
    技术2022-05-11  166

    实例:FreakOut在沉溺于所讨论的有关Windows、DirectX 和3D 图形之前,应当暂停一下,先给你看一个完整的游戏——虽然简单了一点,但毫无疑问是一个完整的游戏。你会看到一个实际的游戏循环和一些图形功能调用,最后一霎那就可以通过编译。不错吧?跟我来吧!问题是我们现在才讲到第一章。我不应该使用后面章节中的内容……这有点像作弊,对吧?因此,我决定要做的是让你习惯于使用黑黑(black box)API来进行游戏编程。基于这个要求,我要提一个问题“要制作一个类似Breakout(打砖块)的2D游戏,其最低要求是什么?”我们真正所需要的是下面的功能:? 在任意图像模式中切换? 在屏幕上画各种颜色的矩形? 获取键盘输入? 使用一些定时函数同步游戏循环? 在屏幕上画彩色文字串因此我建了一个名为BLACKBOX.CPP|H的库。它封装了一套DirectX函数集(限于DirectDraw),并且包含实现所需功能的支持代码。妙处是,读者根本不需要看这些代码,只需依照函数原型来使用这些函数就可以了,并与BLACKBOX.CPP|H连接来产生.EXE可执行文件。以BLACKBOX库为基础,我编写了一个名字为FreakOut的游戏,这个游戏演示了本章中所讨论的许多概念。FreakOut 游戏包含真正游戏的全部主要组成部分,包括:游戏循环、计分、关卡,甚至还有为球而写的迷你物理模型。真是可爱。图1.9 是一幅游戏运行中的屏幕画面。显然它比不上Arkanoid(经典的打砖块类游戏),但4 个小时的工作有此成果也不赖!图1.9 FreakOut游戏的截屏 在阅读游戏源代码之前,我希望读者能看一下工程和游戏各组成部分是如何协调一致的。参见图1.10。图1.10 FreakOut 的结构 从图中可以看到,游戏由下面文件构成:FREAKOUT.CPP——游戏的主要逻辑,使用BLACKBOX.CPP,创建一个最小化的Win32应用程序。BLACKBOX.CPP——游戏库(请不要偷看:)。BLACKBOX.H——游戏库的头文件。DDRAW.LIB——用于生成应用程序的DirectDraw输入库。其中并不含有真正的DirectX代码。它主要是用作让用户调用的中间库,然后轮流调用进行实际工作的DDRAW.DLL动态链接库。它可以在DirectX SDK 安装目录下的LIB子目录内被找到。DDRAW.DLL——运行时(Runtime)的DirectDraw 库,实际上含有通过DDRAW.LIB 输入库调用DirectDraw 接口函数的COM 执行程序。不必为此担心;只要确认已经安装了DirectX运行时文件即可。为了通过编译,需要将BLACKBOX.CPP和FREAKOUT.CPP加入工程里面,连接上DDRAW.LIB库文件,并确保BLACKBOX.H在头文件搜索路径或工作目录里,以便编译器可以正确地找到它。现在我们已大致了解了FreakOut的结构。让我们看一下BLACKOUT.H头文件,看看它包含了哪些函数。程序清单1.2 BLACKOUT.H 头文件// BLACKBOX.H - Header file for demo game engine library

    // watch for multiple inclusions#ifndef BLACKBOX#define BLACKBOX

    // DEFINES

    // default screen size#define SCREEN_WIDTH    640  // size of screen#define SCREEN_HEIGHT   480#define SCREEN_BPP      8    // bits per pixel#define MAX_COLORS      256  // maximum colors

    // MACROS /

    // these read the keyboard asynchronously#define KEY_DOWN(vk_code) ((GetAsyncKeyState(vk_code) & 0x8000) ? 1 : 0)#define KEY_UP(vk_code)   ((GetAsyncKeyState(vk_code) & 0x8000) ? 0 : 1)

    // initializes a direct draw struct#define DD_INIT_STRUCT(ddstruct) {memset(&ddstruct,0,sizeof(ddstruct));ddstruct.dwSize=sizeof(ddstruct); }

    // TYPES //

    // basic unsigned typestypedef unsigned short USHORT;typedef unsigned short WORD;typedef unsigned char  UCHAR;typedef unsigned char  BYTE;

    // EXTERNALS //

    extern LPDIRECTDRAW7         lpdd;             // dd objectextern LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7  lpddsprimary;     // dd primary surfaceextern LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7  lpddsback;        // dd back surfaceextern LPDIRECTDRAWPALETTE   lpddpal;          // a pointer dd paletteextern LPDIRECTDRAWCLIPPER   lpddclipper;      // dd clipperextern PALETTEENTRY          palette[256];     // color paletteextern PALETTEENTRY          save_palette[256]; // used to save palettesextern DDSURFACEDESC2        ddsd;    // a ddraw surface description structextern DDBLTFX               ddbltfx;           // used to fillextern DDSCAPS2              ddscaps; // a ddraw surface capabilities structextern HRESULT               ddrval;            // result back from dd callsextern DWORD                 start_clock_count; // used for timing// these defined the general clipping rectangleextern int min_clip_x,                             // clipping rectangle           max_clip_x,           min_clip_y,           max_clip_y;

    // these are overwritten globally by DD_Init()extern int screen_width,                            // width of screen           screen_height,                           // height of screen           screen_bpp;                              // bits per pixel


    // DirectDraw functionsint DD_Init(int width, int height, int bpp);int DD_Shutdown(void);LPDIRECTDRAWCLIPPER DD_Attach_Clipper(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 lpdds,                                      int num_rects, LPRECT clip_list);int DD_Flip(void);int DD_Fill_Surface(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 lpdds,int color);

    // general utility functionsDWORD Start_Clock(void);DWORD Get_Clock(void);DWORD Wait_Clock(DWORD count);

    // graphics functionsint Draw_Rectangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,                   int color,LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 lpdds=lpddsback);

    // gdi functionsint Draw_Text_GDI(char *text, int x,int y,COLORREF color,                  LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 lpdds=lpddsback);int Draw_Text_GDI(char *text, int x,int y,int color,                  LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE7 lpdds=lpddsback);

    #endif现在,不要花费太多时间绞尽脑汁研究这里的程序代码,搞清楚那些神秘的全局变量究竟表示什么并不重要。让我们来看一看这些函数。如你所想,这里有实现我们的简单图形界面所需的全部函数。基于这个图形界面和最小化的Win32 应用程序(我们要做的Windows 编程工作越少越好)的基础上,我创建了游戏FREAKOUT.CPP,如清单1.3 所示。请认真地看一看,尤其是游戏主循环和对游戏处理功能的调用。程序清单1.3 FREAKOUT.CPP 源文件

    // INCLUDES ///

    #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // include all macros#define INITGUID            // include all GUIDs

    #include         // include important windows stuff #include #include

    #include        // include important C/C++ stuff #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include

    #include           // directX includes #include "blackbox.h"       // game library includes

    // DEFINES

    // defines for windows#define WINDOW_CLASS_NAME "WIN3DCLASS"  // class name

    #define WINDOW_WIDTH            640     // size of window#define WINDOW_HEIGHT           480

    // states for game loop#define GAME_STATE_INIT         0#define GAME_STATE_START_LEVEL  1#define GAME_STATE_RUN          2#define GAME_STATE_SHUTDOWN     3#define GAME_STATE_EXIT         4

    // block defines#define NUM_BLOCK_ROWS          6#define NUM_BLOCK_COLUMNS       8

    #define BLOCK_WIDTH             64#define BLOCK_HEIGHT            16#define BLOCK_ORIGIN_X          8#define BLOCK_ORIGIN_Y          8#define BLOCK_X_GAP             80#define BLOCK_Y_GAP             32

    // paddle defines#define PADDLE_START_X          (SCREEN_WIDTH/2 - 16)#define PADDLE_START_Y          (SCREEN_HEIGHT - 32);#define PADDLE_WIDTH            32#define PADDLE_HEIGHT           8#define PADDLE_COLOR            191

    // ball defines#define BALL_START_Y            (SCREEN_HEIGHT/2)#define BALL_SIZE                4


    // game consoleint Game_Init(void *parms=NULL);int Game_Shutdown(void *parms=NULL);int Game_Main(void *parms=NULL);

    // GLOBALS

    HWND main_window_handle  = NULL; // save the window handleHINSTANCE main_instance  = NULL; // save the instanceint game_state           = GAME_STATE_INIT; // starting state

    int paddle_x = 0, paddle_y = 0; // tracks position of paddleint ball_x   = 0, ball_y   = 0; // tracks position of ballint ball_dx  = 0, ball_dy  = 0; // velocity of ballint score    = 0;               // the scoreint level    = 1;               // the current levelint blocks_hit = 0;             // tracks number of blocks hit

    // this contains the game grid data


    // FUNCTIONS //

    LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProc(HWND hwnd,                      UINT msg,                            WPARAM wparam,                            LPARAM lparam){// this is the main message handler of the systemPAINTSTRUCT    ps;           // used in WM_PAINTHDC            hdc;       // handle to a device context

    // what is the messageswitch(msg)    {    case WM_CREATE:        {    // do initialization stuff here    return(0);    }  break;

        case WM_PAINT:         {         // start painting         hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd,&ps);

             // the window is now validated

             // end painting         EndPaint(hwnd,&ps);         return(0);        }  break;

        case WM_DESTROY:         {           // kill the application         PostQuitMessage(0);         return(0);           }  break;


        }  // end switch

    // process any messages that we didn't take care ofreturn (DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam));

    }  // end WinProc

    // WINMAIN

    int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hinstance,            HINSTANCE hprevinstance,            LPSTR lpcmdline,            int ncmdshow){// this is the winmain function

    WNDCLASS winclass;  // this will hold the class we createHWND     hwnd;         // generic window handleMSG     msg;         // generic messageHDC      hdc;       // generic dcPAINTSTRUCT ps;     // generic paintstruct// first fill in the window class structurewinclass.style    = CS_DBLCLKS | CS_OWNDC |                 CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;winclass.lpfnWndProc = WindowProc;winclass.cbClsExtra        = 0;winclass.cbWndExtra        = 0;winclass.hInstance        = hinstance;winclass.hIcon            = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);winclass.hCursor        = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);winclass.hbrBackground    = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH);winclass.lpszMenuName    = NULL;winclass.lpszClassName    = WINDOW_CLASS_NAME;

    // register the window classif (!RegisterClass(&winclass))    return(0);

    // create the window, note the use of WS_POPUPif (!(hwnd = CreateWindow(WINDOW_CLASS_NAME,    // class        "WIN3D Game Console",    // title        WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE,        0,0,                    // initial x,y        GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN),  // initial width        GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN),  // initial height        NULL,        // handle to parent        NULL,        // handle to menu        hinstance,   // instance        NULL)))      // creation parmsreturn(0);

    // hide mouseShowCursor(FALSE);

    // save the window handle and instance in a globalmain_window_handle = hwnd;main_instance      = hinstance;

    // perform all game console specific initializationGame_Init();

    // enter main event loopwhile(1)    {    if (PeekMessage(&msg,NULL,0,0,PM_REMOVE))    {    // test if this is a quit        if (msg.message == WM_QUIT)           break;

        // translate any accelerator keys    TranslateMessage(&msg);

        // send the message to the window proc    DispatchMessage(&msg);    } // end if       // main game processing goes here       Game_Main();

        }  // end while

    // shutdown game and release all resourcesGame_Shutdown();

    // show mouseShowCursor(TRUE);

    // return to Windows like thisreturn(msg.wParam);

    }  // end WinMain


    int Game_Init(void *parms){// this function is where you do all the initialization// for your game

    // return successreturn(1);

    }  // end Game_Init


    int Game_Shutdown(void *parms){// this function is where you shutdown your game and// release all resources that you allocated

    // return successreturn(1);

    }  // end Game_Shutdown


    void Init_Blocks(void){// initialize the block fieldfor (int row=0; row < NUM_BLOCK_ROWS; row++)    for (int col=0; col < NUM_BLOCK_COLUMNS; col++)         blocks[row][col] = row*16+col*3+16;

    }  // end Init_Blocks///

    void Draw_Blocks(void){// this function draws all the blocks in row major formint x1 = BLOCK_ORIGIN_X, // used to track current position    y1 = BLOCK_ORIGIN_Y;

    // draw all the blocksfor (int row=0; row < NUM_BLOCK_ROWS; row++)    {    // reset column position    x1 = BLOCK_ORIGIN_X;

        // draw this row of blocks    for (int col=0; col < NUM_BLOCK_COLUMNS; col++)        {        // draw next block (if there is one)        if (blocks[row][col]!=0)            {            // draw block            Draw_Rectangle(x1-4,y1+4,                 x1+BLOCK_WIDTH-4,y1+BLOCK_HEIGHT+4,0);

                Draw_Rectangle(x1,y1,x1+BLOCK_WIDTH,                 y1+BLOCK_HEIGHT,blocks[row][col]);            }  // end if

            // advance column position        x1+=BLOCK_X_GAP;        }  // end for col

        // advance to next row position    y1+=BLOCK_Y_GAP;

        }  // end for row

    }  // end Draw_Blocks


    void Process_Ball(void){// this function tests if the ball has hit a block or the paddle// if so, the ball is bounced and the block is removed from// the playfield note: very cheesy collision algorithm :)

    // first test for ball block collisions

    // the algorithm basically tests the ball against each// block's bounding box this is inefficient, but easy to// implement, later we'll see a better way

    int x1 = BLOCK_ORIGIN_X, // current rendering position    y1 = BLOCK_ORIGIN_Y;

    int ball_cx = ball_x+(BALL_SIZE/2),  // computer center of ball    ball_cy = ball_y+(BALL_SIZE/2);

    // test of the ball has hit the paddleif (ball_y > (SCREEN_HEIGHT/2) && ball_dy > 0)   {   // extract leading edge of ball   int x = ball_x+(BALL_SIZE/2);   int y = ball_y+(BALL_SIZE/2);

       // test for collision with paddle   if ((x >= paddle_x && x <= paddle_x+PADDLE_WIDTH) &&       (y >= paddle_y && y <= paddle_y+PADDLE_HEIGHT))       {       // reflect ball       ball_dy=-ball_dy;

           // push ball out of paddle since it made contact       ball_y+=ball_dy;

           // add a little english to ball based on motion of paddle       if (KEY_DOWN(VK_RIGHT))          ball_dx-=(rand()%3);       else       if (KEY_DOWN(VK_LEFT))          ball_dx+=(rand()%3);       else          ball_dx+=(-1+rand()%3);

           // test if there are no blocks, if so send a message       // to game loop to start another level       if (blocks_hit >= (NUM_BLOCK_ROWS*NUM_BLOCK_COLUMNS))          {          game_state = GAME_STATE_START_LEVEL;          level++;          }  // end if

           // make a little noise       MessageBeep(MB_OK);

           // return       return;

           }  // end if

       }  // end if// now scan thru all the blocks and see if ball hit blocksfor (int row=0; row < NUM_BLOCK_ROWS; row++)    {    // reset column position    x1 = BLOCK_ORIGIN_X;

        // scan this row of blocks    for (int col=0; col < NUM_BLOCK_COLUMNS; col++)        {        // if there is a block here then test it against ball        if (blocks[row][col]!=0)           {           // test ball against bounding box of block           if ((ball_cx > x1) && (ball_cx < x1+BLOCK_WIDTH) &&               (ball_cy > y1) && (ball_cy < y1+BLOCK_HEIGHT))               {               // remove the block               blocks[row][col] = 0;

                   // increment global block counter, so we know               // when to start another level up               blocks_hit++;

                   // bounce the ball               ball_dy=-ball_dy;

                   // add a little english               ball_dx+=(-1+rand()%3);

                   // make a little noise               MessageBeep(MB_OK);

                   // add some points               score+=5*(level+(abs(ball_dx)));

                   // that's it -- no more block               return;

                   }  // end if

               }  // end if

            // advance column position        x1+=BLOCK_X_GAP;        }  // end for col

        // advance to next row position    y1+=BLOCK_Y_GAP;

        }  // end for row}  // end Process_Ball


    int Game_Main(void *parms){// this is the workhorse of your game it will be called// continuously in real-time this is like main() in C// all the calls for your game go here!

    char buffer[80]; // used to print text

    // what state is the game in?if (game_state == GAME_STATE_INIT)    {    // initialize everything here graphics    DD_Init(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, SCREEN_BPP);

        // seed the random number generator    // so game is different each play    srand(Start_Clock());

        // set the paddle position here to the middle bottom    paddle_x = PADDLE_START_X;    paddle_y = PADDLE_START_Y;

        // set ball position and velocity    ball_x = 8+rand()%(SCREEN_WIDTH-16);    ball_y = BALL_START_Y;    ball_dx = -4 + rand()%(8+1);    ball_dy = 6 + rand()%2;

        // transition to start level state    game_state = GAME_STATE_START_LEVEL;

        }  // end ifelseif (game_state == GAME_STATE_START_LEVEL)    {    // get a new level ready to run

        // initialize the blocks    Init_Blocks();

        // reset block counter    blocks_hit = 0;

        // transition to run state    game_state = GAME_STATE_RUN;    }  // end if///elseif (game_state == GAME_STATE_RUN)    {    // start the timing clock    Start_Clock();

        // clear drawing surface for the next frame of animation    Draw_Rectangle(0,0,SCREEN_WIDTH-1, SCREEN_HEIGHT-1,200);

        // move the paddle    if (KEY_DOWN(VK_RIGHT))       {       // move paddle to right       paddle_x+=8;

           // make sure paddle doesn't go off screen       if (paddle_x > (SCREEN_WIDTH-PADDLE_WIDTH))          paddle_x = SCREEN_WIDTH-PADDLE_WIDTH;

           }  // end if    else    if (KEY_DOWN(VK_LEFT))       {       // move paddle to right       paddle_x-=8;

           // make sure paddle doesn't go off screen       if (paddle_x < 0)          paddle_x = 0;

           }  // end if

        // draw blocks    Draw_Blocks();

        // move the ball    ball_x+=ball_dx;    ball_y+=ball_dy;

        // keep ball on screen, if the ball hits the edge of    // screen then bounce it by reflecting its velocity    if (ball_x > (SCREEN_WIDTH - BALL_SIZE) || ball_x < 0)       {       // reflect x-axis velocity       ball_dx=-ball_dx;

           // update position       ball_x+=ball_dx;       }  // end if    // now y-axis    if (ball_y < 0)       {       // reflect y-axis velocity       ball_dy=-ball_dy;

           // update position       ball_y+=ball_dy;       }  // end if   else   // penalize player for missing the ball   if (ball_y > (SCREEN_HEIGHT - BALL_SIZE))       {       // reflect y-axis velocity       ball_dy=-ball_dy;

           // update position       ball_y+=ball_dy;

           // minus the score       score-=100;

           }  // end if

        // next watch out for ball velocity getting out of hand    if (ball_dx > 8) ball_dx = 8;    else    if (ball_dx < -8) ball_dx = -8;

        // test if ball hit any blocks or the paddle    Process_Ball();

        // draw the paddle and shadow    Draw_Rectangle(paddle_x-8, paddle_y+8,                   paddle_x+PADDLE_WIDTH-8,                   paddle_y+PADDLE_HEIGHT+8,0);

        Draw_Rectangle(paddle_x, paddle_y,                   paddle_x+PADDLE_WIDTH,                   paddle_y+PADDLE_HEIGHT,PADDLE_COLOR);

        // draw the ball    Draw_Rectangle(ball_x-4, ball_y+4, ball_x+BALL_SIZE-4,                   ball_y+BALL_SIZE+4, 0);    Draw_Rectangle(ball_x, ball_y, ball_x+BALL_SIZE,                   ball_y+BALL_SIZE, 255);

        // draw the info    sprintf(buffer,"F R E A K O U T           Score %d   //          Level %d",score,level);    Draw_Text_GDI(buffer, 8,SCREEN_HEIGHT-16, 127);    // flip the surfaces    DD_Flip();

        // sync to 33ish fps    Wait_Clock(30);

        // check if user is trying to exit    if (KEY_DOWN(VK_ESCAPE))       {       // send message to windows to exit       PostMessage(main_window_handle, WM_DESTROY,0,0);

           // set exit state       game_state = GAME_STATE_SHUTDOWN;

           }  // end if

        }  // end if///elseif (game_state == GAME_STATE_SHUTDOWN)   {   // in this state shut everything down and release resources   DD_Shutdown();

       // switch to exit state   game_state = GAME_STATE_EXIT;

       }  // end if

    // return successreturn(1);

    }  // end Game_Main哈哈,酷吧?这就是一个完整的Win32/DirectX游戏了,至少几乎是完整的了。BLACKOUT.CPP源文件中有好几百行代码,但是我们可以将其视为某人(我!)编写的DirectX的一部分。不管怎样说,还是让我们迅速浏览一下程序清单1.3的内容吧。首先,Windows 需要一个事件循环。这是所有Windows程序的标准结构,因为Windows几乎完全是事件驱动的。但是游戏却不是事件驱动的,无论用户在干什么,它们都在一直运行。因此,我们至少需要支持小型事件循环以配合Windows。执行这项功能的代码位于WinMain()中。WinMain() 是所有Windows 程序的主要入口点,就好比main()是所有DOS/UNIX 程序中的入口点一样。FreakOut 的WinMain()创建一个窗口并进入事件循环。当Windows需要作某些工作时,就随它去。当所有的基本事件处理都结束时,调用Game_Main()。Game_Main是实际运行游戏程序的部分。如果愿意的话,你可以不停地在Game_Main()中循环,而不释放回到WinMain()主事件循环体中。但这样做不是件好事,因为Windows会得不到任何信息。哎,我们该做的是让游戏在运行一帧时间的动画和逻辑之后,返回到WinMain()。这样的话,Windows可以继续响应和处理信息。如果所有这些听起来像是幻术的话,请不要担心——在下一章中情况还会更糟。进入Game_Main()后,FreakOut的游戏逻辑开始被执行。游戏图像被渲染到一个不直接显示出来的工作缓冲区,尔后通过调用DD_FLIP()而在循环结束时在显示屏上显示出来。因此我希望你阅读一下全部的游戏状态,一行一行地过一遍一遍游戏循环的每一部分,了解工作原理。要启动游戏,只须双击FREAKOUT.EXE,游戏程序会立即启动。游戏控制方式如下:右箭头键——向右移动挡板。左箭头键——向左移动挡板。Esc键——退回Windows。还有,如果你错过一个球的话,将被罚掉100分,可要仔细盯紧啊!如果你已经明白了游戏代码和玩法,不妨试着修改一下游戏。你可以增加不同的背景颜色(0~255 是有效的颜色)、增加更多的球、可以改变挡板的大小以及加上更多的声音效果(目前我只用到了Win32 API 中的MessageBeep()函数)总结这大概是我所写的最快的一章游戏编程入门教程了!我们提及了大量的基础内容,但是还只能算作是本书的缩略版本(就像印在封底的那样)。我只想让读者对本书中我们将学习和讨论的内容有一个感性认识。另外,阅读一个完整的游戏总是有益的,因为这带来许多需要读者思考的问题。在进入第二章之前,请先确保你能够轻松编译FreakOut游戏。如果还不行的话,请立即翻开编译器的书并且RTFM(阅读那恼人的使用手册!)。我等着你们。
