iczelion tut7

    技术2022-05-11  37




    Tutorial 7: Mouse Input

    We will learn how to receive and respond to mouse input in our window procedure. The example program will wait for left mouse clicks and display a text string at the exact clicked spot in the client area.


    As with keyboard input, Windows detects and sends notifications about mouse activities that are relevant to each window. Those activities include left and right clicks, mouse cursor movement over window, double clicks. Unlike keyboard input which is directed to the window that has input focus, mouse messages are sent to any window that the mouse cursor is over, active or not. In addition, there are mouse messages about the non-client area too. But most of the time, we can blissfully ignore them. We can focus on those relating to the client area. There are two messages for each mouse button: WM_LBUTTONDOWN,WM_RBUTTONDOWN and WM_LBUTTONUP, WM_RBUTTONUP messages. For a mouse with three buttons, there are also WM_MBUTTONDOWN and WM_MBUTTONUP. When the mouse cursor moves over the client area, Windows sends WM_MOUSEMOVE messages to the window under the cursor. A window can receive double click messages, WM_LBUTTONDBCLK or WM_RBUTTONDBCLK, if and only if its window class has CS_DBLCLKS style flag, else the window will receive only a series of mouse button up and down messages. For all these messages, the value of lParam contains the position of the mouse. The low word is the x-coordinate, and the high word is the y-coordinate relative to upper left corner of the client area of the window. wParam indicates the state of the mouse buttons and Shift and Ctrl keys.  


    .386 .model flat,stdcall option casemap:none

    WinMain proto :DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD

    include /masm32/include/windows.inc include /masm32/include/user32.inc include /masm32/include/kernel32.inc include /masm32/include/gdi32.inc includelib /masm32/lib/user32.lib includelib /masm32/lib/kernel32.lib includelib /masm32/lib/gdi32.lib

    .data ClassName db "SimpleWinClass",0 AppName  db "Our First Window",0 MouseClick db 0         ; 0=no click yet

    .data? hInstance HINSTANCE ? CommandLine LPSTR ? hitpoint POINT <>

    .code start:     invoke GetModuleHandle, NULL     mov    hInstance,eax     invoke GetCommandLine    mov CommandLine,eax     invoke WinMain, hInstance,NULL,CommandLine, SW_SHOWDEFAULT     invoke ExitProcess,eax

    WinMain proc hInst:HINSTANCE,hPrevInst:HINSTANCE,CmdLine:LPSTR,CmdShow:DWORD     LOCAL wc:WNDCLASSEX     LOCAL msg:MSG     LOCAL hwnd:HWND     mov   wc.cbSize,SIZEOF WNDCLASSEX     mov   wc.style, CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW     mov   wc.lpfnWndProc, OFFSET WndProc     mov   wc.cbClsExtra,NULL     mov   wc.cbWndExtra,NULL     push  hInst     pop   wc.hInstance     mov   wc.hbrBackground,COLOR_WINDOW+1     mov   wc.lpszMenuName,NULL     mov   wc.lpszClassName,OFFSET ClassName     invoke LoadIcon,NULL,IDI_APPLICATION     mov   wc.hIcon,eax     mov   wc.hIconSm,eax     invoke LoadCursor,NULL,IDC_ARROW     mov   wc.hCursor,eax     invoke RegisterClassEx, addr wc     invoke CreateWindowEx,NULL,ADDR ClassName,ADDR AppName,/            WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,CW_USEDEFAULT,/            CW_USEDEFAULT,CW_USEDEFAULT,CW_USEDEFAULT,NULL,NULL,/            hInst,NULL     mov   hwnd,eax     invoke ShowWindow, hwnd,SW_SHOWNORMAL     invoke UpdateWindow, hwnd     .WHILE TRUE                 invoke GetMessage, ADDR msg,NULL,0,0                 .BREAK .IF (!eax)                 invoke DispatchMessage, ADDR msg     .ENDW     mov     eax,msg.wParam     ret WinMain endp

    WndProc proc hWnd:HWND, uMsg:UINT, wParam:WPARAM, lParam:LPARAM     LOCAL hdc:HDC     LOCAL ps:PAINTSTRUCT

        .IF uMsg==WM_DESTROY         invoke PostQuitMessage,NULL     .ELSEIF uMsg==WM_LBUTTONDOWN         mov eax,lParam         and eax,0FFFFh         mov hitpoint.x,eax         mov eax,lParam         shr eax,16         mov hitpoint.y,eax         mov MouseClick,TRUE         invoke InvalidateRect,hWnd,NULL,TRUE     .ELSEIF uMsg==WM_PAINT         invoke BeginPaint,hWnd, ADDR ps         mov    hdc,eax         .IF MouseClick             invoke lstrlen,ADDR AppName             invoke TextOut,hdc,hitpoint.x,hitpoint.y,ADDR AppName,eax         .ENDIF         invoke EndPaint,hWnd, ADDR ps     .ELSE         invoke DefWindowProc,hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam         ret     .ENDIF     xor    eax,eax     ret WndProc endp end start  


        .ELSEIF uMsg==WM_LBUTTONDOWN         mov eax,lParam         and eax,0FFFFh         mov hitpoint.x,eax         mov eax,lParam         shr eax,16         mov hitpoint.y,eax         mov MouseClick,TRUE         invoke InvalidateRect,hWnd,NULL,TRUE

    The window procedure waits for left mouse button click. When it receives WM_LBUTTONDOWN, lParam contains the coordinate of the mouse cursor in the client area. It saves the coordinate in a variable of type POINT which is defined as:

    POINT STRUCT     x   dd ?     y   dd ? POINT ENDS

    and sets the flag, MouseClick, to TRUE, meaning that there's at least a left mouse button click in the client area.

            mov eax,lParam         and eax,0FFFFh         mov hitpoint.x,eax

    Since x-coordinate is the low word of lParam and the members of POINT structure are 32-bit in size, we have to zero out the high word of eax prior to storing it in hitpoint.x.

            shr eax,16         mov hitpoint.y,eax

    Because y-coordinate is the high word of lParam, we must put it in the low word of eax prior to storing it in hitpoint.y. We do this by shifting eax 16 bits to the right. After storing the mouse position, we set the flag, MouseClick, to TRUE in order to let the painting code in WM_PAINT section know that there's at least a click in the client area so it can draw the string at the mouse position. Next  we call InvalidateRect function to force the window to repaint its entire client area.

            .IF MouseClick             invoke lstrlen,ADDR AppName             invoke TextOut,hdc,hitpoint.x,hitpoint.y,ADDR AppName,eax         .ENDIF

    The painting code in WM_PAINT section must check if MouseClick is true, since when the window was created, it received a WM_PAINT message which at that time, no mouse click had occurred so it should not draw the string in the client area. We initialize MouseClick to FALSE and change its value to TRUE when an actual mouse click occurs. If at least one mouse click has occurred, it draws the string in the client area at the mouse position. Note that it calls lstrlen to get the length of the string to display and sends the length as the last parameter of TextOut function.
