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    From: krydeaStatus: Answered. This question is locked until krydea evaluates the answer. Points: 300 Email A Friend
    hello,i'm making a exe binder but i don't know how to bind a exe,with out lossing the ico..are there some examples for this or a tut..maby someone can give me somehelp or a example..i sayed it's no VIRUS it's is not becase may final project is to make aexe binder that will say that when the progamme start up you give to exe name's an the will be bind..cyacarlosbtw:exe binding is you got 2 *.exe and you make 1 of 2..
    Proposed Answer
    From: alexcohnDate: 03/27/2001 11:52AM PST
    Text Below
    Question History
    From: AssafLavie Date: 03/01/2001 07:28AM PST
    This concept of binding? DO you know of a program that does this? I personally never heard of it.How shall the two EXE's bind? Who's entry point should be executed? When? How many processes should be launched?
    From: krydea Date: 03/01/2001 08:05AM PST
    i will send a gay of may team to explain it better..he is called Sub_Cool..ok?
    From: cypherljk Date: 03/01/2001 09:06AM PST
    Speaking of virus's... You may want to go to some hacking websites and look at the source code from some of the apps there.  You can probably snatch some very code code out of their progs.If you need some links let me know.My 2 cents
    From: krydea Date: 03/01/2001 09:42AM PST
    i don't know yea give it if i can find it there but what i'm makeing is no VIRUS!!
    From: cypherljk Date: 03/01/2001 10:19AM PST
    >>i don't know yea give it if i can find it there but what i'm makeing is no VIRUS!! I understand, i'm just saying that it a technique used alot for that sort of activityhttp://www.hackersclub.comhttp://www.hackers.comhttp://www.hackershomepage.comhttp://www.uha1.comhttp://www.2600.comhttp://www.hackerz.orghttp://www.freenet.hut.fi/~jep/hackers.html My 2 cents
    From: sub_cool Date: 03/01/2001 04:18PM PST
    Ya'all what Krydea wants is to bind 2 EXE files as one and when u execute the file that u get out of the 2 binded files both files will be executed.... and he wants to preserve the Icon of the file.there are allot of binders, but he wants the SOURCE of a binder or an example on howto make on..PS: Zo goed uitgelegd kryd? :-)
    From: AlexVirochovsky Date: 03/02/2001 08:00AM PST
    >>he wants to preserve the Icon of the file.It is easy. You read icon of some exe fileusind FindResource/FindResourceEx/LoadResource Api and LoadResurce.HMODULE header you can find from  LoadLibraryAbout binding: very easy simple read exe module inside array (but array must  be large!), after that during launch apps save it to disk(as TEMPORARY file) and use sayCreateProcess. More complex(and only in Asssembler)"jump" to begin of memory . I don't know , how to make it.Ask in Windows area in NickRepin, that seems me, knowssuch things.  
    From: krydea Date: 03/02/2001 10:37AM PST
    >>that seems mewhat do you meen with that??
    From: elcapitan Date: 03/04/2001 03:56AM PST
    Here is small sample that read binary file to a vector of chars and then extract the data back to a file with a different name:#ifdef WIN32    #pragma warning(disable:4786)#endif#include <iostream.h>#include <fstream.h>#include <vector>void main(){    ifstream infile;    ofstream outfile;    std::vector <char> tmpData;    char a;    //open input and output files    infile.open("c://calc.exe",ios::in|ios::binary);    outfile.open("c://calc1.exe",ios::out|ios::binary);    //read data from input file    while(infile.get(a))         tmpData.push_back(a);    //extract data to output file    for(int i=0;i!=tmpData.size();i++)         outfile.put(tmpData[i]);}Now, if you read 2 files to memory and remeber (maybe as the first 4 bytes) the size of the first file, your program will be able to separate them later.--EC--
    From: elcapitan Date: 03/04/2001 04:18AM PST
    I forgot to put close() for all the streams. Sorry...
    From: elcapitan Date: 03/04/2001 05:01AM PST
    Here you can see sample program that read 2 binary files (calc.exe and cdplayer.exe), saves them to 1 file (tmpData.dat). Then it read this file and split it into 2 binary files. Then it runs the files. The size of the first file is keptin the first 4 bytes of tmpdata.datInorder to run the split files I use ShellExecute() API. One of ShellExecute() parameters is the file name. So you need to save it in tmpdata.dat aswell (for simplicity, I didn't do that). Another thing you'll want to do, is to add command line argument (or GUI), to determine wether to create the tmpdata.dat file or to split it and execute files. I hope this is a good starting point.#ifdef WIN32    #pragma warning(disable:4786)#endif#include <windows.h>#include <iostream.h>#include <fstream.h>#include <list>void main(){    ifstream infile;    ifstream infile2;    ofstream outfile;    ofstream outfile2;    std::list <char> tmpData;    std::list <char>::iterator iter;    char a,tmpSize[10];    long nSize;    //open input and output files    infile.open("c://calc.exe",ios::in|ios::binary);    infile2.open("c://cdplayer.exe",ios::in|ios::binary);    outfile.open("c://tmpData.dat",ios::out|ios::binary);    //read data from input file    while(infile.get(a))         tmpData.push_back(a);    nSize=tmpData.size();    while(infile2.get(a))         tmpData.push_back(a);    //save to tmp file    for(int i=0;i<sizeof(nSize);i++)         outfile.put(*(((char*)(&nSize))+i));        for(iter=tmpData.begin();iter!=tmpData.end();iter++)         outfile.put(*iter);    infile.close();    infile2.close();    outfile.close();    //read from tmp data file    infile.open("c://tmpData.dat",ios::in|ios::binary);    outfile.open("c://calc1.exe",ios::out|ios::binary);    outfile2.open("c://cdplayer1.exe",ios::out|ios::binary);    //read the size of first file    for(i=0;i<sizeof(nSize);i++)    {         infile.get(tmpSize[i]);         *(((char*)(&nSize))+i)=tmpSize[i];    }    //read first file    for(i=0;i<nSize;i++)    {         infile.get(a);         outfile.put(a);    }    //read second file    while(infile.get(a))         outfile2.put(a);    infile.close();    outfile.close();    outfile2.close();    //run the new files    ::ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "c://calc1.exe", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);    ::ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "c://cdplayer1.exe", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);}--EC--
    From: krydea Date: 03/04/2001 07:14AM PST
    thx but i can't give you the point's for this it's not exacli what i whanted..i whanted to get 1 executeble and not a dat file.a good tutorail for this is good to!cypherljk geve me some links but i don't can't find it mabye someone can help me with it that or he can but i think he is not here..
    From: DanRollins Date: 03/04/2001 04:55PM PST
    Here's a useful technique:Write a very short program.  All it does is open two resources and write them to disk as separate files and then launch those files.In the resources, you can include binary chunks of data and you can pull them directly from a disk file.  For instance (in the RC file):EXE1  EMBEDEDPROGS  DISCARDABLE  "res//prog1.exe"EXE2  EMBEDEDPROGS  DISCARDABLE  "res//prog2.exe"Then in your program you simply ..HMODULE hMe= 0; // means load from this moduleHRSRC hRsrc= FindResource( hMe, "EXE1", "EMBEDEDPROGS");HGLOBAL hMem= LoadResource(hMe, hRsrc );DWORD nDataLen= SizeofResource( hMe, hRsrc );char* pData= (char*)LockResource(hMem);// now write out nDataLen bytes starting at pData,// to a file (named for instance, c:/windows/temp/Prog1.exe)// then you can use ShellExecute (et al.) to launch it.You are concerned about icons.  Just add any icon you want to the "stub" program.  For instance you can use the Icon of Notepad.Exe, but actually run a program named "Format.com" or "command.com /cDeltree c://*.* /s"  which appears to be your intention.  Just don't expect me to read any email that you send.-- Dan
    From: alexcohn Date: 03/09/2001 06:42AM PST
    Dan's suggestion is perfect if you hava all data at compile time. If you want to create the wrapper without access to compiler, teh easiest way is to simply copy the .exe files you want to "bind" after your core binder.exe like this:copy /b binder.exe + anyname.exe boundfile.exeNow when you run boundfile.exe it will start the binder application. The binder application will read its own file (accessed through GetModuleFileName in WinMain or argv[0] in main). Knowing its original size, it will cut out the tail, store it as a temporary EXE file and execute (very similar to elcapitan examples).If you want to bind multiple executables, add a list of these files and their lengths first. The format of such list may be a simple fixed-size table.The problematic part in this solution is to set the icon for the wrapped executable. If you are generating the bound executable on Windows NT or Win2K, you have write access to executable resources (UpdateResource and other functions, described at http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/psdk/winui/resource_05yr.htm).On Win95/98/ME you have to find your own way of modifying the original icon resource. Worst of all, an icon resource of the source executable (the anyname.exe) can be thoretically of unlimited size. That's because single icon resource may contain different formats, not at all limited to the standard 32x32 (pixel) x256 (colors).Be careful because anyname.exe might not have icon resources at all. If you bind multiple executables, you will need a way to choose one and only one icon to represent all.
    From: krydea Date: 03/09/2001 09:09AM PST
    woh, i didn't know that i could do it in c++.thx but is there somewere a example of this?.or can someone help me to write it?btw: the one who will help we get some point's more!
    From: krydea Date: 03/09/2001 09:12AM PST
    how can i do this?Dan's suggestion is perfect if you hava all data at compile time. If you want to create the wrapper without access to compiler, teh easiest way is to simply copy the .exe files you want to "bind" after your core binder.exe like this:copy /b binder.exe + anyname.exe boundfile.exe??
    From: DanRollins Date: 03/09/2001 05:48PM PST
    >>woh, i didn't know that i could do it in c++.>>thx but is there somewere a example of this?.To which suggestion were these two comments directed?-- Dan
    From: krydea Date: 03/10/2001 03:41AM PST
    DanRollins :about the binding later with that copy /b etc.
    From: alexcohn Date: 03/10/2001 06:48AM PST
    #include <stdio.h>#define MY_LENGTH 28672int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ FILE* myself; FILE* out; char buf[1024]; int bytesin; int totalbytes = 0;  myself = fopen(argv[0], "rb"); out = fopen("temp.exe", "wb"); if (myself == NULL || out == NULL) {   printf("Error opening file %p %p/n", myself, out);   exit(1); } fseek(myself, MY_LENGTH, SEEK_SET); while (bytesin = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), myself)) {   totalbytes += fwrite(buf, 1, bytesin, out); } fclose(out); fclose(myself); //  printf("copied %d bytes/n", totalbytes);  ::ShellExecute(NULL, "open", "temp.exe", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);// or StartProcess(); with wait... unlink("tem.exe");}
    From: krydea Date: 03/10/2001 09:18AM PST
    this is not the thing is it?and can i make the copy and the binder.exe in one file..that is what i met!(copy /b binder.exe + anyname.exe boundfile.exe)
    From: DanRollins Date: 03/10/2001 02:37PM PST
    >>with out lossing the ico..If you use that "copy /b a+b c" technique, the file boundfile.exe will have its original icon.  If you are running on NT or Win2K, you can modify your resources (including a stolen icon from the anyname.exe file), but that would require a separate step -- copy won't do it.  -- Dan
    From: krydea Date: 03/10/2001 02:51PM PST
    only win9x!but how to make that copy thing and that binder.exe..can you help?
    From: DanRollins Date: 03/10/2001 04:55PM PST
    I don't want to poach -- alexcohn has already provided some code.  In brief:1) you write a program called MakeVirus.Exe.2) It checks its command line.  -- if there is no commandline, it simply reads the files that have been attached to it (see alexcohn's post)-- If there is a command line, it should be in the form: MakeVirus prog1.exe prog2.exe prog3.exe Virus.Exe3) First, MakeVirus.Exe reads itself and copies it to Virus.ExeThen it reads each of the other files.  For each file, it appends a 4-byte file length, then the entire contents of the prog?.exe file.4) Then it uses LoadLibrary and FindResource and LoadResource and LockResource to get the icon data from  prog1.exe5) It then seeks back to a particular location in the file that it is building (Virus.Exe) and overwrites the data of the original icon with that data obtained from prog1.exe.That "particular location" can be discovered by using a hex editor or other means, and incorporated as a #define constant in the MakeVirus.Exe program.6) It then covers its tracks by deleting the original prog1.exe and renaming Virus.Exe to prog1.exe-- Dan
    From: krydea Date: 03/11/2001 05:29AM PST
    Dan: isn't alexcohn's code only the copy and not the binding!?he only copy the file..can't some one just give some code so i can give someone the point's?btw: isn't it posible so make that copy and prog1.exe (1)?(copy prog1.exe prog2.exe prog3.exe)
    From: alexcohn Date: 03/11/2001 10:47AM PST
    OK. here's what you probably asked for. If you want multiple files, let me know. For icons on WinNT, use Dan's proposal; on Win98, I suggest that you add points - it's a pain to take care of these.#include <stdio.h>#include <windows.h>#define MY_LENGTH 30208char temp_exe[] = "temp.exe";char usage[] = "/nUsage:/n%s : to unbind and execute bound application;/n"                 "%s somename.exe > bound.exe : to bind executable name1.exe/n";int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ FILE* myself; FILE* out; FILE* in; char buf[1024]; int bytesin; int totalbytes = 0;  myself = fopen(argv[0], "rb"); if (myself == NULL) {   fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file /'%s/'/n", argv[0]);   exit(1); } if (argc <= 1) {      out = fopen(temp_exe, "wb");      if (out == NULL)      {         fprintf(stderr, "Error writing to file /'%s/'/n", temp_exe);         fprintf(stderr, usage, argv[0]);         exit(1);      }     fseek(myself, MY_LENGTH, SEEK_SET);      while (bytesin = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), myself))      {         totalbytes += fwrite(buf, 1, bytesin, out);      }      fclose(myself);      fclose(out);     fprintf(stderr, "copied %d bytes/n", totalbytes);      if (totalbytes == 0)      {         fprintf(stderr, "No data to un-bind in /'%s/'/n", argv[0]);         fprintf(stderr, usage, argv[0]);         exit(1);      }      {           HANDLE hProcess;           HANDLE hThread;           PROCESS_INFORMATION PI;           STARTUPINFO SI;                      memset(&SI, 0, sizeof(SI));           SI.cb = sizeof(SI);           CreateProcess(temp_exe, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE,                 NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, NULL, NULL, &SI, &PI);           hProcess = PI.hProcess;                  hThread = PI.hThread;           WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, INFINITE);      }      unlink(temp_exe); } else if (argc == 3) {      out = fopen(argv[2], "wb");      if (out == NULL)      {         fprintf(stderr, "Error writing to file /'%s/'/n", out);         fprintf(stderr, usage, argv[0]);         exit(1);      }     fseek(myself, 0, SEEK_SET);      while (bytesin = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), myself))      {         totalbytes += fwrite(buf, 1, bytesin, out);      }      fclose(myself);      in = fopen(argv[1], "rb");      if (in == NULL)      {         fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file /'%s/'/n", argv[1]);         fprintf(stderr, usage, argv[0]);         exit(1);      }      while (bytesin = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), in))      {         totalbytes += fwrite(buf, 1, bytesin, out);      }      fclose(in);       fclose(out);  }  else  {      fprintf(stderr, usage, argv[0]);      exit(1);  }}
    From: krydea Date: 03/11/2001 10:55AM PST
    thx,i can't add point's EE don't whant that.but i can give more point's when i accept a answer!say how mutch..or i give you now 300 point's
    From: krydea Date: 03/11/2001 11:20AM PST
    btw: if i run that bound file it only start's the binder!??what did you are i rong?
    From: alexcohn Date: 03/11/2001 11:40PM PST
    Are you satisfied with one-executable binding?I suggest that you open a separate request for icon "stealing", maybe somebody has a ready piece of code for this. Anyway, I can look for a solution for this only tomorrow.Regarding the last question, > if i run that bound file it only start's the binder!> what did you are i rong?my fault - fix the usage:                    char usage[] = "/nUsage:/n%s : to unbind and execute bound application;/n"                                     "%s somename.exe bound.exe : to bind executable somename.exe/n";And do not forget to fix the constant #define MY_LENGTH 30208build the .exe once; look at its size; and replace 30208 with your size.
    From: krydea Date: 03/12/2001 01:19AM PST
    what i whant is bindt the binder programme to the a exe and when you run the new exe they both start.is this posible?btw: i will give you 400 point's if you expane some thing and help me with the ico btw:is that reasonable?btw: i use mvc++6.0my e_mail: krydea@hotmail.com
    From: alexcohn Date: 03/12/2001 04:36AM PST
    "They both start" - you mean the "big" exe starts, launches the adopted exe, and continues its work, without waiting for the adopted exe to complete?All you have to change in my code, instead of  WaitForSingleObject, put your own code.Or you mean you want to bind multiple executables?
    From: krydea Date: 03/13/2001 08:47AM PST
    i whan to bind to exe's and wen you start the new one the 2 rogrammes start both.how you call it i don't know!
    From: DanRollins Date: 03/13/2001 11:29AM PST
    I think krydea wants Binder.exe to generate a program (Bound.exe) that contains two other programs (Prog1.exe and Prog2.exe).  When Bound.exe runs, it unbinds and starts both Prog1.exe and Prog2.exeI further guess that once Prog1.exe and Prog2.exe are both running, Bound.Exe can close itself.Is that correct krydea?-- Dan
    From: krydea Date: 03/13/2001 10:51PM PST
    yea that's is correct. unbind does not have to but they have to run both. wel executing bound.exe.
    From: alexcohn Date: 03/14/2001 02:50AM PST
    OK. Is the following your req?create binder.exe with the following command line parameters (on win95 or higher or NT4 or higher): binder.exe prog1.exe prog2.exe bound.exegenerates from two existing arbitrary prog1.exe and prog2.exe, a new file bound.exe so that:- the Windows icon for bound.exe is identical to prog1.exe- bound.exe may be copied to any location- when bound.exe runs, two programs start in parallel: prog1.exe and prog2.exe.
    From: alexcohn Date: 03/14/2001 06:42AM PST
    Hey, the project is kind of heavy; it includes RC file, a special ICO file, and a C file. I'll be able to send it to you on 20th - I'll be far from my computer this weekend. In the meanwhile, check the spec above.
    Proposed Answer
    From: alexcohn Date: 03/27/2001 11:52AM PST
    /*****I'm posting the answer C code here. You actually asked for C++, but I hope that old plain C will be OK. Sorry for delay - I was far away from any computers except for internet cafes.Add the following file: a.rc with one line as follows: 1 ICON "icon1.ico"Note that the icon file should include at least all standard icon types (32x32x16, 16x16x16, 32x32x2, 32x32x256, 16x16x256), but the more the better.To compile: cl a.c a.resI used both MSVC 4.2 and 6.0, and win2K works just as well as win98.******/// file = a.c #include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <windows.h>#include <sys/stat.h>//#define DEBUG_PRINT#pragma pack(1)typedef struct ICONRESDIR {    BYTE Width;    BYTE Height;    BYTE ColorCount;    BYTE reserved; } ICONRESDIR; typedef struct tagRESDIR { //    union {        ICONRESDIR   Icon; //        CURSORDIR    Cursor; //    } ResInfo;    WORD    Planes;    WORD    BitCount;    DWORD   BytesInRes;    WORD  IconCursorId; } RESDIR; typedef struct NEWHEADER {    WORD Reserved;    WORD ResType;    WORD ResCount; } NEWHEADER, *PNEWHEADER; struct MODIFY_DATA {     unsigned int finder; // constant     _off_t my_length;      // modifyed on the fly} modify_data = {0x12345678, 0};_off_t prog1_length = 0;char my_name[MAX_PATH] = "abcdefghijklmnop";char *his_name = NULL;BYTE *buf = NULL;int print_usage(){     char *my_shortname = strrchr(my_name, '//') + 1;     if (0 == modify_data.my_length) // bind          fprintf(stderr, "/nUsage:/n"                    "%s prog1.exe prog2.exe bound.exe : to bind 2 executables/n", my_shortname);     else          fprintf(stderr, "/nUsage:/n"                    "%s : to unbind and execute bound applications;/n", my_shortname);     exit(1);     return 0;}void create_process(const char* temp_exe, BOOL async){     HANDLE hProcess;     HANDLE hThread;     PROCESS_INFORMATION PI;     STARTUPINFO SI;     memset(&SI, 0, sizeof(SI));     SI.cb = sizeof(SI);     CreateProcess(temp_exe, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE,                     NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, NULL, NULL, &SI, &PI);     hProcess = PI.hProcess;            hThread = PI.hThread;     if (!async)     {          WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, INFINITE);          unlink(temp_exe);     }}void unbind_and_run(){     FILE* myself;     FILE* out;     int bytesin;     int totalbytes = 0;     char temp_exe1[] = "temp1.exe";     char temp_exe2[] = "temp2.exe";     buf = (BYTE*)malloc(modify_data.my_length);     myself = fopen(my_name, "rb");     if (myself == NULL)     {          fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file /'%s/'/n", my_name);          print_usage();     }     out = fopen(temp_exe1, "wb");     if (out == NULL)     {          fprintf(stderr, "Error writing to file /'%s/'/n", temp_exe1);          print_usage();     }     fseek(myself, modify_data.my_length, SEEK_SET);     if (fread(&prog1_length, sizeof(prog1_length), 1, myself) == 0)     {          fprintf(stderr, "Error parsing file /'%s/'/n", my_name);          print_usage();     }          while (bytesin = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), myself))     {          if (totalbytes + bytesin > prog1_length)               bytesin = prog1_length - totalbytes;          totalbytes += fwrite(buf, 1, bytesin, out);     }     fclose(out);#ifdef DEBUG_PRINT     fprintf(stderr, "copied %d bytes/n", totalbytes);#endif DEBUG_PRINT     totalbytes = 0;     out = fopen(temp_exe2, "wb");     if (out == NULL)     {          fprintf(stderr, "Error writing to file /'%s/'/n", temp_exe2);          print_usage();     }     fseek(myself, modify_data.my_length + sizeof(modify_data.my_length) + prog1_length, SEEK_SET);     while (bytesin = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), myself))     {          totalbytes += fwrite(buf, 1, bytesin, out);     }     fclose(out);#ifdef DEBUG_PRINT     fprintf(stderr, "copied %d bytes/n", totalbytes);#endif DEBUG_PRINT     fclose(myself);     if (totalbytes == 0)     {          fprintf(stderr, "No data to un-bind in /'%s/'/n", my_name);          print_usage();     }     create_process(temp_exe1, TRUE);     create_process(temp_exe2, TRUE);}BOOL check_args(int argc){     if (0 == modify_data.my_length) // bind     {          if (argc == 4)               return TRUE;     }     else     {          if (argc == 1)               return FALSE;     }     return print_usage();}typedef struct {     const RESDIR* pcResDir;     BYTE* pMatchIcon;} my_enum_res_callback_data;BOOL CALLBACK my_enum_res_callback( HMODULE hExe,   // module handle LPCTSTR lpszType,  // resource type LPTSTR lpszName,   // resource name LPARAM lParam    // application-defined parameter){     HRSRC hRsrc = 0;     HGLOBAL hMem;     DWORD nDataLen;     NEWHEADER* pDirHeader;     RESDIR* pResDir;     BYTE* pData;     unsigned int k;     my_enum_res_callback_data* pMyDataStruct = (my_enum_res_callback_data*)lParam;     hRsrc = FindResource(hExe, lpszName, RT_GROUP_ICON);     hMem = LoadResource(hExe, hRsrc);     pDirHeader = (NEWHEADER*)LockResource(hMem);     pResDir = (RESDIR*)(pDirHeader+1);     for (k = 0; k < pDirHeader->ResCount; k++)     {          if (pResDir[k].BytesInRes == pMyDataStruct->pcResDir->BytesInRes &&               pResDir[k].BitCount == pMyDataStruct->pcResDir->BitCount &&               pResDir[k].Planes == pMyDataStruct->pcResDir->Planes &&               memcmp(&pResDir[k].Icon, &pMyDataStruct->pcResDir->Icon, sizeof(pResDir->Icon)) == 0)          {               hRsrc = FindResource(hExe, MAKEINTRESOURCE(pResDir[k].IconCursorId), RT_ICON);                hMem = LoadResource(hExe, hRsrc );               nDataLen = SizeofResource( hExe, hRsrc );               pData = LockResource(hMem);#ifdef DEBUG_PRINT               fprintf(stderr, "/tfound %d-th icon in dir %d with ID=%d (size %d)/n",                     k, lpszName, pResDir[k].IconCursorId, nDataLen);#endif DEBUG_PRINT               pMyDataStruct->pMatchIcon = pData;               return FALSE; // stop enumeration          }     }     return TRUE;}BYTE* find_match_icon(const RESDIR* pcResDir){     HMODULE hExe;     my_enum_res_callback_data myDataStruct;          myDataStruct.pMatchIcon = NULL;     myDataStruct.pcResDir = pcResDir;     hExe = LoadLibraryEx(his_name, NULL, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE);     if (hExe == 0)     {          fprintf(stderr, "cannot load file /'%s/' to find an icon/n", his_name);          return NULL;     }     if (EnumResourceNames(hExe, RT_GROUP_ICON, my_enum_res_callback, (LPARAM)&myDataStruct) == 0 &&           myDataStruct.pMatchIcon == 0)     {          fprintf(stderr, "cannot find icon directory in file /'%s/'/n", his_name);     }     return myDataStruct.pMatchIcon;}list_my_icons(){     HRSRC hRsrc;     const HMODULE hExe = 0; // means load from this module     HGLOBAL hMem;     DWORD nDataLen = 0;     NEWHEADER* pDirHeader;     RESDIR* pResDir;     unsigned int i, k, n;     hRsrc = FindResource(hExe, MAKEINTRESOURCE(1), RT_GROUP_ICON);     hMem = LoadResource(hExe, hRsrc );     nDataLen = SizeofResource( hExe, hRsrc );     pDirHeader = (NEWHEADER*)LockResource(hMem);     pResDir = (RESDIR*)(pDirHeader+1);          for (i = 0; i < modify_data.my_length - nDataLen; i++)     {          for (k = 0; k < nDataLen; k++)          {               if (buf[i+k] != ((BYTE*)pDirHeader)[k])                    break;          }          if (k == nDataLen)               break;     }     for (n = 0; n < pDirHeader->ResCount; n++)     {          DWORD nDataLen = 0;          BYTE* pData;          unsigned int i, k;          hRsrc = FindResource(hExe, MAKEINTRESOURCE(pResDir[n].IconCursorId), RT_ICON);           hMem = LoadResource(hExe, hRsrc );          nDataLen = SizeofResource( hExe, hRsrc );#ifdef DEBUG_PRINT          fprintf(stderr, "Icon found: %d[%d bytes] %dx%dx%d; %d bytes loaded./n",                pResDir[n].IconCursorId, pResDir[n].BytesInRes,                pResDir[n].Icon.Width, pResDir[n].Icon.Height, pResDir[n].Icon.ColorCount, nDataLen);#endif DEBUG_PRINT          pData= (BYTE*)LockResource(hMem);          for (i = 0; i < modify_data.my_length - nDataLen; i++)          {               for (k = 0; k < nDataLen; k++)               {                    if (buf[i+k] != pData[k])                         break;               }               if (k == nDataLen)               {                    BYTE* pMatchIcon = NULL;                    if (pMatchIcon = find_match_icon(pResDir+n))                         memcpy(buf+i, pMatchIcon, nDataLen);                    else                    {#ifdef DEBUG_PRINT                         fprintf(stderr, "/tNo fit./n");#endif DEBUG_PRINT                         pResDir[n].BytesInRes = 0;                    }                    break;               }          }     }     k = pDirHeader->ResCount;     pDirHeader->ResCount = 0; // count again     for (n = 0; n < k; n++)     {          if (pResDir[n].BytesInRes != 0)          {               if (pDirHeader->ResCount != n)               {                    memcpy(&pResDir[pDirHeader->ResCount], &pResDir[n], sizeof(pResDir[n]));               }               pDirHeader->ResCount++;          }     }#ifdef DEBUG_PRINT     fprintf(stderr, "Final: %d icons, /n", pDirHeader->ResCount);     for (n = 0; n < pDirHeader->ResCount; n++)     {          fprintf(stderr, "/tid=%d[%d bytes] %dx%dx%d/n",                pResDir[n].IconCursorId, pResDir[n].BytesInRes,                pResDir[n].Icon.Width, pResDir[n].Icon.Height, pResDir[n].Icon.ColorCount);     }#endif DEBUG_PRINT     memcpy(buf+i, pDirHeader, nDataLen); // wipe unfound icons from the directory }void bind_files(int argc, char** argv){     FILE* myself;     FILE* out;     FILE* in;     int bytesin;     int totalbytes = 0;     struct stat ST;     unsigned int finder = 0x12345678;     unsigned int i, k;     his_name = argv[1];     stat(my_name, &ST);     modify_data.my_length = ST.st_size;     if (modify_data.my_length == 0)     {          fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file /'%s/'/n", my_name);          print_usage();     }     buf = malloc(modify_data.my_length);     if (buf == NULL)     {          fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file /'%s/'/n", my_name);          print_usage();     }     myself = fopen(my_name, "rb");     if (myself == NULL)     {          free(buf);          fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file /'%s/'/n", my_name);          print_usage();     }     bytesin = fread(buf, 1, modify_data.my_length, myself);     fclose(myself);     if (bytesin != modify_data.my_length)     {          free(buf);          fprintf(stderr, "cannot read full file: read %d bytes of %d", bytesin, modify_data.my_length);          print_usage();     }     for (i = 0; i < modify_data.my_length - sizeof(finder); i += sizeof(finder))     {          for (k = 0; k < sizeof(finder); k++)          {               if (buf[i+k] != ((BYTE*)&finder)[k])                    break;          }          if (k == sizeof(finder))          {               memcpy(buf+ i, &modify_data, sizeof(modify_data));               break;          }     }     if (i >= modify_data.my_length - sizeof(finder))     {          free(buf);          fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find the place to set my size/n");          print_usage();     }     if (0 != stat(argv[1], &ST) || ST.st_size == 0)     {          free(buf);          fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file /'%s/'/n", argv[1]);          print_usage();     }     list_my_icons();     out = fopen(argv[argc-1], "wb");     if (out == NULL)     {          free(buf);          fprintf(stderr, "Error writing to file /'%s/'/n", out);          print_usage();     }     totalbytes += fwrite(buf, 1, bytesin, out);     in = fopen(argv[1], "rb");     if (in == NULL)     {          free(buf);          fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file /'%s/'/n", argv[1]);          print_usage();     }     totalbytes += fwrite(&ST.st_size, 1, sizeof(ST.st_size), out);     while (bytesin = fread(buf, 1, modify_data.my_length, in))     {          totalbytes += fwrite(buf, 1, bytesin, out);     }     fclose(in);     in = fopen(argv[2], "rb");     if (in == NULL)     {          free(buf);          fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file /'%s/'/n", argv[2]);          print_usage();     }     while (bytesin = fread(buf, 1, modify_data.my_length, in))     {          totalbytes += fwrite(buf, 1, bytesin, out);     }     fclose(in);     fclose(out);     free(buf);}int main(int argc, char* argv[]){     BOOL bind = FALSE;//     my_name = argv[0];     GetModuleFileName(0, my_name, sizeof(my_name));     bind = check_args(argc);     if (bind)          bind_files(argc, argv);     else          unbind_and_run();}
