【VB源码推荐:一个操作Ini文件的类】'--------cIniFile.cls 代码----------------'这里定义了一个cIniFile类Option Explicit'// Private member that holds a reference to'// the path of our ini filePrivate strInI As String'// Win API DeclaresPrivate Declare Function WritePrivateProfileString _ Lib "kernel32" Alias "WritePrivateProfileStringA" _(ByVal lpApplicationName As String, _ ByVal lpKeyName As Any, _ ByVal lpString As Any, _ ByVal lpFileName As String) As LongPrivate Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString _ Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetPrivateProfileStringA" _(ByVal lpApplicationName As String, _ ByVal lpKeyName As Any, _ ByVal lpDefault As String, _ ByVal lpReturnedString As String, _ ByVal nSize As Long, _ ByVal lpFileName As String) As LongPrivate Function MakePath(ByVal strDrv As String, _ ByVal strDir As String) As String'// Makes an INI file: Guarantees a sub dirDo While Right$(strDrv, 1) = "/" strDrv = Left$(strDrv, Len(strDrv) - 1)LoopDo While Left$(strDir, 1) = "/" strDir = Mid$(strDir, 2)Loop'// Return the pathMakePath = strDrv & "/" & strDirEnd FunctionPublic Sub CreateIni(strDrv As String, strDir As String)'// Make a new ini filestrInI = MakePath(strDrv, strDir)End SubPublic Sub WriteFile(strSection As String, _strKey As String, _strValue As String)'// Write to strINIWritePrivateProfileString strSection, _ strKey, strValue, strInIEnd SubPublic Function GetFile(strSection As String, _ strKey As String) As String Dim strTmp As String Dim lngRet As String strTmp = String$(100, Chr(32)) lngRet = GetPrivateProfileString(strSection, _ strKey, "", strTmp, _ Len(strTmp), strInI) GetFile = strTmpEnd FunctionPublic Property Let INIFile(ByVal New_IniPath As String)'// Sets the new ini pathstrInI = New_IniPathEnd PropertyPublic Property Get INIFile() As String'// Returns the current ini pathINIFile = strInIEnd Property'--------cIniFile.cls 使用举例---------------- Dim myIniFile As New cIniFile '---指定访问的ini文件 If Len(App.Path) > 3 Then 'under disk root dir , eg: "C:/" myIniFile.INIFile = App.Path & "/setting.ini" Else myIniFile.INIFile = App.Path & "setting.ini" End If '---写入ini文件 myIniFile.WriteFile "setting", "username", strUser '---读出ini文件的数据 ' 注意,如果是字符串,则去掉末尾一个字符 ' ----flybird@chinaasp.com strUser = Trim(myIniFile.GetFile("setting", "username")) strUser = Left(strUser, Len(strUser) - 1)