被普遍认为是目前游戏设计理论方面最优秀的图书。

    [3]Creating Emotion in Games: The Craft and Art of Emotioneeringby David Freeman, Will WrightPaperback: 500 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.00 x 10.12 x 7.98 Publisher: New Riders Publishing; 1st edition (September 15, 2003) ISBN: 1592730078Amazon 4.5 星 5 星游戏设计与game writting方面唯我独尊的杰作。作者对本书封面的透彻分析就让人赏心悦目,心服口服。

    [4]Chris Crawford on Game Designby Chris Crawford Paperback: 496 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.84 x 8.96 x 7.00 Publisher: New Riders Publishing; 1st edition (June 18, 2003) ISBN: 0131460994Amazon 5 星作者是游戏设计领域为数不多的几位大师级人物之一,游戏交互设计方面无出其右的顶尖人物,22年之前(1982年!)撰写的 The Art of Computer Game Design 是游戏开发领域划时代的作品,该作之于游戏开发领域正如Knuth的TAOCP之于计算领域,至今仍被奉为该领域最经典、最有价值的作品之一。而这本新书在读者中间倍受争议,但在Amazon拿5星,再想到作者的地位,很难想象这不是一部杰作。浏览过电子版,我认为是非常棒的一本书,作者独到的见解、强硬的个性表达或许也是不少人排斥这本书的原因。

    [5]Designing Virtual Worldsby Richard A. Bartle, Richard BartlePaperback: 768 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.22 x 9.16 x 7.38 Publisher: New Riders Publishing; 1st edition (July 15, 2003) ISBN: 0131018167 Amazon 5 星极为优秀的游戏设计专书。看过目录就知道。

    [6]The Fat Man on Game Audio: Tasty Morsels of Sonic Goodnessby George Alistair SangerPaperback: 528 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.84 x 9.08 x 6.12 Publisher: New Riders Publishing; (June 25, 2003) ISBN: 1592730094Amazon 4.7 星看样章就知道,这是一部独特的个性作品。作者The Fat Man是游戏产业中游戏音乐制作方面最有发言权的传奇人物。“In the industry there is one name that looms above all others, that name is The Fat Man. A.k.a. as George Sanger, The Fat Man has simply done more than anyone else in the audio for games.”

    [7]Black Art of Java Game Programmingby Joel Fan,Paperback: 900 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 2.00 x 9.50 x 7.25 Publisher: Waite Group Press; Book and CD edition (November 1996) ASIN: 1571690433 Amazon 4.5 星

    [8]Core Techniques and Algorithms in Game Programmingby Daniel Sanchez-Crespo Dalmau, Daniel Sanchez-Crespo Paperback: 912 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.43 x 9.22 x 7.38 Publisher: New Riders Publishing; 1st edition (September 8, 2003) ISBN: 0131020099 Amazon 4 星 4 星


