I am back again!

    技术2022-05-11  30

    这次回来多少有点无奈。 我刚刚由转向blogger的服务, 这家blog服务商系出google, 并且支持office自动发布, 所以用起来特别爽。 最近竟然发现无法访问了, 于是我向blogger投诉, 没想到竟然是这个结果。。。。。。。 Hi there, It's so sad that I found I like blogger very much but I can't use it. I am in china, so maybe the government do that. It's histories.:( It seems like I should use 's service again. Maybe someday I could use blogger again. Thanks for your help! Best wishes! Coofucoo Zhang 3/23/2007 -----邮件原件----- 发件人: Blogger Help [mailto:support@blogger.com] 发送时间: 2007年3月23日 3:19 收件人: {U 776985230703 B 4030616683023703046} 主题: Re: [#126513466] I can't see my blog for a lot of days! Hi there, I'm afraid that your local government has been blocking all Blog*Spot pages from being shown within that country. I'm sorry about that, but unfortunately there's not much we can do. If you have access to another server, or if you would like to purchase a hosting service from another company, you can still use Blogger to publish your blog there, and you will probably be able to view the results. Sincerely, Brenna The Blogger Team 严重鄙视政府的过分行为!!!  但是没办法, 毕竟在国内还是比较好的, 所以继续这里的日记。 也许有一天, 中国的网民可以真正自由的选择自己的服务商。 这里提供一句我写的话给政府: 随着时代的发展,企图控制信息的行为都会失败,而试图加速信息流动,加速信息价值实现的行为将会受到上帝褒奖。
