
    技术2022-05-11  107

    Death March                                                            Software Runaway                                                   Code Complete                                                         Software Requirements                                                    XP Explained: Embrace Change                                            Debugging the Development Process                            Master Delphi 3                                                        Master VB 6                                                              Learn C++ in 21 Days                                                       Software project Survival GuideDynamics of Software DevelopmentDao of Programming                                               Oracle 8: The complete reference                                            Mythical Man Month                                                       C++ Primer                                                     Rapid Development Thinking in JAVA (Second Edition)                             Core JAVA 2                                                             UML Distilled                                                           Beyond ChaosDesign Patterns ExplainedBorland anecdote                                                   Peopleware                                                                The science and art of software development                      Agile Software Development                                          JavaScript: A Beginner’s Guide                                    Refactoring                                                              Thinking in JAVA (Third Edition) (Part)                              The inmates are running the asylum                             After the Gold Rush                                                 Write Solid Code                                                               Learn VB.NET in 21 Days  ASP.NET Unleashed 2ndUnderstanding .NET – A Tutorial and AnalysisAbout Face 2Are your lights on?The big switchThe Google ResumeThe Design of Everyday ThingsACE the programming interview


     这是我9年的专业生涯所看过的所有计算机著作. 其中<<Code Complete>>是我最喜欢的作品,在刚出道的时侯至少看了4遍.不过现在没怎么再看它了. <<软件开发的科学与艺术>>是我最不喜欢的书,我从地摊上花5元买来的. 看过之后,我觉得前任书主是明智的. 这本书就值5元了.  Steve MacConnell是我最喜欢的作者,他的书我几乎都看了不止一遍.前几年看工程书籍较多,现在语言书籍书比重较大,因为我觉得我以前学的语言现在已经落伍了.不得不重新学.


    Update: 这是我从业18年所看的书,都是从头到尾完整看完的。这里不包含教科书。2014

