
    技术2022-05-11  134



    procedure TMainForm.RunDosInMemo(const DosApp: string; AMemo: TMemo);const  {设置ReadBuffer的大小}  ReadBuffer = 2400;var  Security: TSecurityAttributes;  ReadPipe, WritePipe: THandle;  start: TStartUpInfo;  ProcessInfo: TProcessInformation;  Buffer: PChar;  BytesRead: DWord;  Buf: string;begin  with Security do  begin    nlength := SizeOf(TSecurityAttributes);    binherithandle := true;    lpsecuritydescriptor := nil;  end;  {创建一个命名管道用来捕获console程序的输出}  if Createpipe(ReadPipe, WritePipe, @Security, 0) then  begin    Buffer := AllocMem(ReadBuffer + 1);    FillChar(Start, Sizeof(Start), #0)    {设置console程序的启动属性}    with start do    begin      cb := SizeOf(start);      start.lpReserved := nil;      lpDesktop := nil;      lpTitle := nil;      dwX := 0;      dwY := 0;      dwXSize := 0;      dwYSize := 0;      dwXCountChars := 0;      dwYCountChars := 0;      dwFillAttribute := 0;      cbReserved2 := 0;      lpReserved2 := nil;      hStdOutput := WritePipe; //将输出定向到我们建立的WritePipe上      hStdInput := ReadPipe; //将输入定向到我们建立的ReadPipe上      hStdError := WritePipe;//将错误输出定向到我们建立的WritePipe上      dwFlags := STARTF_USESTDHANDLES or STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW;      wShowWindow := SW_HIDE;//设置窗口为hide    end;

        try      {创建一个子进程,运行console程序}      if CreateProcess(nil, PChar(DosApp), @Security, @Security, true,        NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS,        nil, nil, start, ProcessInfo) then      begin       {等待进程运行结束}        WaitForSingleObject(ProcessInfo.hProcess, INFINITE);        {关闭输出...开始没有关掉它,结果如果没有输出的话,程序死掉了。}        CloseHandle(WritePipe);        Buf := '';        {读取console程序的输出}        repeat          BytesRead := 0;          ReadFile(ReadPipe, Buffer[0], ReadBuffer, BytesRead, nil);          Buffer[BytesRead] := #0;          OemToAnsi(Buffer, Buffer);          Buf := Buf + string(Buffer);        until (BytesRead < ReadBuffer);

            SendDebug(Buf);       {按照换行符进行分割,并在Memo中显示出来}        while pos(#10, Buf) > 0 do        begin          AMemo.Lines.Add(Copy(Buf, 1, pos(#10, Buf) - 1));          Delete(Buf, 1, pos(#10, Buf));        end;      end;    finally      FreeMem(Buffer);      CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hProcess);      CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hThread);      CloseHandle(ReadPipe);    end;  end;end;
